Yohanes Santoso
Eero Saynatkari said:While, technically speaking, both of you are absolutely and
undeniably correct (with one correction: Symbols are not Strings),
such a conflation is the best way to get someone over the
initial confusion.
The initial confusion is simply part of the learning curve rubyists
must go through along with learning that 'everything' is an
object. Dumbing down the situation can bring unexpected result:
Since we are around Christmas, I'm going to use Santa Claus as an
example. To prevent the initial confusion of children finding presents
magically appearing before Christmas tree, parents resort to such
outlandish notion that that is the work of a joyful guy who has never
heard of razor in a red jumper suit and riding reinders-pulled sleigh
around the world in one night.
Some children outgrew that notion. Some don't. Those that don't would
either sulk for a long time about the demise of such a joyful guy, or
start to think their parents are liars and spend the next untold years
of their life learning enough Math and Physics to prove that it is
impossible for a guy like Santa Claus to visit all children in one
As this thread quite well demonstrates,
a definition for Symbols is quite difficult to come up with.
A formal definition is difficult to formulate correctly, but what CLHS
has is good enough:
"Symbols are used for their object identity to name various entities
in Common Lisp, including (but not limited to) linguistic entities
such as variables and functions." --
It is just a way to name/identify things. In RL, you name/identify
that collection of atoms 'bird', and another collection of atoms
'cow'. In ruby, you name/identify an object 'host', and another object
'port'. Just as you name parts of collection of atom that you named
'bird' 'wings', 'legs', 'feathers', etc., you name parts of a
Hashtable that you named 'ServerConfig' 'host', 'port'.
Just as one does not dumbed down "'everything' is an object in ruby",
which is a powerful ability, one should not dumbed down "symbols are
user-defined identifiers". It's just parts of learning curve.