Sorry, your word alone doesn't carry any weight.
"weight" and words. What if your president said it? Would you hurry to go to
war? Do his words have "weight"? What is fear? What is stupidity? I don't see
any presidents or "stalwarts" chompin to go to war.
What you want is "authority". Hmm? Or you don't but want to war against the
oppression that you know. More bombs? More government. More politics. Everything
but practicality and humanity.
You want "a leader"? Aren't "they" just waiting for you to say that "they" are
admonished, and that you elected them?
You want the same, "at another level", maybe? You "want" to comply to programmed
paths. I'm just sayin. I'm kinda a victim of that, I understand.
Are you actually able to
If you are calling for substance, didn't you already lose?
your claim
What's the point of arguing with others on the boats to Normandy?
with any basis or even with tangible evidence,
OK, so you feel something is very wrong but afraid or unable to do anything
about it. This feeling I know. No control. It's bad, and "the leaders" are bad,
because they are not that: they are bad. Whoa before you call me a disser, you
got to elect them, yes? Bring it: "the vote", is bad. You do that, and all those
who voted against whatever issue are not in agreement.
I know what you're thinking: so "Tony", are you suggesting that a "government"
based upon "the vote", is bad?". Yes. It's not academic, but "they" don't care
about that.
"the fed": get off my money. You don't tell me what my money is worth: I earned
it, and it is worth today, what I put into it yesterday. "Mr. Fed": get your
hand off the button.
There are many things to do to make things better. There is no reason for
bullshit like war, governments, voting, etc.
insults? For example, can you
provide an actual example where, in spite of further processing being
impossible, further processing is actually done and the process keeps on
I don't understand. Are you saying you like to operate the power plant and that
is your life and livelihood? Help me with this.