David B. Held
The_Sage said:[...]
When the standard is ambigious, the standard is of no use.
You haven't shown any places where the standard *is* ambiguous.
If the authority wants to retain control, the authority had better
serve the people they represent instead of representing themselves.
The C++ committee pretty much does serve the people they
represent, since it is made up of the people they represent.
If the people want void main(),
Cite one other person besides yourself that "wants" "void main()".
So far, you are the only person I've met that has requested it
specifically. If it is so near and dear to you, you can do what
everyone else does, and write a proposal. I personally think it
would be amusing for the committee to take up your proposal
and discuss it.
then the standard should evolve with the people who use it,
I would say that standard is already considerably more evolved
than you. And it's barely old enough to enter kindergarten!
or the standard will become obsolete,
Actually, the standard already does become obsolete, but not
because of the decay you imply. Rather, it becomes obsolete
by the intentional actions of the committee, each time they update
just like the authority will lose credibility.
Actually, the authority of the C++ committee has only increased
in credibility, as the industry moves to make their tools more and
more conforming to the standard.
Maybe your idea of an authority is a mirror image of Adolf Hitler
or Bill Gates,
While I can see a similarity between Hitler and Gates, I don't see
the relevance to C++. But if you're losing an argument badly,
and don't have anything else to lose, then throwing in a reference
to Hitler is usually a good tactic. The problem is that it's like tossing
a grenade...if you don't throw it fast enough, it blows up in your
but thankfully people in general are learning to stand up to people
like that
All because of your championing the cause of the little guy! You're
my hero!!!
and think for themselves.
Unfortunately, when people like you "think for themselves", the result
gets a bit ugly.
Having a standard allows all of us to work together as a team, it
isn't supposed to be a way to manipulate people into doing the
will of the few.
So pretty much the vast majority of C++ programmers agree that
"int main()" is the way to go, and your "will" is that "void main()" is
or should be well-formed C++. I would say it's fair to say that you
are "the few". Put that way, who is the oppressive authority and who
is doing the manipulating?
Do you even have a clue what "but otherwise" means? In English?
Let me show you what you're doing:
[The Sage wrote:]
I...should evolve...or...like...Adolf Hitler...thankfully...Gates...
Now, as you can see, I quoted you, in the original word order, even.
Which means I can play your trick too, and make your words say
something they didn't originally. If you try to dispute my rendering,
I just say: "Do you know what 'should evolve' means?? In English?!?!"
And that counts as a "rebuttal". I admit, it's fun to do, but can't be
taken seriously by anyone who pretends to think.
It means you don't know what the heck you are talking about.
Blindly assert all you want that you are right and I am wrong,
Wow. This is so apropos, I could simply change the attribution,
and it would make even more sense.
it won't change the fact that it can be interpreted loosely in that
You are the only one playing fast and loose with that section. You
can't muster one other person who agrees with your reading. On
the other hand, every other person in this thread, and the people
responsible for the very contents of the standard (including the
language inventor himself) have spelled it out for you in no uncertain
terms. You simply have no excuse, other than perhaps a pathological
and many of the major compiler manufacturers have choosen the
same interpretation as I have, not as you have.
Prove it. Prove that the compiler manufacturers have interpreted
the standard as you have. When I see a written statement from
any of them to this effect, I will concede the point.
Adapt or perish.
Physician, heal thyself.
[I said...]
Many major compilers are not conforming C++ implementations.
Not according to them or the standard, as it is currently worded.
Actually, it is according to the vendors themselves, and the
conformance tests which they run. Oh, you didnt' know there were
actual *tests* to measure conformance? Who would need that?
Aren't all the major compilers already conforming? Let's see...we
have the experts, the users who try to use conforming code in the
applications, but can't, the vendors, and now the conformance tests
all saying that virtually all of the major C++ implementations (and
certainly including the ones you named) are not conforming.
And then there is you.
What's wrong with this picture? If you are so right, why can't you
get one other person to agree with you? You have written tens of
posts arguing your position, and have persuaded nobody. How
could the truth be so utterly impossible to show to anyone else?
Could it be that...YOU'RE WRONG?
Argument by mantra isn't going to prove anything, except you have
no legitimate leg to stand on.
That's a wonderful statement. I think it applies perfectly to:
"'void main()' is legal C++"
The standard does conform to what the user needs.
And how did you determine that?
By reading in public forums like this one about how people are
using the language and seeing that they are doing a lot of cool
stuff with it. And where the standard does not meet all of the
users' needs, there are proposals written to possibly change it.
However, I'm not aware of a single proposal to make "void
main()" well-formed code, though there might be in the future.
And how does the standards committee determine what the
users need?
By considering proposals written by the users.
Certainly not by asking C++ users. I've never had an interview
with the standards committee.
That's because it's obvious that you don't use C++. When was
the last time a congressman asked you for an interview before
making new laws?
No one at my workplace has had an interview with the standards
committee. Who are they actually interviewing, if they are
interviewing at all?
They're "interviewing" those who submit proposals, just like
Congress has hearings for proposed bills. Novel idea, huh?
Besides, why would the C++ committee interview people
working at a marble factory?
Yes, it is what many compiler manufacturers and their users want.
Please cite the manufacturers and users expressing this desire, or
retract your claim. Also, that is not a "use-case". But it doesn't
suprise me in the least that you don't know what a use-case is.
But to be a little more specific, what is the point in returning an int
for main()?
To provide an exit code to be used by the hosting environment, of
The only time that is going to do anything is if you exit the program
in DOS.
LOL!!! You embarrass yourself at every turn, and don't even realize
it! No self-respecting programmer would make a blunder of this
magnitude. I can only conclude that the shop you work at uses
VB on WinTel exclusively.
Then the program returns an DOS error code. Well guess what?
DOS is dead. It is obsolete. Returning anything at all is useless and
pointless for a standalone program anyway. That is what exception
handling is for.
LOL!!! This is so funny, I couldn't have embarrassed you more
myself if I tried!!! Obviously, you don't know what shell
programming is all about, you aren't familiar with *nix, and you
haven't got a clue what exception handling is. The idea that
exception handling has anything to do with exit codes is just
unbelievably funny!