Alan J. Flavell

Well, that would be a bit of an overkill. Don't you think so? Killfiling
someone because (s)he top post!

Have another read of what you quoted:

| killfile you for ignoring the social mores of the group

TOFU-posting is just one of the symptoms. Those who've been here a
while know that it's highly correlated with several other symptoms of
advanced cluelessness. Almost all of which could be avoided by first
becoming aware of the accepted customs and practices on technical
big-8 usenet newsgroups in general, and on this specific newsgroup in
particular (actually there's very little difference between the
general and the specific, aside from a few Perl-related differences).
Can't understand why people (meaning us all, I guess) are so accommodating
with MS and are prepared to make excuses or go through all sort of
contortions to work with their software when clearly it is a stupid idea to
place the cursor at the top.

I don't agree. Most MS software that's meant to get anywhere close to
the Internet is rubbish for many different reasons, and I've no
intention of "accommodating to" its misbehaviour, but putting the
cursor in the right place for starting to snip quotage isn't one of
Whoaa! That's a bit below the belt.

If you take it in that way, then maybe a little self-examination is in
order. If I said the same to e.g Tad I'm sure he wouldn't feel I was
throwing the punch at him, but rather he would probably agree with me
(well, he uses scoring, which is a more sophisticated version of the
general idea).
BTW, I think the whole idea of a killfile is another OTT response to
something not worth a second thought...

You can think what you like about it, but when you've been on usenet
for a few years you'll wonder how you ever got along without one.
but then again there's no accounting for what people feel passionate

You still don't get it. If there was any passion involved, you'd
already be in the killfile - without knowing it.


I don't know what you saw there, but I don't see a "blow"
landed anywhere.
Did you see something personal there?
Sounds like merely a description of clpmisc reality to me...

Did you not see him hit me with a feather? ... where's your sense of humour?
Relax, be flippant. Have a sense of irony. Don't take things literally.
(murmuring to myself - bloody hell! what the matter with these yanks? Is
their sense of humour really that different?)
If you slap a junk yard dog to see if he is mean, you should be
prepared to pay with your hand (or worse). :)

There you go again - I said banter and you come up with a horror scenario.

Perhaps you cannot understand the wide spread use of killfiles
because your experiences are different from the killfiler's
Lurking for a few years will help give you insight there. :)

Years? what are you, nuts? (Gawd! maybe I shouldn't make such a flippant

This is a high traffic newsgroup, often 200 posts a day.
Nobody reads all of them, so they must "filter" them somehow.
Whether they do it manually or automatically does not make much
difference, they must be skipping a whole lot of articles either way.

Agree. (at last! Quick -Down to the pub now.)


Tad McClellan

Relax, be flippant. Have a sense of irony. Don't take things literally.

I missed the smiley you put in to indicate that it wasn't
to be taken too seriously...

(murmuring to myself - bloody hell! what the matter with these yanks? Is
their sense of humour really that different?)

No, it's just that we don't _have_ a sense of humour.

We have a sense of humor.

We're saving some vowels for a "rainy day".

Years? what are you, nuts?

(it appears my "perhaps" might have been a lucky guess then...)

No, that was my estimate of how long it takes to get fed up
enough to resort to using a scorefile. We're not naturally
exclusionary, we became that way over (a long, hopefully) time.

I lasted about 3 or 4 years without one.

Then I used only general-purpose heuristics for a while
(eg. Subject: Perl question), and consciously avoided
making entries for individual addresses.

Then I started using individual addresses, and reviewing/cleaning
them out every 3 months.

Then I stopped spending (yet more) time cleaning them out.

Nowadays, entries go in, but they don't come out, and there
is _still_ more visible articles than I care to read, ie. I still
have manual filtering to perform.

( And somewhere in there, I also became a "domainist". )

I'm sure I've thrown out some babies with the bathwater, but
the alternative is to just leave the newsgroup altogether.

With a carefully tuned killfile, I'll still be answering _some_
questions, rather than zero answers with the alternative.

John W. Krahn

Tad said:
No, it's just that we don't _have_ a sense of humour.

We have a sense of humor.

We're saving some vowels for a "rainy day".

Well, _some_ of us have a sense of humour, we're not all from the U.S.A.
With a carefully tuned killfile, I'll still be answering _some_
questions, rather than zero answers with the alternative.

You are being _way_ too modest Tad. According to the stats posted here
you have an interesting definition of _some_.




John W. Krahn said:
Tad McClellan wrote: ....

Tad, that's the spirit! and no smiley required. I either get it or I don't.

You are being _way_ too modest Tad. According to the stats posted here
you have an interesting definition of _some_.

I can see that too and that is enough to earn my admiration. However, my
suspicion about different sense of humour is confirmed - he snipped the bit
about my pretend hesitancy when calling him nuts and gave me a straight
explanation. So, I'm going to explain it to the yanks (note - yanks is
almost affectionate not a derogatory term) - are you nuts = hey I can't do
what you are asking, it's too long, too complicated or whatever. It does not
mean that I literally think you are nuts (though you may well be!).

Phew, all this explaining is mentally draining. So, first thing to-morrow,
I'm off for a good knock-up on the squash court. I'll make it last at least
half an hour. Do I see wry smiles from the yanks?

ge0rge (positively my last post on this thread)

Anno Siegel

ge0rge said:

[top-posting and killfiles]
BTW, I think the whole idea of a killfile is another OTT response to
something not worth a second thought... but then again there's no accounting
for what people feel passionate about.

Anyway, I shall do as suggested by another poster - when in Rome ... ('cos
top posters drive me nuts (well, rarely!)).

Now, time for me to shut up and start lurking awhile in this NG until I have
something worthwhile to ask or say!

Until then I have a suggestion for you. Try reading this group the way
a question-answering regular does. That means, look at *every* posting
close enough so you can decide whether there is a question in there you
may want to answer. Do that for, say, a week (not months and years, like
many regulars), not actually answering, just reading everything until you
know what it's about.

Then, if you are still of the opinion that insistence in a readable
posting style is "over the top", we may be inclined to listen to your


Daniel R. Tobias

Alan J. Flavell said:
I don't agree. Most MS software that's meant to get anywhere close to
the Internet is rubbish for many different reasons, and I've no
intention of "accommodating to" its misbehaviour, but putting the
cursor in the right place for starting to snip quotage isn't one of

Putting the signature block *above* the quoted material, however, and
putting in a lengthy header block at the top of the quote instead of a
concise attribution line, are indications that trimming the quotes and
replying below them were *not* what MS's programmers were expecting
users to do upon beginning a reply with its top-placed cursor.

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