E. Robert Tisdale
Michael said:It's a tangible thing.
Middle English, from Medieval Latin /objectum/.
Not necessarily. In programing, an "object" can refer to virtually anything
(although probably limited to things that occupy memory).
So a struct or even an primative type like an int.
With this definition objects in "object oriented programming"
are no different from C, OOP just associates the functions
that operate on that object with the object.
So you do letter.Write(stream) vs. letter_write(letter, stream).
Of course OOP adds a lot of other fancy stuff that can be useful.
I'm pretty sure that C objects are *not* tangible things
and I don't think that
the definition of object used in the C standards documents
appears anywhere in Medieval Latin.
The C programming language also associates functions (and operators)
with objects of built-in types and allows programmers
to define functions for any User Defined Type (UDT) [struct].