Chris Angelico
Hi guys,
Question. Have this code
intX = 32 # decl + init int var
intX_asString = None # decl + init with NULL string var
intX_asString = intX.__str__ () # convert int to string
What are these ugly underscores for? _________________str___________________
Normally you don't need them. Write it this way:
intX_asString = str(intX)
The "dunder" methods ("d"ouble "under"score, leading and trailing),
also called "magic methods", are the implementations of various
special features. For instance, indexing foo[1] is implemented using
the __getitem__ method. Here's a list:
You'll seldom, if ever, call these methods directly.
By the way, when you're asking a completely new question, it usually
helps to do so as a brand new thread (not a reply) and with a new
subject line. Otherwise, you risk people losing the new question among
the discussion of the old.