What is 1? A way to represent the number one. You said a way, what
others are there? 0x1, \001, "1". However, one does not use "1" to
represent the number one even if one doesn't plan to do any arithmetic
operations on that number because that representation is
ambiguous. Does he mean "1" as in number one or as in the character
Then why not simply say:
:symbol is to "symbol" as 1 is to "1"
That would get the point across far more clearly than saying "A symbol
is just a name," especially since strings can be names (from another
perspective), and since variables are "names" in another sense of the
term, and so on. Saying it's "a name" doesn't explain jack, as far as I
can tell.
Being vague doesn't help.
I really am not sure what you are saying there. That sentence
describes what a symbol is. That sentence does not describe/prescribe
how to use it.
Let's take a look at that sentence's structure and meaning:
A [something] is a means [. . .] to [do something].
Gee, looks like a description of how one uses it. A symbol is a means
to name/identify entities. A screwdriver is a means to turn screws. A
mug is a means to transport coffee. By the same token, however,
telekinesis is a means to turn screws, as is a centrifuge if you really
want to put screws into one, for some definition of "turn". Also, a
hose, a Folger's can, and an eighteen wheeler might be a means for
transporting coffee. It's vague and, ultimately, useless for getting
the point across, that point being: What *is* it?
A screwdriver is a handle affixed to a metal shaft with a bit on the end
that serves as the interface for the screw -- the torque point, if you
will. A mug is a drinking vessel that is ideally suited to beverages
such as coffee, allow you to transport the hot beverage from the coffee
pot to your lips after it has been prepared and poured.
For someone who doesn't already know what a mug or screwdriver actually
is, the mere description of what each is a means to do is far too vague
to actually impart much understanding.
This is precisely the kind of explanation that I objected when
explaining what a symbol is to a newcomer. Any explanation that refer
to the implementation is doomed to be short-lived. There are many ways
to implement the class Symbol and the concept of symbol.
It may be doomed to be short lived, but without some kind of example
that is recognizable, the prospective student is more likely than not to
learn very little of anything.
Do you explain what number does behind the scenes to someone asking
'What is a number?' Do you explain that ruby maps number less than
2^31-1 directly to native integer format? Quick question, then: does
this still hold on a 64-bit machine? How about in ruby 2.0? Will
Number behave differently and is used to represent different thing
there simply because what goes on behind the scene has changed?
Unlike symbols, numbers are pretty well understood, particularly for
someone coming from another programming language (any language except
the original, archetypal "lisp", pre-implementation, involves numbers).
Symbols are another matter entirely.
The problem with most of the descriptions of symbols I've seen is that
they try to define symbols in terms of themselves to people who don't
already understand those terms. A framistan is a thing. Whee. That
taught me nothin'.
This approach to explaining symbols is equivalent to trying to teach
object oriented programming with nothing more than the statement that
"an object is a thing". Okay, great. What kind of thing? What are all
these terms like "method/message" and "class" and "instance" and so on?
There are entire college courses devoted (almost) solely to imparting a
rudimentary understanding of what an "object" is and how it is used.
Why can't someone come up with a better explanation of a symbol than the
five-word sentences that are so common here?