[OT] Apology


Debashish Chakravarty

Joona I Palaste said:
At last that's the impression I was trying to give. Finland is a nice
place, but it does not have authority or exert control on anything
except itself.
I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear earlier.

And that exactly is the information your sig conveys, I don't see
anything wrong with it.

Debashish Chakravarty

Joona I Palaste said:
They did overreact, true. But my apology was still necessary. My
original message came out nastier than it was supposed to.

Sudheer did not read your first message carefully enough, he thought
you wrote "many" instead of *every single*.

I.M.A Troll

R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah said:
My sincere apologies for misunderstanding that idiom (or phrase).
BTW, you may consider idiots like me when framing words :)

Are you married (no offence)?

Randy Howard

I appreciate your opinion, Dan, but I'd like to hear from a few other
regulars too, whether they are bothered with it too. If enough people
are, I'll drop the bit from my sigblock.

For me, I couldn't care less. Sig blocks are designed to be ignored
anyway. Anyone that is "offended" by anything appearing on usenet
is by definition way to sensitive to survive in the wild on their
own. IOW, Darwin will solve the problem eventually.

Dik T. Winter

> P.S. I have it on good authority that, in fact, Scotland rules ;-),
> though apparently not in soccer based on our recent tussle with the
> Netherlands 8-(.

Ah, but that is just about the only thing where the Netherlands are able
to rule, on occasion that is.

Mark McIntyre

I appreciate your opinion, Dan, but I'd like to hear from a few other
regulars too, whether they are bothered with it too.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest. /And/ I don't think it makes
either you or your sigblock childish or silly.
If enough people
are, I'll drop the bit from my sigblock.

Shouldn't bother if I were you.

Sudheer Reddy Vakati

Sudheer did not read your first message carefully enough, he thought
you wrote "many" instead of *every single*.

well debashish, i read it but i didnt find it offending. I felt joona
didnt mean 'every indian ' who posts to this newsgroup , though it was
what written in the post. He observed many indians who posts to this
group write 'you' as 'u'. I think he got a bit carried away posting to
the group and wrote it as 'every indian' instead of 'many indians' which
i feel is no crime. My point is even if jonna really meant what he
posted to group, i dont think people need to bring nationalistic fervour
into play here. Nobody talked bad about indians here.




Joona said:
I appreciate your opinion, Dan, but I'd like to hear from a few other
regulars too, whether they are bothered with it too. If enough people
are, I'll drop the bit from my sigblock.

I agree with Dan, but have never considered it worth while
quibbling over. I have voiced objections to various crude sigs in
the past, and the authors have usually revised them.

R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

I.M.A Troll said:
Are you married (no offence)?

I'm not married. BTW, it's no offense in South India (I don't
know about North India. Even the North Indian guys whom I know didn't
tell me such thing). Here, it's every day common word. Here it is Ok
to ask such question even to 3rd person.

Richard Bos

Joona I Palaste said:
I appreciate your opinion, Dan, but I'd like to hear from a few other
regulars too, whether they are bothered with it too. If enough people
are, I'll drop the bit from my sigblock.

Don't be daft. If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is trying to
do. If it'd been England Rules!, ditto, but slightly less so. Finland?
Oh, come on!


Morris Dovey

Richard Bos wrote:

[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]
If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that - or were you just taking your turn at
being the troll?

Richard Bos

Morris Dovey said:
Richard Bos wrote:

[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]
If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that

Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I can really
think of only two explanations: either not only George Junior, but every
single member in his entire staff is a complete moron, _or_ the USA
really is trying to force the whole world into accepting its definition
of "democracy" and "Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in
the class. I think the first explanation is less likely.


Les Cargill

Richard said:
Morris Dovey said:
Richard Bos wrote:

[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]
If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that

Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I can really
think of only two explanations: either not only George Junior, but every
single member in his entire staff is a complete moron, _or_ the USA
really is trying to force the whole world into accepting its definition
of "democracy" and "Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in
the class. I think the first explanation is less likely.


We're under an "OT:" flag, right?

There are plenty of examples and lots and lots of historical
boilerplate to anticipate a George Bush administration behaving
as it does.

This is not ahistorical - the Monroe Doctrine existed, and Teddy
Roosevelt's Great White Fleet existed.

If you can, Paul Wolfowitz lays out the entire thing on a
Charlie Rose interview, and the Frontline series on Iraq is
quite interesting. Agree or disagree, it's just not
"crazy". It's just a small world after all. This sort of
thing seems to have a periodicity of approximately a century.

Dan Pop

In said:
Yes, but how am I going to fit that in the space provided above?


Don't tell me you never invented an ad hoc abbreviation before! ;-)


Joona I Palaste

Richard Bos said:
Morris Dovey said:
Richard Bos wrote:
[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]
If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that
Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I can really
think of only two explanations: either not only George Junior, but every
single member in his entire staff is a complete moron, _or_ the USA
really is trying to force the whole world into accepting its definition
of "democracy" and "Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in
the class. I think the first explanation is less likely.

I'd disagree. There are plenty of USAnians there with common sense.
Unfortunately Dubya and his gang do not belong to them.

Joona I Palaste

Don't tell me you never invented an ad hoc abbreviation before! ;-)

Are you kidding? I've invented lots of ad hoc abbreviations. Most of
them have only been used once. But I don't think people would
understand that if I put it in my signature.

Dan Pop

In said:
Richard Bos wrote:

[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]
If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that - or were you just taking your turn at
being the troll?

Are you a newcomer here or what? Richard Bos has never made a secret of
his anti-American (or anti-USA, to be pedantically correct) views.

However, in this particular case, his statement is certainly open to
debate. Just not in this newsgroup, please. talk.politics.usa is
begging for some traffic...


Morris Dovey

Richard said:
Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I
can really think of only two explanations: either not only
George Junior, but every single member in his entire staff is
a complete moron, _or_ the USA really is trying to force the
whole world into accepting its definition of "democracy" and
"Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in the
class. I think the first explanation is less likely.

I don't think it's quite that binary. I can think of additional
explanations, including a few that allow for various mixes of
both of the possibilities you list (in several instances within a
single person.) It's worth pointing out that being brilliant in
one way doesn't prevent an individual from being a moron in other
(sometimes unexpected) ways; and that intelligence doesn't
necessarily indicate wisdom.

There would seem to be an increasingly visible difference between
the current administration's policies and the principles
cherished by USAns. I find myself rather hoping that this will be
reflected in the results of the coming election.

It might be interesting (and productive) to pursue "open source"
development efforts to write a globally acceptable definition of
democracy and to produce a minimal default constitution and
statement of guaranteed individual rights that could be brought
into practice whenever an entire government failed or was

Floyd Davidson

Morris Dovey said:
Richard Bos wrote:

[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]
If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that

Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I can really
think of only two explanations: either not only George Junior, but every
single member in his entire staff is a complete moron, _or_ the USA
really is trying to force the whole world into accepting its definition
of "democracy" and "Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in
the class. I think the first explanation is less likely.


What makes the "two" explanations exclusive? It seems to me the
first is the reason for the second. (Absent the hyperbole
regarding "every single" staff member. I'm sure there must be
one who isn't a moron. There /must/ be at least one exception,

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