notifying particular thread to wake up.


Daniel Pitts

Andreas said:
Indeed. An opinion is never a lie, it is just an opinion.

It is my opinion that Twisted/bbound/etc... is a f*cking idiot, and
should have his internet tubes broken. :)

Daniel Pitts

On Nov 5, 9:57 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[snip unwelcome quoting of attack post I snipped with good reason]

You don't like it when people quote spammer URLs unmunged. Well I
don't like it when people quote attack posts unmunged and for much the
same reason.
Do you always feel attacked when someone ...

I always feel attacked when someone is clearly attempting to make me
look like a fool in public. As, I suspect, does anyone else sane.
It is my opinion (and therefor cannot be a lie) that you not only attack
others, but make *yourself* look like a fool in public.

Oh, and by snipping any of context of what I say, you are in a sense
attacking me by implying I've said something I haven't.

Daniel Pitts

(e-mail address removed)
[implies that it he is never wrong]

Honestly, do you have a god complex? If you are not the supreme being,
then I doubt that it is always wrong to contradict you. As a matter of
fact, contradiction is the best way to learn something. If you spend a
little time to consider what others think, you might come across a new
perspective that enlightens you.

Try it sometime.

Daniel Pitts

(e-mail address removed) wrote:
[ignorant drivel]

Please stop being so willfully ignorant.

Daniel Pitts

(e-mail address removed) wrote:
[ignorant drivel]

Please stop being so willfully ignorant.

Daniel Pitts

(e-mail address removed) wrote:
[ignorant drivel]

Please stop being so willfully ignorant.

Daniel Pitts

On Nov 5, 9:57 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[snip unwelcome quoting of attack post I snipped with good reason]

You don't like it when people quote spammer URLs unmunged. Well I
don't like it when people quote attack posts unmunged and for much the
same reason.
Do you always feel attacked when someone ...

I always feel attacked when someone is clearly attempting to make me
look like a fool in public. As, I suspect, does anyone else sane.
It is my opinion (and therefor cannot be a lie) that you not only attack
others, but make *yourself* look like a fool in public.

Oh, and by snipping any of context of what I say, you are in a sense
attacking me by implying I've said something I haven't.

Wildemar Wildenburger

Sorry -- confidential. The poor girl already went through a terrible
experience; to have her confidant betray her trust a couple of years
later would be an awful thing.

But I'm sure there are other examples out there. There certainly seems
to be no shortage of nasty, vicious cyber-bullies willing to tear
other people down more or less at random rather than seek a healthier
fix for their insecurities and ego issues from a qualified therapist.
There will therefore be no shortage of incidents resembling that one.


Fine, what do I google for then?

And better yet would be you provided links that specifically address
your point. Now please don't give me that "I don't take orders from you"
crap; you have a chance to prove a point so you better darn take it.



Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 5, 10:27 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
Possibly ... what did I try to imply again?


Joshua Cranmer

No, he lies. No negative opinion of me can be true, and he knows that;
therefore it is a lie.

It is my opinion that you are not simultaneously an Olympic-medalist
swimmer and an Olympic-medalist basketball player. Since this opinion
entails that you do not have certain abilities, it is clearly negative.
By your reasoning, that negative opinion cannot be true.

However, no one in the history of the Olympics has won both a medal in
swimming and a medal in basketball, my opinion is factually correct.
Therefore the statement that you have said is factually incorrect. Given
that this observation is relatively obvious, I would say you knew of
this exception when you posted that and therefore have lied.

To quote another of your posts:
> Excuse me? All it takes is one lie in his post and he is a liar. In
> fact, technically all it takes is one lie *ever* and he is a liar, or
> at least, one reasonably recent lie.

Since you have lied once, and reasonably recently lied at that, you are
a liar. QED.

(P.S. I suspect the original statement was made tongue-in-cheek, in
which case this entire argument is invalidated. So don't jump on me if
it was. )

Jernau Gurgeh

It is never correct to contradict me.

Are you unaware how deranged that is.

Don't do it again.

Anyone who writes as many factually incorrect statements as you is
doomed to be contradicted from time to time.

[long rambling diatribe skipped]

Jernau Gurgeh

On Nov 6, 4:02 pm, Jernau Gurgeh <[email protected]>
[[points out that nebulous has no supporting argument]]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

Jernau Gurgeh


No insult you state or imply about me is true. Nothing nasty anyone
here is claiming or implying about me is true. And that is non-

What makes you think Arne is negotiating with you?

Wildemar Wildenburger

There is nothing to discuss. There is no technical point, political
opinion, religious tenet, or interpretation of such under civilized
dispute. There is simply a war: several people spouting vicious lies
to try to destroy me and me valiantly slogging through a mountain of
smelly shit every day to undo the damage, not only to myself but to
some guy named Paul that you feel the need to also constantly and
viciously attack despite his absence.
*Any* argument is stronger if backed up by factual evidence. No
exception, ever. Well, comedy maybe ...

As to the (perceived) war: I never tried to destroy you. I personally
only made fun of you (that is, your persona or rather its behavior). At
the same time, and more and more so, I am trying to get you to actually
make some sensible points that I can follow and understand. If all you
do is shout-shout-shout, that is never going to happen. But maybe some
day you will actually provide an argument that is convincing enough to
end all this. But, rest assured, "none of the nasty things that you have
said or implied about me are at all true" is not it.

And for that it suffices for me to say that none of the nasty things
that you say or imply about me (or him) are at all true.
How do you know that for him?

Of course not. If they shut up today, I'd probably forget about them
tomorrow, rather than pursuing any kind of harassment campaign or
other attacks against them. Unless and until, of course, they did
something stupid to call themselves to my attention, such as starting
this shit up again someday.
See, this is this "if they stop first" argument that you always put out.
How many times has that worked? For me? Never. Not even once. How many
arguments I've put to rest by simply stopping to take part? Lots. YMMV,
of course, but this still is the sanest advice I ever got.

"Mortal enemies" of course is true; you bunch are attempting violently
to destroy me by the means available to you.
I don't and I really think, noone else here does. Not like that's the
first time someone tells you this.

(Fortunately, only words,
at least so long as you keep failing to correctly locate me offline;
and if in the meantime you off any innocent person I'll be making an
anonymous tip to the police. For instance if I ever hear that that
Paul guy has died under suspicious circumstances or been assaulted or
What? Who would you want to report? Me?

Fine, my Name is Andreas Waldenburger, I live in 26122 Oldenburg, Germany.

BTW: I plan to go to Canada in the next year. And I'd really like to get
to know both Paul Derbyshire and you. I'm not joking.

That doesn't mean that I hate you; just the other way around. Rather,
I am concerned that you pose a threat to myself and to others and that
you are a colossal waste of bandwidth, and further concerned that all
of you clearly have severely disturbed ego structures, a condition
that I am not qualified to properly diagnose and treat and for which
you all steadfastly refuse to seek the required medically-qualified
You see, you accuse people of all these mental deficiancies and you
totally freak when someone else so much as hints at the country of
Austria (well, what with Freud and all). And before you squash that
remark: Joke! Simply to point out that you are very easily offended by
such claims.

My point: You should at stop rejecting even the slightest possibility
that you could use some help. Really, in these times, most people could
use a fair deal of professional counseling. I personally suspect myself
of Aspergers, and the day I should stumble upon the guts to do it I'm
off to the Psycho-Man. I'd really like to improve my
social/interpersonal deficiencies (which I undoubtedly have), so if a
therapy helps why not? Why am I rambling. Just wanted to give an example
of someone who is not afraid to admit that not everything is OK about him.

Not saying that you are mentally ill, but it's a load off one's mind to
at least allow the possibilty for imperfection.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 8, 12:31 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[some assholes discuss among themselves which of two or three closely-
related insulting names to call me, then declare this discussion to be

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
I'm the only one in that discussion that used the word "fun" and it was
firmly connected to the concept of "learning". I learned something new
about the English language, which I always like to do (lessens the
burden of my imperfections).

It of course all started from searching a word for "doesn't want to
know", which I still maintain applies to you.


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