What a Funny Goup! I Asked a Question About Boost (C++ Filesystem Interface) & All I Got Is: My Ques




You know perseus to begin with I actually almost sympathised with you....
now it's just plain obvious that you are an obsessive wanker with nothing to
do with your time other than try to tell other people how ignorant they are.

If the people here are so ignorant and irrelevant as you say,
and I am assuming you are comparing these people to yourself,
how come you had to ask the question in the first place?

I mean, you keep complaining that no one will answer your question, yet, you
don't know the answer yourself.

Has that occured to anyone else?

Pete, I am really sorry, but you are also ignorant. I was flooded with
messages telling me that my C++ FileSystem Interface question was
irrelevant up here. I am only telling all these people that since they
don't know the answer to my question, they should SHUT UP




You know perseus to begin with I actually almost sympathised with you....
now it's just plain obvious that you are an obsessive wanker with nothing to
do with your time other than try to tell other people how ignorant they are.

If the people here are so ignorant and irrelevant as you say,
and I am assuming you are comparing these people to yourself,
how come you had to ask the question in the first place?

I mean, you keep complaining that no one will answer your question, yet, you
don't know the answer yourself.

Has that occured to anyone else?

perseus said:
Please get it into your head: This is a newsgroup for Standard C++.
Yes standard C++ lack[1] some things and that is why there are lots and
lots of packages/libraries like boost. Questions regarding Boost is OT
here and so is questions about wxWindows, ACE, dbconnect, ptypes,
crypto++, botan, V, Fox, GTK, FLTK, Boehm and so on. If this group
should answer ALL C++ related question, there would be 1000 post pr day.
So please understand that boost is OT!

Now, I think it is about time we stop feeding the troll.....


[1] Things like GUI-lib's, database access and others should NOT be in
standard C++


You must really be proud of your message.
Such an eloquent way of showing your ignorance and irrelevance.
Thank you for nothing.


Victor Bazarov

Karl Heinz Buchegger said:
He, he.
I just placed a bet on how many more replies will arrive
before he gets plonk-ed the first time.
Still counting.

I don't know the contents of your bet, but how do you know
he hasn't been plonked? Does everybody who plonks him have
to indicate that in the newsgroup?

Karl Heinz Buchegger

Victor said:
Karl Heinz Buchegger said:
He, he.
I just placed a bet on how many more replies will arrive
before he gets plonk-ed the first time.
Still counting.

I don't know the contents of your bet, but how do you know
he hasn't been plonked? Does everybody who plonks him have
to indicate that in the newsgroup?

OK. Rephrase.
The bet was on the first visible indication of plonking
in the group. Just talked with my collegous, they agree that
it was ment to be that way.

PS: before anybody asks: Victors message and my reply don't count :)

Allan Bruce

Hahahaha! They can help me, but not in this goup? Hahahaha!
You made me laugh! Let's go to the salami.cheese.cpp group to
get help! Hahahaha!

You are absurd!
I would likely be able to help you in your quest, but certainly will not now
I have read your posts and how utterly pointless and rude you are.
What is your obsession about wasting bandwidth? It aint really wasting mine,
I found this all quite humorous :eek:)


You are absurd!
I would likely be able to help you in your quest, but certainly will not now
I have read your posts and how utterly pointless and rude you are.
What is your obsession about wasting bandwidth? It aint really wasting mine,
I found this all quite humorous :eek:)

Since you can't answer the question, why don't you just SHUT UP?
If you all had done that, there would be only one message: mine.
Is it very hard for you to understand such trivialities? Of course it
is humorous! A bunch of so-called C++ specilaists CANNOT READ THE
FILENAMES of a DIRECTORY! Quite humorous!


Mike Wahler

perseus said:

Since you can't answer the question, why don't you just SHUT UP?
If you all had done that, there would be only one message: mine.
Is it very hard for you to understand such trivialities? Of course it
is humorous! A bunch of so-called C++ specilaists CANNOT READ THE
FILENAMES of a DIRECTORY! Quite humorous!

No, it's quite logical. C++ has no directory facilites,
so why should one expect a C++ specialist to know something
that's not part of C++? And *you* lecture *us* about 'logic'.


Allan Bruce

perseus said:

Since you can't answer the question, why don't you just SHUT UP?
If you all had done that, there would be only one message: mine.
Is it very hard for you to understand such trivialities? Of course it
is humorous! A bunch of so-called C++ specilaists CANNOT READ THE
FILENAMES of a DIRECTORY! Quite humorous!


That is not the case in one bit - this newsgroup is dedicated to helping
people with problems with the c++ standard. I did not see your original
post but I am positive someone (probably most) could indeed help you but
this is not on topic here. I am sure they would have instructed you that
you were off topic and I am sure that at least some of them would have told
you a more appropriate newsgroup to post your answer to.
As for me not knowing, that is possible, if it has anything to do with
Microsoft, I will know but that is the platform I develop for. Not everyone
here develops for MS, infact I guarantee there are some people here that
develop for hardware that you have never heard of.


No, it's quite logical. C++ has no directory facilites,
so why should one expect a C++ specialist to know something
that's not part of C++? And *you* lecture *us* about 'logic'.



Logic IS my profession. Your response is idiotic.
C++ specialists should know how to read the filenames of
a directory. A million things are associated with this process.
You might want to change strings in large numbers of files, delete
strings, add strings between words, transfer files, copy files,
unzip files, rename files, etc., etc.
BOOST is a filesystem that allows you to use your current
C++ compiler to manipulale directories. Why don't you familiarize
yourself with BOOST before you start barking at other people?


Matthew Burgess


Logic IS my profession. Your response is idiotic.
C++ specialists should know how to read the filenames of
a directory.

Not if they're a C++ specialist on embedded platforms that have no
notion of what files and directories are.

Mike Wahler

perseus said:

Logic IS my profession.

Thanks for the chuckle.
Your response is idiotic.

You said that before. But not why.
C++ specialists should know how to read the filenames of
a directory.

Why? C++ has no directory facilities.
A million things are associated with this process.

Doesn't matter how many things. C++ is not one of them.
I'm citing *facts*, which I can support, to which you
only respond with attacks upon my intelligence. This is
very telling.
You might want to change strings in large numbers of files, delete
strings, add strings between words, transfer files, copy files,
unzip files, rename files, etc., etc.

All of those things can be done with standard C++. What
cannot be done is the (necessarily platform-specific)
interfacing with directory structure.
BOOST is a filesystem that allows you to use your current
C++ compiler to manipulale directories.

I know what 'boost' is and does. It is certainly not a
filesystem. It's a third-party library for use with C++
applications. It supports most C++ implementations. My
'current' compiler may or may not be supported, you
don't know.
Why don't you familiarize
yourself with BOOST

I know what boost is. I've spent considerable time at
its web site, reading the code as an educational tool.
So far, I haven't had occasion to actually use it.
If I do, I know where to get information about how to
install, configure and use it. And so do you (you've
been told many times, but appear more interested
in arguing).
before you start barking at other people?

What barking? I tried to rationally explain how your
efforts here are pointless. Notice I did not make any
personal attacks upon you, as you've done with everyone
who responds to your messages with accurate answers.



NNTP-Posting-Host: scotia-m-burgess.sunderland.ac.uk
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Xref: sn-us comp.lang.c++:751584

Not if they're a C++ specialist on embedded platforms that have no
notion of what files and directories are.

Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!


Default User

perseus said:
You continue using bandwidth with unnecessary messages.

That's pretty funny, as you felt the need to post a long whiny message
about how badly you were treated with your off-topic message.


Brian Rodenborn

Gavin Deane

perseus said:
Karl Hainz Buchegger:

I am still counting how many stupid messages you send
about not knowing the answer to my question. Keep on sending them,


I wasn't going to bite but now I am.

Taking nothing away from many other regular contributors, Karl is one
of the most helpful people in this group.

Look through the history of the group.
Read posts from Karl (and many of the other poeple you are only
failing to offend because they don't care what you think of them).
Notice how helpful and polite they are to people who don't display
your attitude problem.
Consider that regular readers know this about them already.
Consider now how you are presenting yourself.
Hang your head in shame.
Go away and don't come back until you have learnt manners and



perseus said:
I think that everyone who told me that my question is irrelevant,
in particular Mr. David White,
is being absolutely ridiculous. Obviously, most of you up here
behave like the owners of the C++ language. A C++ interface
installation IS ABOUT THE C++ LANGUAGE! The language
does not possess the ability to handle even simple file directory
Those wise people that created it did not take care of it. So, BOOST
is a portable interface that contains a FILESYSTEM for handling
files and directories in the C++ LANGUAGE!
Now, where are you coming from telling me that a question about the
installation of such an important interface does not belong to this
group? Where did you learn logic? In a mental institution?
Also, you are wasting a lot of bandwidth with your childish responses
about relevance or irrelevance. Do you tell CNN to stop bothering you
with its commercials every 3 minutes? Sure you do, pseudo-elitists!
Either answer the question I posed up here, or MOVE ON TO THE NEXT
MESSAGE! You are flooding the newsgroup with trivial and unnecessary
messages. YOU do that, not me!


Here here!!!
I totally agree with you.
I think we should start a trend, and flood this newsgroups with a
similar posting every time one of these elitists, topic police geek,
(don't have a life), morons post one of there ridiculous topic
relevance message.

The topic police do more harm then good. They make the newsgroups
less enjoyable, less productive, and less interactive.

I've seen questioners kicked around from one newsgroups to another
just because some narrow minded topic police idiots thought a question
was not narrowly focus enough for their particular newsgroups.

If you topic police narrow minded morons want a newsgroups with such a
narrow focus, why don't you just move to the moderated C++ newsgroups?

I think this newsgroups should be preserved for those users who want
to talk about anything RELATED to C++.

Josh Lessard

I think this newsgroups should be preserved for those users who want
to talk about anything RELATED to C++.

Then go to a newsgroup that discusses things that are RELATED to C++.
This newsgroup is for discussion of *STANDARD* C++. Why is that so damn
difficult to understand? There have been a slew of great reasons posted
today that explain why this newsgroup is run the way it is.

Have you ever thought that the reason the posts seem "narrow minded" as
you put it, is because the topic discussed here is in fact a narrow one,
and with good reason? That's the way we want it, and that's why this
newsgroup was created. Why is this so difficult to understand???

I haven't been using newsgroups for very long, and I've never had to
killfile anyone. However, this thread, while at first very amusing, is
just getting on my nerves now. Can anyone quickly explain to me how to
PLONK someone in PINE? Thanks...

Josh Lessard
Master's Student
School of Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
(519)888-4567 x3400

Josh Lessard

This is a ridiculous mentality to think that just because a topic is
not in the C++ standard, that it shouldn't be discuss here.

Why is it ridiculous to only discuss things which are meant to be
discussed in this newsgroup??? This newsgroup is for discussion of
STANDARD C++ only. That is its purpose...and now instead of reading about
Standard C++, I have to read about people whining about why they can't
post things in this newsgroup which are irrelevant to its topic. THINK

Josh Lessard
Master's Student
School of Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
(519)888-4567 x3400

Default User

Thomas said:
How do I set up Netscape Newsreader for a kill file?
{Although off-topic for the NG., on-topic for this thread.}

Well, my implementation of NS doesn't require anything. You use the
Edit->Message Filters pulldown from the newsreader. I do wish NS had the
capability for global filters, but it doesn't as far as I can tell.

Brian Rodenborn


foo said:
I see nothing wrong with having a 1000 post per day.

I would rather have one good newsgroups that covered C++ programming
in general, and be able to interact with all C++ programmers
regardless of their particular nitch.

As it is now, I have to scan through dozens of newsgroups to be able
to do that.

There are plenty of times in which I have a problem and I want an
answer from another C++ programmer, and not a generic programmer.

For example, if I need help developing an STMP class, I would not
prefer to go to an STMP group and get advise from a generic
programmer. I would rather get advise from another C++ programmer,
who would probably give me a solution that is better suited for my

As it is, I can't ask such a question here, because the topic police
would jump on me like white on rice.

This is a ridiculous mentality to think that just because a topic is
not in the C++ standard, that it shouldn't be discuss here.

I totall agree that we need such a forum. I think it would be a great
help.. Unfortunately, this isn't it. We need someone to set up such a
forum, and to host it on their server for free. But, do you know any one
who wants to volunteer their resources for it?

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