Mark McIntyre said:
Mabden wrote:
[discussion on when and where the first computer was invented]
<yawn> Someone get back to me when I'm proven right.
I mean, I'm talking about race cars and you guys are trying to credit
Ogg the inventor of the wheel with creating the original
Sure, if you choose to re define "first computer" to some suitable
reference for your purposes, you can 'prove' anything you like. Do you
perhaps see the tiny flaw in this approach?
Perhaps. My thought was Personal Computer. Later I spoke of the PDA as
something separate, yet it is just a small computer and harkens back to
the Enigma Machine or Difference Engine or whatever they were fighting
about; ENIAC and Maniacs or something. One thing is certain, however. I
was NOT talking about some room-sized computer made of vacuum tubes and
relay switches. Nor something like an abacus, or cash register.
I was really meaning (in my head) the paradigm shift; the concept. The
"two guys in a garage" putting together something new from parts they
got from Radio Shack. William Gates III did not invent BASIC or write
DOS, but he sure as Hell created MicroSoft.
People were saying that "outsourcing" doesn't mean only jobs leaving the
USA and going to foreign countries, namely India and China; although
Mexico and Canada began the trend early than that. They were saying that
the whole world doesn't resolve around the US, and so I shot off a bunch
of examples of America things that were ubiquitous around the world. I
was talking about the PC, Windows, books (again, really meaning, in my
head, the technical books that the programming crowd would probably
have, as I do, around my desk within immediate reach). Then I got
carried away and started to (read "continued to", if you like) spout
nonsense about fonts and protocols, and so on. My bad there. Then I made
the biggest mistake, as I believe most would agree, in missing the
delete button and hitting send instead. ;-)