David said:It's the same stupid analogy that is repeated constantly by proponents
of these libraries. It misses the point completely. If browser
scripting is to assembler, what jQuery is to a bad program written in
assembly language. In other words, jQuery is 50K of junk code, not a
C compiler.
Maybe so, but repeating over and over that something is junk wouldn't
make that a fact.
Perhaps things are not ideal but calling something junk which obviously
isn't will not bring your criticism any credibility.
Eg. here is one more realistic view on which I completely agree,
Prototype is a complete crock as well. Always has been. What can you
say about a Javascript program that adds lots of bloat to "work
around" prototypal inheritance, yet is named "Prototype." That's the
mindset. And it is full of browser sniffing, which the developers
must constantly twiddle with to make it "work" in a handful of
browsers in their default configurations.
Mootools is the same stupid thing as far as inheritance. Last I
checked, it is also sniffs the user agent string (an automatic F.)
And IIRC, their documentation states (or stated at one point) that
most of the methods require an "XHTML doctype" (they meant they don't
support quirks mode.) That pretty much sums them up.
Never used Dojo or paid much attention to it. It is a huge framework,
so it should be a non-entity on the Web. I'm sure lots of hacks are
using it behind corporate firewalls. They'll regret it eventually,
but at least they won't foul up the Web in the process.
So there are no good frameworks out yet; can that be changed?
The "jQuery vs. Prototype" arguments are but noise from two camps of
myopic and ignorant fanatics. Here is a snippet from one of them I
recently noticed at the bottom of a blog entry:
I believe you on that.
How is programming for failure at the outset a matter of taste? It is
a matter of necessity for those with no experience or ability, but who
would want such people writing, testing and maintaining scripts? It's
I think you're just jealous. Jealous in the same way c++ programmers
were toward VB camp when VB gained popularity (or os/2 vs MS for that
Nothing. But it is ironic that a library that promotes terribly
inefficient code patterns would be referred to as "fast." And concise
for jQuery means illegible + 50K. But, of course, if you have never
known anything but jQuery, you are unlikely to recognize this.
As I said, matter of taste.
You obviously dislike js frameworks and you're unhappy about where is
world going to. To change that you can start something on your own and
attract attention of developers by better/faster libraries, or improve
existing frameworks by joining their teams.
One thing is sure, js frameworks are to stay and are only gaining in
popularity because they are useful.