Reply to article by: "Kwan Ting said:Date written: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:29:56 +0100
MsgID:<[email protected]>
No, the real funny thing is how you can't read what yourself is posting!
Now, which bit of "VOID MAIN() IS NOT LEGAL IN C++" don't you understand ???
We aren't reading anything taken from the ISO standard at that link, are we?
No, we are not.
So it doesn't matter what it says in regard to what is "legal" or not.
I know this is probably going to be way over your simple-mind head to understand
this time 'round again, but the point was that it listed for me, all the
compilers that use void main(). That way there could be no doubt which C++
compilers use void main().
That was the point...get it this time? The point wasn't what they claimed on
their site without any facts to back it up with, the point was which compilers
used void main(). Duh! And the only reason I used that link to begin with is
because someone said that not one major C++ compiler used void main(). I proved
them wrong.
The Sage
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