Moving to new form of usenet ideas?


Lester Zick

Hardly. My reply to your statement that the least you could do
would be to take affront or possibly umbrage was to illustrate the
logical inconsistency in your reasoning by pointing out that there
was a course you could have taken which would have allowed you to
do even less.

Why don't you explain it to us.


Lester Zick

Mentally perhaps. This only means that the drinking you claim to be
doing will cause you to depart from us quite early in life.

Hooray for that!

That's the most you can celebrate?


Lester Zick

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:22:39 -0500, John Fields

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:27:58 -0700, Lester Zick

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:03:23 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

You're a goddamned retard.

I know. I've been meaning to speak to my faculty advisor about it but
much like you he thinks reality is played on a Nintendo GameCube too.

Never owned one, you retarded ****.

Faculty advisor? Can't say as I've owned one either. See, the problem
here, oh Chairman of the dorks, is that in science we prefer to state
definitive rationale for what we say. And despite our appreciation for
your unadorned opinions we find they contribute far more to the anals
of science than its annals.

Then you should certainly welcome the contributions.

A big, wooden, splintery NYPD broomstick handle! :-]

Probably more in keeping with your experience.

Shoving them up retarded folks like yours asses till it exits your
mouth?... yeah, sure. I enjoy it.

Opinions and shit have assholes like you in common.
Would you like to make an

Bring it on.


Lester Zick

Wherein Captain Obvious describes his anal fixations.

Well, in my case, opinions come out of my mouth and the ends of my
fingers, and shit comes out of my asshole, but in yours it seems
they both spew from your lips as well as your fingertips.

So what do you use your asshole for? (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...)

Do try to come up with something entertaining, won't you?

Already have. Now it's your turn.


Lester Zick

You piss and moan when I call you the retarded **** that you are, yet
you feel it is OK to spew horseshit like this, and consider yourself
intelligent for doing so?

No, just funny. Humor, like motions to adjourn, is always in order.
Your IQ just dropped another 40 points. I'd say you are leaning toward
negative numbers soon.

Nearer, my God, to thee.


Lester Zick

You've already said that.

Lottsa people've already said that. See collateral thread where you
can bluster to your heart's content.
It looks like you're nothing but another
'20 word wonder'. :( ,

Which puts me what, 19 up on you?


Lester Zick

You truly are the donkey's twin. When you run out of facts, drag ANY
relgion into the thread as a smokescreen.

And which facts did you have in mind exactly? Yours or someone elses.


Lester Zick

Be careful, or you'll give yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.

I find it amusing that it took a real twit like the ZickTard to cause
you to compliment me. :-]

No compliment. It's just that due to all the flag waving his reach is
not quite what it used to be.


Lester Zick

Aw, Captain Obvious, poor, poor, baby. Would snookums like his lil
fuzzy wuzzy teddy bear? You render arbitrary opinions and consider
them abiter dicta incumbent on truth. You're an intellectual whore.


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