[OT] Apology


I.M.A Troll

R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah said:
I'm not married. BTW, it's no offense in South India (I don't
know about North India. Even the North Indian guys whom I know didn't
tell me such thing).

Don't even think about it in north India. Let me tell you that when I
asked this question in Darjeeling I got my face slapped!

Morris Dovey

Dan said:
Are you a newcomer here or what? Richard Bos has never made a secret of
his anti-American (or anti-USA, to be pedantically correct) views.

Newcomer, of course. :)
However, in this particular case, his statement is certainly open to
debate. Just not in this newsgroup, please. talk.politics.usa is
begging for some traffic...

Ok. Actually, I don't usually engage in either political or
theological discussions with other than close friends - my normal
political limit is probably reflected in my sig block.

Sadly, isn't available on my server. :-(


Joona I Palaste said:
I appreciate your opinion, Dan, but I'd like to hear from a few other
regulars too, whether they are bothered with it too. If enough people
are, I'll drop the bit from my sigblock.

In golf I've played under winter rules. In boxing, I've been knocked out
under Marquis of Queensbury rules. By the exclamation point in your
sigblock I gather you are declaring we should program in C using Finland
rules. I am not acquainted with Finland rules. Are they the same as
ISO/IEC 9899?

Richard Bos

Joona I Palaste said:
Richard Bos said:
Morris Dovey said:
Richard Bos wrote:
[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]

If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that
Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I can really
think of only two explanations: either not only George Junior, but every
single member in his entire staff is a complete moron, _or_ the USA
really is trying to force the whole world into accepting its definition
of "democracy" and "Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in
the class. I think the first explanation is less likely.

I'd disagree. There are plenty of USAnians there with common sense.
Unfortunately Dubya and his gang do not belong to them.

Of course. In the above, read "USA the nation", not "USA, every
single[0] citizen". Citizens don't have a foreign policy, the government


Christopher Benson-Manica

Dan Pop said:
As a matter of fact, the "Finland rules!" bit makes your sigblock look
childish/silly and, by implication, its author, too. You're neither the
first, nor the last to be proud of his country, but there is no point in
advertising this in your sigblock.

More importantly, whatever happened to being the kingpriest of the
flying lemon tree?

Dan Pop

In said:
Are you kidding? I've invented lots of ad hoc abbreviations. Most of
them have only been used once. But I don't think people would
understand that if I put it in my signature.

What makes you think people understood your other ad hoc abbreviations?


Alan Balmer

Oh my!! English seems to be more strange than what I'd thought...

It often seems more strange than I had thought, as well ;-)

This usage is slang, and relatively recent slang, as well.
Traditionally, in usenet, nothing in a signature block should be taken
seriously, but we should probably be more aware of the fact that slang
can easily be misunderstood.

R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

Alan Balmer said:
It often seems more strange than I had thought, as well ;-)

This usage is slang, and relatively recent slang, as well.

Traditionally, in usenet, nothing in a signature block should be taken

Yes. Infact, I know that. For me, it _looked_ ('coz I
misunderstood the meaning) so secretarian or barbarian in this new
millennium. So, I just __suggested__ as the person who used it is

Marty Feldman

Les Cargill said:
Richard said:
Morris Dovey said:
Richard Bos wrote:

[Warning: possible non-terminating recursion]

If it'd been Ahmurrica Rules! it would've been extremely
offensive, since ruling the world is exactly what the USA is
trying to do.


Do you really believe that

Given the USA's recent behaviour in international politics, I can really
think of only two explanations: either not only George Junior, but every
single member in his entire staff is a complete moron, _or_ the USA
really is trying to force the whole world into accepting its definition
of "democracy" and "Free World", by means of being the biggest bully in
the class. I think the first explanation is less likely.

the whole idea is to have muslims venting anger at each other, at
their own politicians and thereby internalizing their deep
dissatisfactions, instead of towards americans and their full-tilt,
boogie-woogie support of israel. invading and occupying an arab land
with bullshit about WMDS, undermines the very benefits democracy is
supposed to bring about. it's the right overall strategy, but done
with piss-poor execution. i.e., the bush admin is indeed filled with
narrow-minded nutcases trying to do the right thing. the worst of it
is, they simply won't listen to people who know better, and you just
can't help people who are in denial.

however, even if they did execute the war and post-war perfectly,
there's still another problem. we are dealing with dysfunctional
iraqi values that are just as stubborn as the bush admin. (e.g. they
hold in contempt the very armies that liberated them from saddam) it
will take decades, thousands of US casualites, hundreds of billions of
dollars, before we can change iraqi attitudes, values and mindsets.
they must learn why corruption and ignorance is anti-democratic; why
fairness, merit, the rule of law, are critical to excellence and
prosperity; and most of all, they must learn it from a bush admin who
violated almost all of the above on their march to war.

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