Newbie C programming question - "Press any key to continue"


Alan Connor

Alan said:
Richard Heathfield <[email protected]> scribbled the following:

[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting statements like
the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it is true
and are an idiot.

30 more days added to your term in my killfile.

"I really don't like watching people masturbate in public" ...


Feel better now, little man? Relieved all that neurotic pressure that
was building up?

May I suggest that you might find the bliss you seek on alt.punk.losers ?

No, I am not going to killfile you. I killfile chronic netiquette violators,
not the mentally incompetent.


Alan said:
Joona I Palaste said:
Richard Heathfield <[email protected]> scribbled:
[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting
statements like the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it
is true and are an idiot.

30 more days added to your term in my killfile.

See what happens Joona, when you post a faked quotation? The
kangaroo court descends, leaving the world quaking in abject
fear. No, no Brer Fox, not the briar patch.

Lew Pitcher

Andrew said:
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to develop a simple menu using switch/case statements and I
want to be able to have the user "Press any key to continue".

While the others will point out the various C programming points to this
requirement, I'll make one simple observation: I've /never/ seen an "any"
key on any of the keyboards I've had to use. I've had to use a /lot/ of
different keyboards, from cardpunch keyboards to teletype keyboards to 3270
keyboards to IBM PC keyboards, and beyond, and not /one/ of those keyboards
had an "any" key.

However, they all had keys either marked "return" or "enter". And, it so
happens that the "return" or "enter" keystroke is the one that usually
terminates input in such a manner that the buffering behind a C input stream
is released to the C program.

Funny, isn't it?


Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright and JOAT-in-training
Registered Linux User #112576 (
Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing.

Richard Heathfield

Alan said:
I killfile chronic netiquette violators

You /are/ a chronic netiquette violator; your contribution to Usenet seems
to comprise little but bile. The list of people you have killfiled is quite
impressive. It demonstrates quite clearly that you haven't the faintest
idea what you're doing.

Richard Heathfield

Alan said:
Now THAT is the answer I have been waiting for, and suspecting was
the case.

You had to wait an extra two and a half hours because of your own stupidity.

Sidney Cadot

Alan said:
Feel better now, little man? Relieved all that neurotic pressure that
was building up?

May I suggest that you might find the bliss you seek on alt.punk.losers ?

No, I am not going to killfile you. I killfile chronic netiquette violators,
not the mentally incompetent.

Get a life.

Alan Connor

Alan said:
Joona I Palaste said:
Richard Heathfield <[email protected]> scribbled:
[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting
statements like the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it
is true and are an idiot.

30 more days added to your term in my killfile.

See what happens Joona, when you post a faked quotation? The
kangaroo court descends, leaving the world quaking in abject
fear. No, no Brer Fox, not the briar patch.

And there I was thinking you were a grownup.

Joona I Palaste

CBFalconer said:
Alan said:
Joona I Palaste said:
Richard Heathfield <[email protected]> scribbled:
[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting
statements like the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it
is true and are an idiot.

30 more days added to your term in my killfile.
See what happens Joona, when you post a faked quotation? The
kangaroo court descends, leaving the world quaking in abject
fear. No, no Brer Fox, not the briar patch.

Where is the faked quotation I posted?

Alan Connor

Get a life.

Kiss my ass, you fat pig.

Oh, you didn't bother telling them about how we used to live down the
street from each other, did you?

Didn't tell them that you are about 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh almost 300 lbs.
and have to wear diapers because of all the weeping pimples on your gargantuan
flabby ass.

Well, well. How many times do we have to go through this, Kidney?

Nils Petter Vaskinn

You /are/ a chronic netiquette violator; your contribution to Usenet
seems to comprise little but bile. The list of people you have killfiled
is quite impressive.

And I'm proud to say I beat you to it. I got killfiled for politely asking
questions (whose answer would probably reveal flaws in his argument) and
actually proposed an improvement to his homegrown "verify that posts by
Alan Connor are from me not someone else pgp signature replacement". That
was ofcourse not the reson he gave for killfiling me.
It demonstrates quite clearly that you haven't the faintest idea what
you're doing.
You missed the best part he concluded the statement with:
Probably because that would impair his ability to read his own posts.

Whenever I can I will try to answer Alan Connor questions, secure in the
knowledge that he will not receive any benefit because he will see it, but
anyone googling for the question will se the answer, and anyone capable of
answering will see that it has already been done.

Chris Dollin

Alan said:
Richard Heathfield said:
[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Oh joy.
Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting statements like
the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it is true
and are an idiot.

That's not an exhaustive analysis. Either you know this and are attempting
to mislead other readers, or you don't and are terminally unimaginative.

Or something else.
30 more days added to your term in my killfile.

You call him "Richard


Joona said:
CBFalconer <[email protected]> scribbled the following:
.... snip ...

Where is the faked quotation I posted?

Ahh, you are failing to contemplate the deeper implications of the
thread, and the yin and the yang involved. There are certain
things in heaven and earth, Horatio, that must forever remain
unsaid, else the small fish with miniscule brains will never

Joona I Palaste

Ahh, you are failing to contemplate the deeper implications of the
thread, and the yin and the yang involved. There are certain
things in heaven and earth, Horatio, that must forever remain
unsaid, else the small fish with miniscule brains will never

Could you try that again? In Human this time?

Mark McIntyre

Alan Connor wrote:

Or something else.

You call him "Richard

thats only 29 days.

Irrwahn Grausewitz

Mark McIntyre said:
thats only 29 days.

<xtreme pedant>
it's 28 'days', 1 'da', 1 'ys', 1 'day' and 1 's',
or 24 'days', 1 'dadays', 1 'daysys', 1 'daydays' and 1 'dayss'
</xtreme pedant>


Sidney Cadot

Kiss my ass, you fat pig.

Last try:

Your idea of having a good time seems to revolve around slinging insults
at total strangers. Seriously, there's more to be had from life than
this. Go outside once in a while to enjoy nature, set some goals, make
some friends.

You'll probably lash out with some half-witted vituperations at this.
Nevertheless, I truly hope that this may be a small incentive for you to
mend your ways. You see, I am an optimist, and genuinely mean the best
for other people, including you.

Best regards,


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