What a Funny Goup! I Asked a Question About Boost (C++ Filesystem Interface) & All I Got Is: My Ques


Alan Morgan

It's ridiculous because only in newsgroups do you have such ridiculous
topic controls.
You don't see that happen real life.

Yes you do.
If you're in a class room that teaches only the C++ standard, and a
student asked the teacher about implementing an SMTP C++ class, what
do you think are the chances that the teacher would say, "No! We don't
discuss SMTP in this class. Go to another class that teaches SMTP!"

Actually, the teacher would very likely say "I have absolutely no idea
how to implement SMTP. Perhaps you should get a book on the subject".

Which is essentially what this newsgroup is telling you to do.

In my C classes (many years ago) I had a networking class that taught
me networking, a graphics class that taught me graphics, an OS class
that taught me about operating systems, and a compilers class that
taught me to hate compilers classes and those who teach them. I
also had a C class that taught me C. I tried to ask the appropriate
question in the appropriate class.


Attila Feher

perseus said:
I think that everyone who told me that my question is irrelevant,
in particular Mr. David White,

Just like this post of your. Why do you waste bandwidth? Why do you rant?


Greg Schmidt

Actually, I participate in two web site forums that have this type of
The C++ Expert-Exchange
CodeGuru C++ (Non Visual C++ Issues)

What? I can't discuss Visual C++ Issues in the CodeGuru forum? What a
ridiculous mentality to think that just because a topic is concerned
with Visual C++ that it shouldn't be discussed there.

Agent Mulder

GS> What? I can't discuss Visual C++ Issues in the CodeGuru forum? What a
GS> ridiculous mentality to think that just because a topic is concerned
GS> with Visual C++ that it shouldn't be discussed there.

It's just that Visula C++ code is so ugly ;-)


Attila Feher

Greg said:
On 12 Aug 2003 20:35:57 -0700, (e-mail address removed) (foo) wrote: [SNIP]
Actually, I participate in two web site forums that have this type of
The C++ Expert-Exchange
CodeGuru C++ (Non Visual C++ Issues)

What? I can't discuss Visual C++ Issues in the CodeGuru forum? What
ridiculous mentality to think that just because a topic is concerned
with Visual C++ that it shouldn't be discussed there.

If it conserns Visual C++ or not does not matter. What matters is: does it
belong to the topic of the C++ language (there is only one: the standard
language). If not, it does not matter if it is Linux programming or Ada
usage or Visual C++ Windows programming: it does NOT belong here. If you do
not like it, you have a loads of other forums to choose from. These are the
rules for this newsgroup:

Welcome to comp.lang.c++! Read this first.

This post is intended to give the new reader an introduction to reading
and posting in this newsgroup. We respectfully request that you read
all the way through this post, as it helps make for a more pleasant
and useful group for everyone.

First of all, please keep in mind that comp.lang.c++ is a group for
of general issues of the C++ programming language, as defined by the
language standard. If you have a problem that is specific to a particular
or compiler, you are much more likely to get complete and accurate answers
in a
group that specializes in your platform. A listing of some newsgroups is
at the end of this post.

The FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) list has a wealth of information for
both the new and veteran C++ programmer. No matter what your experience
level, you are encouraged to read the entire list, if only to familiarize
yourself with what answers are available to minimize redundant replies.
The comp.lang.c++ FAQ is available at http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/

If the FAQ list does not help, then many regular readers of this group
are happy to assist with problems of standard C++. We have only a few
requests that we ask be adhered to, for the benefit of all:

* Please put a short summary in the subject line. Descriptions such as
"HELP!!!!!!" are not helpful, and many regular posters ignore such
requests. A good example is, "Problem with Virtual Functions."

* State the question or the problem clearly and concisely. Describe what
you are trying to do, and the problem you are running into. Include all
relevant error messages.

* Include the smallest, complete and compilable program that exhibits your
problem. As a rule, posters in comp.lang.c++ will not do homework, but
give helpful hints if you have shown some willingness to try a solution.

* comp.lang.c++ is forum for discussion, and as such some regular posters do
not give E-mail replies. Very often follow-ups to postings have
so plan on taking part in the discussion if you post a question. If you
do receive e-mail replies, it is considered polite to post a summary.

* Don't post in HTML format. Many readers of this newsgroup don't use
newsreaders which can handle HTML postings.

* If you have to include source code in your post, include the
source in the message body. Don't use attachments. A lot
of contributors to this newsgroup won't even notice the existence
of attachments or won't open them. You try to get any help
you can get, don't you?

Some netiquette topics which frequently crop up on comp.lang.c++ are
also answered in the FAQ.

* Should I post job advertisements and/or resumes on comp.lang.c++?

* What if I really need a job; should I post my resume on comp.lang.c++?

* What should I do to someone who posts something off-topic?

A note on comp.lang.c++ etiquette: Accuracy is valued very highly in this
newsgroup; therefore posts are frequently corrected, sometimes perhaps
too harshly, and often to the annoyance of new posters who consider the
correction trivial. Do not take it personally; the best way to fit in
with comp.lang.c++ is to express gratitude for the correction, move on,
and be more careful next time.

This is a very busy group, so these requests are designed to make it as
pleasant and efficient an experience as possible. We hope it proves
a valuable commodity to you.

A list of some Newsgroups :
Languages and Programming
comp.lang.c The C Programming Language
comp.lang.asm.x86 x86 assembly language programming
comp.programming Non-language specific programming
comp.graphics.algorithms Issues of computer graphics

Operating Systems
comp.os.msdos.programmer DOS, BIOS, Memory Models, interrupts,
screen handling, hardware
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 MS/Windows: Mice, DLLs, hardware
comp.os.os2.programmer.misc OS/2 Programming
comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc Macintosh Programming
comp.unix.programmer General Unix: processes, pipes, POSIX,
curses, sockets
comp.unix.[vendor] Various Unix vendors

Microsoft VC++
microsoft.public.vc.language VC++ issues
microsoft.public.vc.mfc MFC Issues

Borland C++ Builder
borland.public.cppbuilder.language Borland C++ Builder

A copy of this is kept at http://www.slack.net/~shiva/welcome.txt

Greg Schmidt

Greg said:
On 12 Aug 2003 20:35:57 -0700, (e-mail address removed) (foo) wrote: [SNIP]
Actually, I participate in two web site forums that have this type of
The C++ Expert-Exchange
CodeGuru C++ (Non Visual C++ Issues)

What? I can't discuss Visual C++ Issues in the CodeGuru forum? What
ridiculous mentality to think that just because a topic is concerned
with Visual C++ that it shouldn't be discussed there.

If it conserns Visual C++ or not does not matter. What matters is: does it
belong to the topic of the C++ language (there is only one: the standard
language). If not, it does not matter if it is Linux programming or Ada
usage or Visual C++ Windows programming: it does NOT belong here. If you do
not like it, you have a loads of other forums to choose from. These are the
rules for this newsgroup:

I think you have me confused with someone else. I was responding
(sarcastically (or is it ironically?)) to someone who had complained
that they can't post whatever they want in this group, and then posted
their shining examples of utopian discussion forums where there are no
such rules, except for one of their examples apparently does have just
such a rule. (In fact, my statement was an almost word-for-word
duplication of their earlier complaint about this group's restrictions,
but you'll have to go back to my post or before to see that, since you
trimmed it from your post.)

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