Hi there,
It's me, "the Witch".
I was shocked when I saw the messages posted upon my "illegal" mails. I
didn't think that people could take account them so seriously.
Those mails had no virii and I sent them just for "helping" people.
That's all.
Was this right? I thought it was.
Of course, I knew that it was an illegal action, I am not so stupid.
And I also knew that Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt and the others would be
But the point which I missed was this: I thought that my illegal
attachments could hurt the authors or publishers just as much as "a
fly's bite", not more.
I see, however, that I was wrong. My activities made them hurt much
more than I thought. I gave Andy Hunt "a promise" that I will never
repeat this actions again,
"the promise" is important for me.
By the way,
So you have libraries in which you can read these books?
How lucky you are...
I don't know him. Is he master? You should be thankful that I didn't
send the books to Matz. I only know Matz, Dave, Andy and Chris Pine.
good; I was going to pay or this, but now I won't", is quite small.
Yep!!! Definitely !!!
indeed go after them.
*Gulp!* Ohmigod! You want to send me to "Green Mile"?