Newbie C programming question - "Press any key to continue"


Mark McIntyre

<xtreme pedant>
it's 28 'days', 1 'da', 1 'ys', 1 'day' and 1 's',
or 24 'days', 1 'dadays', 1 'daysys', 1 'daydays' and 1 'dayss'
</xtreme pedant>

<pedant level=666>
the last one parses as "days" "s"


Alan Connor

Last try:

Your idea of having a good time seems to revolve around slinging insults
at total strangers. Seriously, there's more to be had from life than
this. Go outside once in a while to enjoy nature, set some goals, make
some friends.

You'll probably lash out with some half-witted vituperations at this.
Nevertheless, I truly hope that this may be a small incentive for you to
mend your ways. You see, I am an optimist, and genuinely mean the best
for other people, including you.

Best regards,


Gee. Now why would anyone "lash out" at YOU?

I mean you post an entire article filled with insults condemning ME for
"slinging insults."

I am not going to call you anything but a hypocrite, which you demonstrably

And not a very bright one if you think that I am the only person capable
of perceiving your hypocrisy.

Then, you cap your hypocrisy with an obvious boldface lie:

"Best regards"

Please go away.

And do yourself a favor and check the archives for the story of the
last person to harass me on the Usenet. Note that they no longer
can be found on the Usenet.

Randy Howard

I killfile chronic netiquette violators...

Strange how hypocritical he can be. I was supposedly killfiled
because I laughed at a reference to DMR and Heathfield's famous
(infamous?) post of several years ago about topicality here.

I'm not sure how that violates netiquette, but I'd be intrigued
to learn about what RFC I violated.

Richard Heathfield

Alan said:
Gee. Now why would anyone "lash out" at YOU?

I mean you post an entire article filled with insults condemning ME for
"slinging insults."

I am not going to call you anything but a hypocrite, which you
demonstrably are.

And not a very bright one if you think that I am the only person capable
of perceiving your hypocrisy.

Then, you cap your hypocrisy with an obvious boldface lie:

"Best regards"

Please go away.

And do yourself a favor and check the archives for the story of the
last person to harass me on the Usenet. Note that they no longer
can be found on the Usenet.

Neither can half the planet, if your killfile is your method of judging who
can and cannot be found.

Anyway, nobody is harassing you. You have it precisely the wrong way around.


Alan Connor said:
Alan said:
Richard Heathfield <[email protected]> scribbled the following:

[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting statements like
the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it is true
and are an idiot.

30 more days added to your term in my killfile.

"I really don't like watching people masturbate in public" ...


Feel better now, little man? Relieved all that neurotic pressure that
was building up?

May I suggest that you might find the bliss you seek on alt.punk.losers ?

No, I am not going to killfile you. I killfile chronic netiquette violators,
not the mentally incompetent.
Your first rule explains well why you should killfile yourself.
Second - why you didn't.

John Bode

Alan Connor said:
Richard Heathfield said:
[In common with half of Usenet, I am in Alan Connor's killfile.

Yes Richard, you are in my killfile.

Precisely because of you are so comfortable with posting statements like
the above.

Either you know that this is false and are lying, or believe it is true
and are an idiot.

30 more days added to your term in my killfile.

Yay, it's time once again for "Let's Up The Grumpy Quotient In c.l.c!"
It's been a while since the last round.

Alan, you're no Scott Nudds, which is a *good* thing, really, but at
the same time that means you have far less entertainment value for
most of us. Childish and immature's been done to death; you need a
new angle. Scott was a unique thinker; his particular bugaboo was
that C was a flawed religion that we here at clc were pushing on the
unsuspecting masses, and that Portable Assembler was a much better
solution. Oh, and that the floor() function was redundant. See?
Original. Out there. That's the kind of thing that earns you
everlasting fame as a genuine net.kook.

Keep this up and the best you'll be remembered as is a flaming


Mark McIntyre

(I'm replying to richard's post as Alan is plonked. Don't ask me why,
I know that troll feeding season is over, its just fun you know...)

I'm struggling to spot the insults in Sidney's post. Mind you, I'm
only paranoid on thursdays, so maybe I should wait three hours.

Mister Kettle, you're blackening the name of pots everywhere.

Let me let you in on a secret - they /are/ all out to get you, it /is/
a conspiracy.

I do love a toothless threat. They make such a lovely sound as you
crush them beneath the wheels of your juggernaut.
Anyway, nobody is harassing you. You have it precisely the wrong way around.



Neither can half the planet, if your killfile is your method of judging who
can and cannot be found.
Anyway, nobody is harassing you. You have it precisely the wrong way around.

Elsewhere in this thread

I don't think that he was harassing anyone :)



Alex said:

Elsewhere in this thread

I don't think that he was harassing anyone :)
Just to keep it straight and not confusing. "He" in sentence
above refers to "nobody" as used in sentence higher up, not
to "Alan Connor".
<ot> New movie theme: "'60 Days' of Connor" </ot>

Richard Bos

Mark McIntyre said:
(I'm replying to richard's post as Alan is plonked. Don't ask me why,
I know that troll feeding season is over, its just fun you know...)

Not for any of the rest of us. And that goes for you, too, Richard.
<fx: dark glare>


Richard Heathfield

Richard said:
Not for any of the rest of us.

And that goes for you, too, Richard.
<fx: dark glare>

<shrug> I take no pleasure in exchanges with trolls. Some things just need
to be said, that's all. Anyway, he seems to have got bored and gone away.
Characteristic behaviour for amateur trolls.

Mark McIntyre

(I'm replying to richard's post as Alan is plonked. Don't ask me why,
I know that troll feeding season is over, its just fun you know...)

Not for any of the rest of us.[/QUOTE]

Point taken. Tho, well, some trolls are downright annoying, some are
funny. AC is mostly funny. And you can always killfile the thread, if
it offends you.
<fx: dark glare>

<fx: manic grin, runs finger suggestively down blade of axe>

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