Ruby Editor


M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Todd said:
I'm not sure why -- maybe a change in OS philosophy on my part -- but
I think Windows 2000 server was a Microsoft high watermark for
stability/reliability/useability in my opinion. We had plenty of
those guys sitting around with nary a problem.
Well ... aside from the fact that they weren't hyperthreading aware,
they were indeed solid beasts and still are. If Windows 2000
Professional was still supported and would do RDC server, I would never
have upgraded to XP. But I do think Windows Server 2003 is better than
2000 (at least now, after four years). :)
I'm a minimilast, so I run with BSD and vim. BSD is a bit weird in
the OSS world. They put a sturdier cap on the open source zeal
present in most linux distros.

I used to be a *real* minimalist. I did some of my best hacking in Forth
on an HP-100 Pocket PC. Darn thing ran Perl 4 too at an acceptable
speed, doubled as a VT100 with a usable keyboard and an almost visible
80x24 screen. I'll bet it will run Ruby, although I'm not sure what kind
of script you could cram into 640K.

Then again, with the older Forths you didn't even need the OS -- it was
part of the language. :)
I think it was the writer Neal Stephenson that attempted to compare
OS's to vehicles. Well, if his Linux is a tank, the former BeOS a
batmobile, Windows a Saturn, then I guess BSD would be like a
locomotive -- sturdy, but you have to follow the track.

I like games like this, so let's do it with languages. Forth is what? A
Dodge Colt? Scheme is a motorcycle? No ... the other way around. Forth
is a motorcycle and Scheme is a Dodge Colt (or Volkswagen Beetle). And
Ruby is ??

Chad Perrin

Well ...

1. I've heard good things about BSD, but it's really hard to find
sysadmins for it. It may be more stable than any Linux kernel, but if
you can't find someone to maintain it, it's not going to be useful.

You could probably find a couple on this list, and I'm sure you'd hit
half a dozen if you swung a dead cat in the freebsd-questions mailing
list. There's at least one guy among the netadmin volunteers at the
Wikimedia Foundation. My experience is that they're pretty easy to find.
In fact, I find them to be easier to locate than Solaris admins.

Where have you been looking?

2. No I was *not* lumping all Linux distros together -- I *was*
excluding Debian and Slackware. They aren't as hard to find sysadmins
for as BSD, but they are enough different from Red Hat that there's
still a learning curve. I *meant* Red Hat!

Um . . . a halfway competent Linux admin should be able to make the
transition from RHEL to Debian in about two days of familiarization. A
few files are in different places, and APT isn't exactly the same as YUM,
but otherwise Linux is Linux.

Granted, Slackware can be a pain in the butt for someone who hasn't tried
to install it before. . . .

3. I'm surprised nobody defended Windows Server 2003. Just because it's
closed source and expensive doesn't mean it's a bad OS in terms of
reliability, security or performance. Apache, MySQL, PHP, PostgreSQL,
Ruby, Rails, etc. run just fine on Windows 2003 server

No, that doesn't mean it's bad -- there are, however, other things that
mean it's not very good. In my estimation, such considerations as the
amount of administrative overhead, security costs, reduced remote
administration capability, and increased resource footprint for minimal
operation add up to a lot of reasons it isn't in the same league as the
major free unices. Keep in mind that "administrative overhead" covers a
lot of ground, too -- like the increased difficulty of managing software
(which in and of itself covers a lot of ground).

WS2k3 isn't completely worthless, to be sure, but given an option it's
usually better to avoid it in favor of something unixy (especially if you
want to do your system scripting in Ruby).

Chad Perrin

I'm not sure why -- maybe a change in OS philosophy on my part -- but
I think Windows 2000 server was a Microsoft high watermark for
stability/reliability/useability in my opinion. We had plenty of
those guys sitting around with nary a problem.

That's because it *was* the high-water mark for MS Windows servers. Any
advances since then that are worth anything have primarily been in
support for hardware that has been developed since Win2k support started
going the way of the dodo.

I'm a minimilast, so I run with BSD and vim. BSD is a bit weird in
the OSS world. They put a sturdier cap on the open source zeal
present in most linux distros.

I think it was the writer Neal Stephenson that attempted to compare
OS's to vehicles. Well, if his Linux is a tank, the former BeOS a
batmobile, Windows a Saturn, then I guess BSD would be like a
locomotive -- sturdy, but you have to follow the track.

I think you're overstating the case significantly. FreeBSD, for
instance, is not nearly as fast and loose as your average Linux
distribution, but it's certainly flexible -- considerably more so than
any proprietary OS I've ever seen, including several proprietary Unix

. . and yes, it was Stephenson who made the car dealership analogy, in
his excellent (book-length) essay "In the Beginning was the Command
Line". His use of the word "yurt" was one of the high points of my week
the first time I read that essay, and the hypothetical conversation with
a passer-by on his way to the Microsoft station wagon dealership was
another of those high points.

Chad Perrin

I like games like this, so let's do it with languages. Forth is what? A
Dodge Colt? Scheme is a motorcycle? No ... the other way around. Forth
is a motorcycle and Scheme is a Dodge Colt (or Volkswagen Beetle). And
Ruby is ??

. . a Toyota Prius, except it's pretty.

Brad Phelan

There are other business models than the governmentally enforced
artificial scarcity model where software is treated as physical product

Kinda reminds me of the Roadies' Creed:

If it's wet, drink it.
If it's dry, smoke it.
If it moves, f*#k it.
If it doesn't move...

Abstract thinking is not part of the job description there.

However it always stuns me when software geeks come with arguments as
previously posted because we are meant to be abstract thinkers. However
I keep hearing the same old argument along the lines of `if I can't kick
it, it has no value and should be free.`

BTW I wouldn't use any other editor than VIM :)

F. Senault

Le 24 juillet 2007 à 09:18, Chad Perrin a écrit :
You could probably find a couple on this list,


For my part, I believe this is way off topic here and prone to
degenerate very rapidly into a flamewar of huge proportions, so I won't
comment any further, and I'd advise everyone to do the same...


Chad Perrin

However it always stuns me when software geeks come with arguments as
previously posted because we are meant to be abstract thinkers. However
I keep hearing the same old argument along the lines of `if I can't kick
it, it has no value and should be free.`

I don't recall anyone saying anything of the sort. Maybe I'm just not
thinking abstractly enough to know where you got that.

Brad Phelan

Chad said:
I don't recall anyone saying anything of the sort. Maybe I'm just not
thinking abstractly enough to know where you got that.

'governmentally enforced artificial scarcity model where software is
treated as physical product units.'

What does this mean other than that software has no inherent
monetary sale value other than that artificially imposed
by government control?

Todd Benson

I like games like this, so let's do it with languages. Forth is what? A
Dodge Colt? Scheme is a motorcycle? No ... the other way around. Forth
is a motorcycle and Scheme is a Dodge Colt (or Volkswagen Beetle). And
Ruby is ??

That's a tough one. Maybe a Transformer
( It's more than meets the eye

I can't play that game with languages, though, because I'm only
familiar with a handful of them. I imagine Ruby, though, to be
something akin to a folding bicycle with on board solar power.


John Joyce

'governmentally enforced artificial scarcity model where software
is treated as physical product units.'

What does this mean other than that software has no inherent
monetary sale value other than that artificially imposed
by government control?
Which is exactly the kind of half logic that would debunk all
'governmentally enforced' rights, property or otherwise.
They're all artifices imposed by social constructs. Some of them work
and some don't. If they don't work, they're ideally changed/fixed.
But the ideal Star Trek world of no money and free and equal access
to everything is not going to happen any time soon.

Robert Dober

Which is exactly the kind of half logic that would debunk all
'governmentally enforced' rights, property or otherwise.
They're all artifices imposed by social constructs. Some of them work
and some don't. If they don't work, they're ideally changed/fixed.
But the ideal Star Trek world of no money and free and equal access
to everything is not going to happen any time soon.
Luckily, just call me Lt. Broccoli ;)

But changing it, is just what we are trying to do, by small steps, and
saying that slavery is bad but is a reality was true some day too,

Just my 0.02 =80


I always knew that one day Smalltalk would replace Java.
I just didn't know it would be called Ruby
-- Kent Beck


I like games like this, so let's do it with languages. Forth is what? A
That's a tough one. Maybe a Transformer
( It's more than meets the eye

I can't play that game with languages, though, because I'm only
familiar with a handful of them. I imagine Ruby, though, to be
something akin to a folding bicycle with on board solar power.

I don't think ruby's specialty is in it's power. I think ruby is
special and remarkable for the feeling it gives the user. Thus, I'd
choose a mustang. What a feeling to drive in it!



I like games like this, so let's do it with languages. Forth is what? A
Dodge Colt? Scheme is a motorcycle? No ... the other way around. Forth
is a motorcycle and Scheme is a Dodge Colt (or Volkswagen Beetle). And
Ruby is ??

I actually think of Ruby as slightly like the Magic School Bus. Maybe
I've been reading "_why's (poignant) guide" too much lately.

Alex Young

John said:
Which is exactly the kind of half logic that would debunk all
'governmentally enforced' rights, property or otherwise.
I wouldn't call it "half logic". If you accept that value is derived
from scarcity, and that bits can be copied arbitrarily easily (and are
therefore by definition non-scarce and have *no* intrinsic value), then
a government-enforced moratorium on copying bits under certain
circumstances is required to give those bits themselves scarcity and
therefore value. Unless you have a different model for defining
intrinsic value, the logic is pretty solid...

If your business model doesn't depend on making bits harder to copy,
then you have no need for a government-enforced system to support it,
and vice versa. It's exactly the same as businesses that don't need an
artificial monopoly on a specific way of solving a problem - the vast
majority of businesses don't have any interaction *at all* with the
patent system. The fact that some businesses can get by without it
doesn't mean that it should be "debunked" or even necessarily changed
(although here and now isn't the place for *that* particular diversion).
They're all artifices imposed by social constructs. Some of them work
and some don't. If they don't work, they're ideally changed/fixed.
Working on it :)
But the ideal Star Trek world of no money and free and equal access
to everything is not going to happen any time soon.
Only because we haven't cracked free energy and replicators yet...
Again, working on it :)

John Joyce

I wouldn't call it "half logic". If you accept that value is
derived from scarcity, and that bits can be copied arbitrarily
easily (and are therefore by definition non-scarce and have *no*
intrinsic value), then a government-enforced moratorium on copying
bits under certain circumstances is required to give those bits
themselves scarcity and therefore value. Unless you have a
different model for defining intrinsic value, the logic is pretty

If your business model doesn't depend on making bits harder to
copy, then you have no need for a government-enforced system to
support it, and vice versa. It's exactly the same as businesses
that don't need an artificial monopoly on a specific way of solving
a problem - the vast majority of businesses don't have any
interaction *at all* with the patent system. The fact that some
businesses can get by without it doesn't mean that it should be
"debunked" or even necessarily changed (although here and now isn't
the place for *that* particular diversion).

Working on it :)

Only because we haven't cracked free energy and replicators yet...
Again, working on it :)
Uh, by your debased definition matter, like energy is neither created
nor destroyed at the sub atomic level. It just changes form or breaks
into constituent components, so nothing has any true scarcity, just
scarcity of condition and circumstance.
Big deal!
If you package something in some way and sell it, and somebody buys
it, then you have something of a business model.
Dirt is not scarce by normal definition, yet people sell it and buy it!
Water as well.
How can they have scarcity?
They don't exist. So the scarcity is your time?

You're just blindly believing all software should be free. Not all of
it should be free. Stallman is not right about everything. He's a
convenient nut to have for pushing ideas, but a little to extreme and
You're missing the fundamental rule of economics: supply and demand.
If people really cared about free software, they would use it.
Ubuntu is now a wonderful consumer-friendly OS. Free. They'll even
send you it on optical media for free!
It's gained some traction, but nobody is clamoring for it. Most
everyday people never heard of it and don't care.

By your thinking, all content would be free because it is stored in a
digital medium.
That's silly.
So if I store things in an analog medium it's ok to sell it due to
scarcity, since it can't be exactly easily reproduced?
That's just not sensible.

You still don't get the fact that some things are public domain and
free and some things are not.
You make it, you decide what to do with it.

I can paint a picture. I may decide to hide it from the world. I may
decide to sell it and all reproduction rights with it.
I may just charge you to look at it, even though photons are free and
your ability to perceive variations in wavelengths of photon
vibration is not a product. I can say the painting is 'relatively
unique' and difficult to reproduce.
If I create a digital illustration, it is no different. It is still
mark-making, but a different medium. According to your concept, it is
however, digitally stored and so the actual file should be free to
everyone? Of course printing and displaying it will never be exactly
the same twice since neither monitors nor prints are digital. They
are analog.

Chad Perrin

I don't think ruby's specialty is in it's power. I think ruby is
special and remarkable for the feeling it gives the user. Thus, I'd
choose a mustang. What a feeling to drive in it!

Out of control? I'd choose something with better ability to keep its
wheels glued to the pavement in a turn than a Mustang, I think.

Chad Perrin

'governmentally enforced artificial scarcity model where software is
treated as physical product units.'

What does this mean other than that software has no inherent
monetary sale value other than that artificially imposed
by government control?

It's a statement of the economic reality of the circumstances.
Pretending that there's a limit on how many of something you can
distribute when, in fact, there is not is called "artificial scarcity".
In this case, the artificial scarcity is achieved through governmental
"management" of market forces, all for the purpose of allowing vendors to
pretend that software is a physical product that can be shrinkwrapped and
sold in discrete units. The statement you quoted didn't even make any
value judgments on that state of affairs -- it just identified it

Chad Perrin

Which is exactly the kind of half logic that would debunk all
'governmentally enforced' rights, property or otherwise.
They're all artifices imposed by social constructs. Some of them work
and some don't. If they don't work, they're ideally changed/fixed.
But the ideal Star Trek world of no money and free and equal access
to everything is not going to happen any time soon.


1. It's not "half-logic" -- it's a factual description of the economic
realities of the situation.

2. It has no ability to debunk any (other) rights, especially
(physical) property rights. In fact, copyright and physical property
rights are specifically in legally enforceable conflict with one
another, as a prohibition against arranging pixels on a piece of paper
and distributing that piece of paper just because the arranged pixels
violate copyright with regards to the image produced conflicts with the
proprietary rights of the owner of the ink, paper, and printer involved
(for example).

3. Rights are not "imposed" -- they are either protected or violated by
"social constructs" (I assume you mostly allude to government with that

4. Free and equal access to everything? Nobody in this discussion
said, or even implied, anything of the sort as far as I'm aware.

Chad Perrin

I wouldn't call it "half logic". If you accept that value is derived
from scarcity, and that bits can be copied arbitrarily easily (and are
therefore by definition non-scarce and have *no* intrinsic value), then
a government-enforced moratorium on copying bits under certain
circumstances is required to give those bits themselves scarcity and
therefore value. Unless you have a different model for defining
intrinsic value, the logic is pretty solid...

Actually . . . software has value. Something doesn't have to have
physical scarcity to have value. In fact, one might say that software
*is a measure of value*, in that it is the symbolic representation of
work, hopefully with some kind of efficiencies built in that enhance the
value of that work.

The reason the software-as-units business model relies on artificial
scarcity is that it's trying to derive market value from a non-scarce
part of the chain of creation, distribution, and use. Ultimately, in its
natural form, a software market would be a service industry rather than a
product manufacturing industry.

Of course, I think I may be violently agreeing with you, to some extent.
You're probably using "software" in this case to refer to "copies of
software", as a form of shorthand. The copies themselves have no
intrinsic value (though the media on which they're copied have at least
some such value).

Chad Perrin

Uh, by your debased definition matter, like energy is neither created
nor destroyed at the sub atomic level. It just changes form or breaks
into constituent components, so nothing has any true scarcity, just
scarcity of condition and circumstance.

Actually, that's not strictly true, speaking from a semi-classical
physics standpoint (I say "semi-" because I don't quite want to go all
the way back to Newton, and "classical" because I'm avoiding some of the
weirder implications of current subatomic physics theory, like
"borrowing" matter from probability). Generally, the matter/energy deal
is thought to be a zero-sum game. There is, in fact, scarcity, but we
haven't even come close to reaching that limit (yet).

For the moment, however, it looks like there isn't any scarcity of matter
and energy per se. There is, however, a market scarcity because of the
fact that matter is not easy (yet) to alter in fundamental ways,
requiring the expenditure of mass quantities of energy, and energy is
even more difficult to eke out of the universe. Market scarcity is
measured more often in cost than in actual physical existence.

If you package something in some way and sell it, and somebody buys
it, then you have something of a business model.
Dirt is not scarce by normal definition, yet people sell it and buy it!
Water as well.

See above, re: cost.

How can they have scarcity?
They don't exist. So the scarcity is your time?

Bingo. See above, re: cost.

You're just blindly believing all software should be free. Not all of
it should be free. Stallman is not right about everything. He's a
convenient nut to have for pushing ideas, but a little to extreme and

The fact that someone takes a position you do not like in no way makes
that position depend on "blind" belief. I tend to guess you include me
in that sweeping statement, rather than targeting only Alex, and judging
by performance thus far I probably am aware of (i.e. can "see") more of
the economic factors involved in the foundation of the product-based
software industry than you are. That doesn't mean there isn't someone
else on this mailing list (or newsgroup or forum) who doesn't know more
about it than I do -- I'm just pointing out that your use of the term
"blind" is probably a substitute for an expression of your distaste
rather than a useful metaphor for anyone's willingness or ability to
"see" the merits of your argument.

You're missing the fundamental rule of economics: supply and demand.

There's a lot more to economics than "supply and demand" but, ironically,
"supply" is exactly the principle of economics that you're ignoring when
you ignore the fact that software "product" scarcity must be enforced by
some overarching power structure (in this case, the government) for the
commoditized proprietary software business model to be even tenuously
viable. I'm not 100% sure that implication is your *intent*, but it's
the consequence of the arguments you're using.

By your thinking, all content would be free because it is stored in a
digital medium.
That's silly.
So if I store things in an analog medium it's ok to sell it due to
scarcity, since it can't be exactly easily reproduced?
That's just not sensible.

I don't think anyone made that argument specifically.

You still don't get the fact that some things are public domain and
free and some things are not.
You make it, you decide what to do with it.

Actually, I think Alex gets that -- and thinks that in some cases the
"things that are not" should be in the public domain.

I, for one, entirely agree that when you make something you should be
able to decide what to do with it -- with the caveat that once you
release something into the wild, you should not expect to have complete
control over what others do with it, especially when they make something
based on it (such as a copy), barring outside influences such as
governmental enforcement of artificial scarcity.

Even then, it's unrealistic to expect that people will not make (at least
approximate, in the case of analog) copies.

I can paint a picture. I may decide to hide it from the world. I may
decide to sell it and all reproduction rights with it.
I may just charge you to look at it, even though photons are free and
your ability to perceive variations in wavelengths of photon
vibration is not a product. I can say the painting is 'relatively
unique' and difficult to reproduce.

Your argument here fails the "affirming the consequent" test. It assumes
that your conclusion is true within its premises.

If I create a digital illustration, it is no different. It is still
mark-making, but a different medium. According to your concept, it is
however, digitally stored and so the actual file should be free to
everyone? Of course printing and displaying it will never be exactly
the same twice since neither monitors nor prints are digital. They
are analog.

For my part, my only statement was that something that is digitally
stored *and distributed in that form* is only subject to limitations on
copying and redistributing because of governmentally enforced artificial
scarcity, and that there are other business models than those that depend
on such governmental interference in market forces. Whether or not I
believe that one *should* do so was not specifically stated -- and I
think that straying from the factually provable on that subject in this
list is a bad idea.

Your repeated differentiation between digital and analog is a red
herring, by the way. There are two ways to consider that difference:

1. If your implication that one has a "right" to control over future
disposition of anything matching the creation in question is true, you
have no such right to control of analog copies because they do not
match it.

2. If we consider analog copies to be a close enough approximation to
be covered by such a "right", that in no way changes the fact that
governmentally enforced artificial scarcity is the only thing currently
making business models based on that idea at all viable in the market.

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