David B. Held
The_Sage said:[...]
I have challenged you several times to show statements by
any of those organizations claiming that their compilers are
less than 100% conforming. They say they conform, therefore
they are conforming.
So if a company says their drug will make your penis bigger,
it will? Let's eliminate the FTC, then, since commerce fraud is
just an imagined evil, according to you. Marketing depts. must
absolutely love you.
If you want to make up new definitions for words so that
"conforming" now means "almost conforming", go right ahead,
but don't be surprized if no one ever take anything seriously
that you ever say from then on.
Ok, I'll say it. When MS, IBM, and Borland say their compilers
"conform to the ANSI C++ standard", they mean "almost
conform". How do I know? Well, several reasons. First, I've
used MS's and Borland's compilers, and I have seen first-hand
how they do not conform. Second, with each new version, each
vendor promises a compiler that is "more conforming" than the
last. How that is possible if they already have 100% conformance
is beyond me. Third, well-known libraries composed of well-
formed C++ do not compile without workarounds or bugs on
any of those compilers. Go to www.boost.org, for instance, and
show me which of the libraries which do not pass 100% of the
regression tests for the stated compilers contain ill-formed code
that actually should not compile, even though the authors and the
community say otherwise.
Anyone who can't take me seriously for having said that, feel
free to make yourself heard. It's obvious that you are not a
serious C++ programmer, as any programmer who has had to
deal with any of those compilers at length would be intimately
acquainted with non-conformities in those toolsets. As an
exercise, feel free to visit the newsgroups which support any
of those compilers and read a few messages to see how
"conforming" they really are. You'll probably even see a few
messages from company reps saying: "Yeah, our compiler doesn't
support feature X properly [or at all]", where 'feature X' is a
requirement for conforming implementations.