Dominic Binks
(Shouldn't this be |||world|||?)I'm glad you're open to learning more about English as "used to"
is perfectly acceptable according to the World English Dictionary[1]
May you be found better for learning and come to give others the
benefit of the doubt.
I don't care what ANY dictionary says. Much less a "world" dictionary.
I doubt you could validate or invalidate a word. A word is, there is noI don't validate or invalidate a word based on some phony baloney
validation necessary. You could potentially try to validate it's use
but again that's not in your power.
I think you need to go back to school to understand what a dictionarygroup of pseudo intellectuals who decided one to day that writing a
dictionary "might be cool".
is. (FYI, a dictionary codifies usage, not the other way around.)
I am against these words and phrases
I think you mean these words and phrases being used in this way - the
words and phrases themselves are just that. They imply no meaning
unless used in some kind of context.
Perhaps you mean, because more precise words or phrases for these usesbecause we already have words that work just fine. Why rock the boat?
exist? By your token 'work' should refer to physical activity which is
not appropriate in this context and probably 'fine' should refer to a
payment that is made having broken some rule or regulation thus leading
to monetary reparation.
I think, herein lies the problem - abject denial of all evidence to the
contrary simply because it disagrees with your limited point of view.
Why would you use a word like "hard" (which describes the physical
properties of a tangible object),
Because many words have more than one meaning and their context
describes the meaning. For example 'Time flies like an arrow, fruit
flies like a banana'. I know you can parse and understand that but the
sentences are precisely alike, yet completely different.
to describe how "difficult" a task
may be?
Because it's a perfectly legitimate thing to do. Many problems are
described as 'HARD' in technical documentation when examining their
complexity. I don't always like the terms used for things, but at least
let's be consistent in our usage.
If you insist on this lunacy, then why not use "soft" to
describe how easy a task may be? Seems ridiculous now, huh?
Soft is used in this context - as in choosing the soft option - i.e. the
easy way out. And your problem is, precisely?
For Garbage Verbiage, read 'common English'Garbage Verbiage Translator:
Though used to is perfect acceptable in any English speaking country.Used to -> previously|before
probably 'intended' would be better here since 'supposed to' indicatesSupposed to -> required|expected
that you should do this, but it is not required (pretty much the
opposite for your given translation).
Sorry to be picky, but "use to" refers to application as in "When I sayUse to -> accustomed|acquainted
'idiot', in this context 'idiot' I use to mean 'person who cannot speak
English as it is commonly used'.", not accustomed|acquainted. In the
example you give, it's probably mistyped, maybe by a non-native English
speaker. (oh bother, I just used " and ' to denote separate spoken
phrases, maybe I should use ||| instead.)
For what it's worth in English (i.e. British, the language I was brought
up to speak) we say, for example:
* get on/off a bus
* get up in the morning
* get down to some music
* get around an obstacle
* get over a broken relationship
* get back to our previous place in a story
* get through a difficult time/bush
* get into a really good book
* get about town
* put up our Christmas lights
and put down an idiot that doesn't understand that English has lots of
compound verbs that are not poorly written, just commonly used and
While I agree 'right' can be annoying it's usage as in 'you are correct'Right (OOC) -> Correct
can be traced back to 1588, I think we're going to have to allow for
it's usage in 2011 (very nearly 2012 for me and definitely 2012 for
anyone east of New York City).
Phrases to mean 'difficult' or 'tough' come from at least 1886 so again,Hard (OOC) -> Difficult
it's use in this context is hardly new. (And remember Charles Dickens'
book Hard Times uses 'hard' to mean difficult not physically solid.) In
fact looking into this a little more carefully, "hard of hearing"
maintains the now largely obsolete meaning of hard from Middle English
to mean have difficult doing something. I don't really think we can
claim it's usage is wrong.
Pretty on it's own doesn't mean very at all. (God knows where you gotPretty (OOC) -> very
that idea from.) When combined with another adjective, such as hard,
pretty does enhance the adjective. However, pretty difficult is not the
same as very difficult. Pretty, in this context would probably be
better defined as 'somewhat' or 'quite'. (Oh and it's use in this
context can be traced back to 1565.)
While you're here you might want to investigate what nice and liaise
mean cause they probably don't mean what you think they do.
This is group has the most dumbest smart people i have ever met!
I don't know what planet you come from, but I would refrain from picking
arguments over tedious detail of words when it is perfectly clear what
people mean.