On 11/12/2010 18:47, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
FWIW, an atomic store on IA-32 has implied release memory barrier
Also, an atomic load has implied acquire semantics. All LOCK'ed atomic
operations basically have implied full memory barrier semantics:
Also, latest VC++ provides acquire/release for volatile load/store
(read all)
So, even if you port over to VC++ for X-BOX (e.g., PowerPC), you will
correct behavior as well.
Therefore, I don't think you even need the second lock at all. If you
using VC++ you can get away with marking the global instance pointer
variable as being volatile. This will give release semantics when you
to it, and acquire when you load from it on Windows or X-BOX, Itanium...
Or, you know, you could just do it "the right way" the first time and
put in all of the correct memory barriers to avoid undefined behavior
according to the C++ standard in order to well, avoid, undefined
Using C++ with multiple threads is already undefined behavior by default
because the C++ standard does not know anything about threading. BTW,
besides using C and 100% pure POSIX Threads, what exactlyis "the right
way" to implement advanced synchronization primitives?
I personally choose to implement all of my sensitive concurrent algorithms
in assembly language. I try to contain the implementation code in externally
assembled object files that provide an external common C API. This is
"fairly safe", because "most" compilers treat calls to unknown external
functions as a sort of implicit "compiler barrier". However, aggressive
link-time optimizations have the ability to mess things up. Luckily, most
compilers that provide such features also have a way to turn them on, or
Yes its like juggling chainsaws! Hopefully, the upcoming C++ standard is
going to keep the chance of decapitation down to a minimum...
It's not like it will actually put in a useless no-op when
using the appropriate C++0x atomics as a normal load on that
architecture apparently has all of the desired semantics. Why write
unportable code which you have to read arch manuals to prove its
correctness when you can write portable code which you can prove its
correctness from the much simpler C++0x standard?
What C++0x standard? Is it totally completed yet? How many compilers support
all of the functionality?
Well, I need to write code that works now. Unfortunately, this means I have
to implement non-portable architecture/platform specific code and abstract
it away under a common API.
C++0x is going to make things oh SO much easier!
Moreover, are you ready to say that you can foresee all possible
compiler, linker, hardware, etc., optimizations in the future which
might not exist yet, and you know that they won't break the code?
Hell no. However, I can document that my code works on existing compilers
and architecture combinations, and add all the caveats. For instance, I have
to document that link-time optimizations should probably be turned off for
any code that makes use of my synchronization primitives.
Sure, the resultant assembly output is correct at the moment according
to the x86 assembly docs, but that is no guarantee that the C++
compiler will produce that correct assembly in the future. It could
implement cool optimizations that would break the /already broken/ C++
code. This is why you write to the appropriate standard. When in C++
land, write to the C++ standard.
There is no threading in C++ standard. Heck, I think its even undefined
behavior to use POSIX Threads with C++; does a thread cancellation run
I strongly disagree with your implications Chris that Leigh is using
good practice with his threading nonsense non-portable hacks,
especially if/when C++0x comes out and is well supported.
If Leigh sticks with the most current MSVC++ versions, he should be just
fine. That compiler happens to add extra semantics to `volatile'. So, if you
only use MSVC++, then you CAN use `volatile' for implementing threading
constructs. And the code will be portable to any architecture that the most
current version of MSVC++ happens to support, IA-32/64, PowerPC, and
Itanium, to name a few... For instance, MSVC++ does not emit any memory
barriers for volatile loads/stores on IA-32/64. However, it MUST emit the
proper barriers on PowerPC and Itanium.
PS: If you are implementing a portable threading library, then
eventually someone has to use the non-portable hardware specifics.
However, only that person / library should have to, not the writer of
what should be portable general purpose code.
Totally agreed! I have to write architecture/platform specific code and
abstract it away. The users only need to work with the _API_. No need to
worry about how it's actually implemented under the covers. You should
probably read the following post, and the entire thread when you get the
FWIW, here is an example code for an atomic reference counted pointer with
strong-thread safety guarantee:
I can port this to basically any IA-32 based operation system that has a GCC
compiler. If I want to port it to PPC, well, I need to create a code in PPC
assembly language, make it adhere to the common API, and BAM! We are in
business. For some reason this website comes to mind:
That information is oh so EXTREMELY __valuable__ to me!!!
PPS: volatile has no place in portable code as a threading primitive
in C or C++. None. It never has. Please stop perpetuating this myth.
It definitely has a place in most recent versions of MSVC++.
Basically, the only way that you can get 100% portable threading right now
is to use PThreads and compilers that comply with POSIX standard. Read this
for more info on how a compiler, GCC of all things, can break POSIX code:
Please read the whole thread; David Butenhof has some very interesting posts
in there!