Tim said:
Well apart from the front page and a couple of pages providing content
specific to different types of usersm the whole site is the same as it
was before. Do you have a problem with marketing python or with the
content of the python site? Could you expand on why you think the beta
site looks 'phony'?
The pictures are too big, too many and in your face (boastful, as
someone else mentioned). Even in most commercial product sites I see a
single company name/logo or a single quote in a corner somewhere. For
www.basecamphq.com... One
great open source site is
www.postgresql.org. Everything including
documentation has the same look and feel.
I'm looking at it as someone who is skeptical or knows only little about
Python. "What? Google, NASA!" (click, click.. nothing.. or a single
quote) "Bah! this is bogus". People want to know how something will help
them and why should they use it. It would be awesome if we can pull all
the pythonology success stories into python.org and link exactly one on
the main page (again see
www.postgresql.org). Anything less than a case
study does not warrant a picture with a 'learn why..' on it.
These will link directly to success stories.
Good, but I think there should be only one with a smaller link to case
studies and/or quotes.
""Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning, and
remains so as the system grows and evolves. Today dozens of Google
engineers use Python, and we're looking for more people with skills in
this language." said Peter Norvig, director of search quality at Google,
Inc. "
thats what it says on the old site right at the top of the page...
So the google link on the home page should perhaps go to this quote
instead of google.com.
So you think we should add some copy that creates a more positive
impression of python? Thanks for your suggestion to rewrite the copy
regarding the team behind python. Could you come up with some
alternative for this?
Sure, I will work on this.
We have done... The feedback was that some pictures would help engage
people who view the website for the first time. This was especially true
of non-programmers who may be assessing python as part of a business
decition (who will probably not get further than the home page).
I think logos might be more effective. Again with links to success
stories with pull quotes highlighting Python's strengths. Pretty
pictures by themselves don't do much. People want to know how it is
different from other things, why it is better and *where* it is better.
Most developers tended to want to jump straight into bookmarked parts of
the site or just check the updated news. People wanting to learn about
python would try to find a 'for beginners' link (hence the prominence of
These links are very important. A couple of nitpicks about presentation:
1. Why are there two 'documentation' sections on the left?
2. Why does the 'about' section show 3 sub-headings on the main page,
but grows to 6 when clicked?
A summary of questions whose answers may help us:
Do you have a problem with the way we are trying to 'market' python?
I like that you are trying to market Python. I think the way it is being
done may be ineffective, or worse, may backfire.
Which content in particular do you have an objection to?
The 3 edited (or stock?) pictures occupying majority of the real estate.
Missing success stories or case studies.
Could you expand on why you think the beta site looks 'phony'?
See top of email.
Could you tell me what about the site makes you think it looks 'cool' or
The big pictures are too flashy. The colors and fonts etc. give make it
somewhat cool. Cool is a good thing. But not without content.
Could you come up with some alternative for the intro copy about python?
Sure. In fact I think the front page intro should be very minimal with 2 or
3 specifically targeted intros in the about section.
Is the current
www.python.org written in HTML? If not where can I get
the source?