Hi Xho-
This is actually a very intriguing post of yours...
You say you *almost never* get flamed-
and that's a *good* thing?
Whether it is good or bad, it contradicts your assertions.
If I was in a friendship where I was *almost never*
beaten up, would that be a "good thing" ??
I guess it would depend whether you like rough-housing. It seems like
beating each other up is nearly a prerequisite for friendship for some
people, particularly young male people. Although is a pretty weird analogy
in the first place, as this group isn't alt.callahans or something like
My guess is that the Qquestion/(s) you posted did not
deserve to be flamed-
Which ones? The ones that were flamed or the ones that weren't?
Abusive people work on the motto that the people they
beat up "deserve it". Trust me; they know who they
So if I don't know if I am one of those people or not, does that mean I'm
not one of those people?
Just some food for thought.