Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme


Kenny Tilton

David said:
It's only been out, what, twenty years? And another twenty before that
for other lisps... How much time do you think you need?

Hey, we've been dead for thirty years, give us a break.

The bad news for other languages is that the evolution of programming
languages, like baseball, is a game played without a clock. And the game
is going our way: languages are evolving towards dynamism, reflection,
and everything else Lisp invented and still does better than anyone.
Python is promoting that sea change, and we Lispniks are forever grateful.

But will one of Perl, Python, Ruby, Dylan or Smalltalk steal the prize?
The only way to do that is to adopt sexprs and macros, and you can't do
those without becoming Lisp, at which point you lose if you do not match
the CL spec.

All your bases are us!

Greg Ewing (using

Daniel said:
Nice! I was alluding to MzScheme's but I guess that's a fun hobby
to have. :) Do you have your class systems available anywhere to download?
I would be especially interested in them if they allow multiple
inheritance, run-time pillaging of class contracts, and explicit "this"
arguments to methods...

I might be able to dig up the most recent one, but it was
quite a few years ago.

It didn't have multiple inheritance, though, and very little
in the way of introspection abilities. Basically it just
stuffed the whole class into a big lambda expression. And
"self" wasn't really an argument, as far as I remember --
more like a sort of predefined instance variable that
always pointed to the instance itself.
You still can't add new binding constructs or safe parameterizations like a
with_directory form:

with_directory("/tmp", do_something())

Where do_something() would be evaluated with the current directory set to "
tmp" and the old pwd would be restored afterward (even in the event of an

That's true, although you don't really need macros for that,
just something like Smalltalk-style code blocks -- if anyone
can come up with a way of grafting them into the Python

Albert Lai

(Not to mention car, cdr, cadr, and
so on vs. index notation, sheesh.)

Yes, that is a real regret. It should have been useful to support
a kind of (nth 10 mylist) straight from the Scheme standard library.
Using parentheses and rpn everywhere makes lisp very easy
to parse, but I'd rather have something easy for me to understand and
That's why I prefer python, you
get a nice algebraic syntax with infix and equal signs, and it's easy
Python is
intuitive to me out of the box, and it just keeps getting better, so I
think I'll stick with it.

First, a minor correction: Lisp/Scheme is like (* 1 2) and that is
Polish Notation or prefix; Reverse Polish Notation or postfix would be
like (1 2 *).

From what I heard about the Japanese language I have formed the
possibly oversimplified impression that it is largely postfix.
Whereas in English we say "I beat you", they may say something like "I
you beat". So I suppose all of the existing programming notations -
Lisp's and Cobol's (* 1 2) and MULTIPLY 1 BY 2, Fortran's "intuitive"
1+2, and OO's one.add(two) - are very counterintuitive to them, and
they would really like the way of HP calculators, no?

And I suppose the ancient Romans (and even the modern Vaticans) would
laugh at this entire dilemma (or trilemma?) between ___fixes.

Intuition is acquired. It is purely a product of education or
brainwashing. There is nothing natural about it. And since it is
acquired, you may as well keep acquiring new intuitions and see more
horizons, rather than keep reinforcing old intuitions and stagnate.
Appreciating a foreign language such as Japanese some day is not a bad

Andrew Dalke

Jon S. Anthony:
2 of 6 is worse than flipping a coin.

Since I said "Of the 6 languages there are two major misorderings"
I suspect this discussion has reached the point of weariness.

Nevertheless, the ordering is 1 3 5 6 2 4

Assume a cost metric based on simple transpositions, where
neighbors can be exchanged. This is the familiar interchange
(or Shell, or bubble, or ..) sort. The degree of disorder is
the number of exchanges needed to sort the list. For the
above it is ||{2-6, 2-5, 2-3, 4-6, 4-5}|| = 5

The average number of exchanges needed to sort a randomly
arranged list with the Shell sort is N*(N-1)/4 == 7.5 for
this list of size 6, so it's already better than average.

From Knuth, Searching and Sorting, 5.1.1, Table 1, the
distribution of the number of permutations with k inversions
of a list of length 6 is
1 way to be ordered
5 to have one transpositions to be ordered
14 to be off by 2 transpositions
1 to be completely reversed

Thus there are 720 possible random orderings of a list of
size 6 and only 169 ways to be off by 5 or fewer transpositions.
meaning that there is only a 24% chance of being this good

If I understand 5.1.1(13) well enough, the variance is
sqrt(6*(2*6+5)*(6-1)/72) == 2.66 which means we're
right on the 1 sigma threshold, or about a 75% chance
that his table was not randomly generated.

Again, this suggests Jones' work can't be complete

(e-mail address removed)
That's the first time in 5 years I've had to pull out Knuth. ;)

Andrew Dalke

Pascal Costanza:
Furthermore note that this is not an implementation difference. The ANSI
standard defines the function COMPILE.

Is the implementation free to *not* compile the code when the
COMPILE function is called? That is, to leave it as is? How
would a user tell the difference without running a timing test?
I simply don't believe that this will work out in the long run. Not in a
truly general-purpose language.

Indeed. That viewpoint (agree or disagree) really is one of
underlying cultural differences which have helped .... um....
invigorate this discussion.

(e-mail address removed)

Greg Ewing (using

Marcin said:
Having failed with significant indents, I tried to use significant line
breaks in next incarnations of my language, which looked like a good
compromise. ... I had
troubles with designing a good syntax for some constructs, mainly
if-then-else, being constrained to syntaxes which can be nicely split
into lines.

While pondering that sort of problem one day I devised a scheme for
handling syntaxes where some line breaks are required and others are

The idea is that instead of the scanner returning line breaks as
tokens of their own, there is a flag associated with the current
token that indicates whether it is followed by a line break.

When parsing something that doesn't care whether it has line
breaks in it or not, the parser ignores this flag. But when it
gets to a point where a line break could be significant, it takes
notice of it.

For instance, when parsing

a = b +

the parser would ignore the line break flag while looking at
the '+' because it knows there must be more of the expression
coming. But when it gets to the 'c', it would check the line
break flag, find it set, and conclude that the expression is

This ought to allow extra line breaks to be placed wherever
they don't lead to any ambiguity.

I haven't had a chance to try this out, however, so there
may be some problems that I haven't anticipated!

Pascal Bourguignon

Andrew Dalke said:
Python isn't doing that. It's lives in a perfectly good niche wherein
Lisp is not the most appropriate language. At least not until there's a
macro which works like

(#python '
for i in range(100):
print "Spam, ",

This is trivial:

(DO ((CHUNKS '()) (START 0) (POS 0))

;; first read the interpreter path and arguments.
;; next read the script up to a line beginning with "!#".
;; then generate statements to the interpreter and feed it the script.
(SCRIPT '())
((AND (<= 2 (LENGTH LINE)) (STRING= "!#" LINE :END2 2))
;; Sorry, clisp specific. Please replace ext:run-program by
;; your favorite hook.

[27]> #!/usr/bin/python
for i in range(100):
print "Spam, ",
print ""

[28]> Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,

Therefore Python lives in a perfectly good niche wherein Lisp IS the
most appropriate language. QED you can forget Python.

And of course, while trivial when implemented in Lisp, it's so
powerfull it's not limited to python:

[29]> #!/bin/bash
ls -m *.lisp

[31]> ai.lisp, antispam-test.lisp, antispam.lisp, ascii.lisp, basic.lisp,
benford.lisp, bits-old.lisp, bits.lisp, bottle.lisp, brent.lisp, c-order.lisp,
clos-test.lisp, clx-sample.lisp, clx-tutorial.lisp, compare-lts.lisp,
copy-over.lisp, dbc.lisp, ddj-combin.lisp, dec.lisp, def-if-undef.lisp,
defstrmacro.lisp, deriv.lisp, diagram.lisp, directory-and-pathname.lisp,
dot.clisprc.lisp, douze.lisp, exemple-cloture.lisp, expert.lisp, fast-io.lisp,
fibonacci.lisp, fixed-point.lisp, four.lisp, html.lisp, ib.lisp, ig.lisp,
inferior-lisp.lisp, integ.lisp, lecture-au-vol.lisp, lisp1-in-cl.lisp,
livre-qui-rend-fou.lisp, lpt-bug.clisprc.lisp, marienbad.lisp, num.lisp,
old-marienbad.lisp, packages.lisp, pg-psql.lisp, pg.lisp, pi.lisp,
picture-test.lisp, posix-dirent.lisp, protocoles.lisp, pttp-1i.lisp,
python.lisp, quine.lisp, scratch.lisp, sdraw.lisp, sum.lisp, symbol.lisp,
test-format.lisp, test-special.lisp, test.lisp, text.lisp, tree.lisp,
turing.lisp, wang.lisp, word-count.lisp

Personnaly, I prefer to write, consistently:

(dotimes (i 100)
(format t "Spam, "))
(format t "~%")

That is, consistently with the rest of my programs.

The question being whether it's better to be needing several different
languages to solve a set of problems because none of them languages is
powerful enough, or if it's better to have one good and powerful
language that helps you solve all your problems?

Andrew Dalke

(I really am trying to stop posting to this thread. Really I am.)

Erann Gat:
If you have no ambitions beyond writing
yet-another-standard-web-app then macros are not for you. But if your
goals run grander than that then the extra leverage that you get from
things like macros becomes very precious indeed.

Fiddlesticks. My ambitions are to help people understand biology
and chemistry by making tools to assist in managing the huge amount
of data and algorithms available in the computational life sciences.
Potentially helping find-cures-for-cancer type research. The fact
that the algorithms involved in doing so are in almost all cases
easily solved with functions instead of macros doesn't make them
nor me ambitionless.

And in those very rare cases where I need code generation,
I can emit the code and compile it into C, or built my own parse
tree in Python and generate byte code, or exec a string. They
are almost invariably part of a compute kernel which can be
treated a black box.

(e-mail address removed)

Andrew Dalke

Pascal Costanza:
That's not an opinion, that's a fear.

It is my opinion that covering oneself in blood then running naked
in the African veldt through a pride of hungry lions is dangerous.

You may disagree with me and label it a fear, but it's still my
opinion and I'm not going to face that fear. You're free to try, ...
so long as there's no way to sue me for liability.


Daniel P. M. Silva

Pascal said:
Andrew Dalke said:
Python isn't doing that. It's lives in a perfectly good niche wherein
Lisp is not the most appropriate language. At least not until there's a
macro which works like

(#python '
for i in range(100):
print "Spam, ",

This is trivial:

(DO ((CHUNKS '()) (START 0) (POS 0))

;; first read the interpreter path and arguments.
;; next read the script up to a line beginning with "!#".
;; then generate statements to the interpreter and feed it the script.
(SCRIPT '())
((AND (<= 2 (LENGTH LINE)) (STRING= "!#" LINE :END2 2))
;; Sorry, clisp specific. Please replace ext:run-program by
;; your favorite hook.

[27]> #!/usr/bin/python
for i in range(100):
print "Spam, ",
print ""

[28]> Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[ Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,
[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,

I think Andrew probably meant something more complicated, like this:

(define add-n (#python ' lambda x: x + '))

(define n 1)

(python-number->LISP-number (add-n 1)) ; 2

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters

|> It's only been out, what, twenty years? And another twenty before that
|> for other lisps... How much time do you think you need?

|Hey, we've been dead for thirty years, give us a break.
|The bad news for other languages is that the evolution of programming
|languages, like baseball, is a game played without a clock.

I would think Lisp is more like cricket: wickets bracket both ends, no
one can actually understand the rules, but at least the players wear

Kenny Tilton

Andrew said:

Jon S. Anthony:

Since I said "Of the 6 languages there are two major misorderings"
I suspect this discussion has reached the point of weariness.

Nevertheless, the ordering is 1 3 5 6 2 4

Assume a cost metric based on simple transpositions, where
neighbors can be exchanged. This is the familiar interchange
(or Shell, or bubble, or ..) sort. The degree of disorder is
the number of exchanges needed to sort the list. For the
above it is ||{2-6, 2-5, 2-3, 4-6, 4-5}|| = 5

The average number of exchanges needed to sort a randomly
arranged list with the Shell sort is N*(N-1)/4 == 7.5 for
this list of size 6, so it's already better than average.

From Knuth, Searching and Sorting, 5.1.1, Table 1, the
distribution of the number of permutations with k inversions
of a list of length 6 is
1 way to be ordered
5 to have one transpositions to be ordered
14 to be off by 2 transpositions
1 to be completely reversed

Thus there are 720 possible random orderings of a list of
size 6 and only 169 ways to be off by 5 or fewer transpositions.
meaning that there is only a 24% chance of being this good

If I understand 5.1.1(13) well enough, the variance is
sqrt(6*(2*6+5)*(6-1)/72) == 2.66 which means we're
right on the 1 sigma threshold, or about a 75% chance
that his table was not randomly generated.

Again, this suggests Jones' work can't be complete

I can see why you like studies. They are so much more malleable than
peoples' reports of their experience. With numbers you can say things
like "there is only a 25% chance I got this off a ouija (sp?) board" and
it sounds good! I think the tobacco companies can use you, they're
losing ground fast. Your research bureau can have the tag line "Our Data
Guaranteed Not /Completely/ Random!"

Erann Gat

"Andrew said:
(I really am trying to stop posting to this thread. Really I am.)

Erann Gat:


I should have said "can become" instead of "becomes". Obviously some
things, even some grandly ambitious things, are best done without macros.
But not all of them. (Also, I thought I was posting to comp.lang.lisp,
not comp.lang.python, when I wrote the preceding post. Forgot to pay
attention to the followup-to header. It was not my intention to start a


Christophe Rhodes

Andrew Dalke said:
Pascal Costanza:

Is the implementation free to *not* compile the code when the
COMPILE function is called? That is, to leave it as is? How
would a user tell the difference without running a timing test?

Somewhat ironically given the context, within the standard a user can
only tell whether code has been compiled by whether redefinitions of
macros affect the execution or not. (If they do, it hasn't been
compiled; if they don't, it has).


james anderson

Macros generating macros and macros that take other macros as
arguments are quite common in Scheme

Syntax-rule-level ??!lambda and ??!apply:

interesting, but to contrast that with the referenced meta implementation, the
form of the macro argument matters:

hof hom
apply op form macro-expand (cons op form) or form
(either immediately or relegated to the compiler)

fixed-point functions fixed-point forms

are there examples where these little beasties are used in production?


james anderson


i'm trying to understand how best to approach unicode representations.
i am told the pep-0261 is the standard for python.
it was not clear what mechanism it entails for access to os-level text
management facilities on the order of osx's "apple type services for unicode
imaging"[0]. i looked through the mac extensions, but did not discern anything
relevant. can anyone point me to code in wide and narrow builds which uses
such os-level facilities. i was given a reference which appeared to concern
windows' file names, but that, as is the case with direct stream codecs, is
primarly a static situation.

i would also be interested to hear if there have been any data collected on
preponderance of wide builds, and on the consequences in those installations
for storage and algorithm efficiency.



Edi Weitz

My primary machine is Mac OS X. I always got frustrated getting
fonts, sound, and movies working under the various Linux-based
distributions, and I suspect there are the same problems with
BSD-based distributions.

Although I've been using Linux and/or FreeBSD since about 1999 I
understand what you mean. It's still much too hard to set up a machine
if you just want to get your work done and don't like fiddling with
the OS internals.

But there are a couple of free Common Lisps available for Mac OS X -
OpenMCL, CLISP, SBCL, ECL, maybe more. (Plus the trial versions of
MCL, AllegroCL and LispWorks the latter of which has a fantastic
cross-platform GUI toolkit.) What's missing is someone who integrates
these Lisps and the available packages with something like Fink to
make OS X as convenient as Debian as far as Lisp is concerned. I think
this wouldn't be too hard - AFAIK Fink uses the same package format -
but somebody's gotta do the work. (If someone's willing to donate an
iBook or PowerBook to me I'll do it... :)

Just to show you that the situation isn't as bleak as you might think
here's the list of Debian packages maintained by Kevin Rosenberg:


That's more than 110 and almost all of them are for Common Lisp. Plus,
there are Common Lisp packages maintained by other people, of
course. Still far less than what can be found on CPAN but a very good
base to start with. (And who needs Lingua::Romana::perligata anyway?
Pardon me that all my examples are for Perl but I'm much more familiar
with Perl than with Python.)
No one has told me they would hire me for contract work "if only you
were a Lisp programmer."

No one has told me either. But I've had a lot of contract work in
Common Lisp since I started with it in 2000. If I were always waiting
for someone to tell me which language to use I'd probably be stuck
with Java, PHP, and Visual Basic forever. Yuck!
Technically I'm cross-posting from And I actually complain
for other reasons. ;)

Yes, I wasn't talking about you in particular.
So far I've made ... 4(?) half-hearted attempts at learning Lisp.

Next time try it wholeheartedly... :)
*sigh*. Another package that doesn't (err, won't) work on my Mac.

Same answer as above. The CD is based on SBCL so it should be possible
to do something similar for OS X (should even be easier in theory
because you don't need the Knoppix stuff for HW detection). It's just
that someone has to do it...


Alex Martelli

This isn't true anymore (IE for newer compilers).

Wow, that IS great news! Does it apply to 32-bit Intel-oid machines (the
most widespread architecture) and the newest releases of MS VC++ (7.1)
and gcc, the most widespread compilers for it? I can't find any docs on what
switches or whatever I should give the two compilers to get seamless interop.

Specifically, the standard Python on Windows has long been built with MSVC++
and this has given problems to C-coded extension writers who don't own that
product -- it IS possible to use other compilers to build the extensions, but
only with much pain and some limitations (e.g on FILE* arguments). If this
has now gone away there would be much rejoicing -- with proper docs on the
Python side of things and/or use of whatever switches are needed to enable
this, if any, when we do the standard Python build on Windows.

Mangling, exception handling, etc, is all covered by the ABI.

IBM's XLC 6.0 for OSX also follows this C++ ABI, and is thus compatible
with G++ 3.x on OSX.

I'm not very familiar with Python on the Mac but I think it uses another
commercial compiler (perhaps Metrowerks?), so I suspect the same question
may apply here. It's not as crucial on other architectures where Python is
more normally built with free compilers, but it sure WOULD still be nice to
think of possible use of costly commercial compilers with hypothetically
great optimizations for the distribution of some "hotspot" object files, if
that sped the interpreter up without giving any interoperability problems.


Edi Weitz

Conjecture: Is it that the commericial versions of Lisp pull away
some of the people who would otherwise help raise the default
functionality of the free version? I don't think so... but then

I'm pretty sure this is the case. If you lurk in c.l.l for a while
you'll see that a large part of the regular contributors aren't what
you'd call Open Source zealots. Maybe that's for historical reasons, I
don't know. But of course that's different from languages which have
always been "free" like Perl or Python.

To give one example: One of the oldest dynamic HTTP servers out there
is CL-HTTP.[1] I think it is very impressive but it has a somewhat
dubious license which doesn't allow for commercial deployment - it's
not "free." Maybe, I dunno, it would have a much higher market share
if it had been licensed like Apache when it was released. I'm sure
there's much more high-quality Lisp software out there that hasn't
even been released.


[1] <>

Don't be fooled by the "Last updated" line. There's still active
development - see


Paul Foley

|> It's only been out, what, twenty years? And another twenty before that
|> for other lisps... How much time do you think you need?
|Hey, we've been dead for thirty years, give us a break.
|The bad news for other languages is that the evolution of programming
|languages, like baseball, is a game played without a clock.
I would think Lisp is more like cricket: wickets bracket both ends, no
one can actually understand the rules, but at least the players wear

Oh, come on! Anyone can understand cricket! There are two teams.
The team that's in sits out, except for two batsmen, and the other
team come out and try to get the men that are in out. When a man goes
out, he goes in and another man comes out. When the team that's in
are all out, except for the one who's not out, the other team goes in,
until they're all out, too; and then a second innings is played.
That's more or less all there is to it!

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