Kenny Tilton:
I wouldn't take the Greenspun crack too seriously. That's about
applications recreating Lisp, not languages copying Lisp features.
Are you stating that all references of Greenspun's 10th rule,
when applied to Python, are meant in jest? Many of the times
I've seen it used has come from a sense of arrogance; justified
or not. The similar statement which bristles me the most is at the
top of, especially given how paltry the existing public
libraries are for doing bioinformatics in Lisp -- even compared
to Ruby.
just a reaction to Python (a perfectly nice little scripting language)
trying to morph into a language with the sophistication of Lisp.
Python isn't doing that. It's lives in a perfectly good niche wherein
Lisp is not the most appropriate language. At least not until there's a
macro which works like
(#python '
for i in range(100):
print "Spam, ",
As for non-professional programmers, the next question is whether a good
language for them will ever be anything more than a language for them.
Perhaps Python should just stay with the subset of capabalities that
made it a huge success--it might not be able to scale to new
sophistication without destroying the base simplicity.
But there's no reason to stay with only one language. For those things
which are more appropriate in a different language (eg, adding a new
minimizer to an existing FORTRAN library, or writing an interface
to an existing C llibrary, or doing predicate based logic in Prolog)
then use that other language
I'm perfectly satisfied with claiming that Python is a great language
for scientific programming and that it is a less than perfect language
for doing aspect oriented programming.
Another question is whether Lisp would really be such a bad program for
I am also perfectly satisfied with claiming that Lisp is not the best
language for the people I work with.
You presume that only Lisp gurus can learn Lisp because of the syntax.
Not at all. What I said is that Lisp gurus are self-selected to be
the ones who don't find the syntax to be a problem. You incorrectly
assumed the converse to be true.
But methinks a number of folks using Emacs Elisp and Autocad's embedded
Lisp are non-professionals.
Methinks there are a great many more people using the VBA
interface to AutoCAD than its Lisp interface. In fact, my friends
(ex-Autodesk) told me that's the case.
And let's not forget Symbolic Composer
(music composition) or Mirai (?) the 3D modelling/animation tool, both
of which are authored at the highest level with Lisp.
As compared to csound (music synthesis) which is written in C?
Or Gnumeric with Python embedded?
Do you want me to truck out a similar list of programs with
Python embedded? And that would prove ... what exactly?
Logo (a language aimed at children, including very young children) cuts
both ways: it's a Lisp, but it dumped a lot of the parens, but then
again it relies more on recursion.
Okay, and then there's Alice, from , which
"addresses the specific needs of the subpopulation of middle
school girls" and aims to "provide the best possible first exposure
to programming for students ranging from middle schoolers
to college students."
What does it mean to be "a Lisp"? Is Python considered "a Lisp"
for some definitions of Lisp? If Greenspun's 10th law has any merit
whatsover then Python must surely be an "implementation of half
of Common Lisp."
You (Alex?) also worry about groups of programmers and whether what is
good for the gurus will be good for the lesser lights.
If you ever hear me call anyone who is not an expert programmer
a "lesser light" then I give you -- or anyone else here -- permission
to smack me cross-side the head. The people I work for, who use
the software I write, are PhD-level chemists and biologists, who
are developing new drugs, who helped sequence the human genome,
and some of who may in a decade or two receive the Nobel prize
for their efforts. These are not "lesser lights."
I never, ever, EVER made that claim and you are sticking words
in my mouth. You consistently and incorrectly restate others'
claims into an obviously wrong-headed viewpoint that all it does
is highlight your own false assumptions and arrogance.
(e-mail address removed)