Tom Payne said:
: Tom Payne wrote:
:> int i;
:> the object i is said to be an int, and similarly 3 is said to be an
:> int. Unfortunately, both are (ambiguously) referred to as "ints".
: That's *colloquial* usage; "int" is actually the name
: of a type. In formal specifications, one usually sees
: "object of type int" or "value" (the type that the
: value has is inferred from the context). In practical
: work, the relationships are almost always clear enough.
The OP for this subthread, Mabden, was confused by the ambiguity in
colloquial use of the term "pointer":
But isn't a function pointer an object? Doesn't a function name
resolve into a function pointer the same way an array name resolves
into an array pointer? Is "resolve" a word?
I've merely noted and lamented the fact that this ambiguity occurs
over all types in discussions of C programming.
And I'm still following it with interest. I would say "confused" is an
overstatement, more like curious as to the standard definition, and the
Standard's definition. I had recently had another fine point about the
language clarified (the null pointer vs location zero thread; it may yet be
going on...) and wanted to make sure I had this idea correct in reference to
what the purists believe (or know).
Tom is right, my question was certainly not about the word "int" being used
for the number 3 or some constant.
: Don't you have anything better to do than to complain
: about things that aren't causing any real problems?
In that vein, how about using normal indenting characters? Some people use
tools to make the wrapping work better and a colon or pound sign messes
them up. I know you want to feel special, but can't you just use greater
than in your posts and buy a dog, instead?
This confusing ambiguity is a very real problem, especially to those
learning the language.
It helps people have intelligent conversations (arguments?) when everyone is
on the same page. It is unfortunate when the thread backslides because
someone didn't read the entirety and jumps all over a post that was gone
over 7 posts back. The null pointer thread kept doing that every 4 or 5