marc said:
James Britt wrote:
He stated that he was inexperienced - he used the term "absolute
amateur" - so I suggested - note the use of the word - that with a bit
more experience he might further his knowledge. There was no ad
hominem in what I said, unlike what you just wrote; but I'll put that
down to a lack of experience too.
James, I'm a big fan of yours, but I'm also keenly aware of poorly
constructed arguments (e.g., ad hominem it bastard brothers). I think I
have to agree with Marc here. I think he was making a legitimate
proposition - in form if not in substance. He may be right, but I cannot
confirm it. And I don't see any hint of ad hominem here. We DO see
things through the lense of our experience. We have little choice.
I will say, however, that after working with a number of IDE's, and
rather enjoying them for their "gee whiz" appeal - all those tools, and
such - retreating from the disaster that Aptana was for a while to mere
jEdit and the CLI was a breath of fresh air for me. I felt, and still
feel, MUCH more directly engaged, and I've gotten a ton of work done
with these tools.
I strongly believe in keeping things as simple as possible. And I should
also mention that while I've designed and run a number of websites, I do
not use Rails and am not likely to. I can see how with Rails something
like Aptana or Netbeans might be peachy. Netbeans might be terrific also
if one was using jruby, which certainly does have some nice
features...but not for me.
Gotta fit the tools to the guy, and his needs, I suspect.
I just don't have time to let things get to complex, and that
undoubtedly drives my preferences.
And I still think beginners should learn to run things without an IDE,
then migrate to that more complex world if it makes sense.
Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
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