One implementation detail that I think needs further consideration is in
which way to expose the keys and to mix in list methods for ordered
the keys are exposed via the keys() method which is bad. It should be a
copy only, like for ordinary dicts (one comment also mentions that).
In Foord/Larosa's odict, the keys are exposed as a public member which
also seems to be a bad idea ("If you alter the sequence list so that it
no longer reflects the contents of the dictionary, you have broken your
I think it would be probably the best to hide the keys list from the
public, but to provide list methods for reordering them (sorting,
slicing etc.).
For instance:
d1 = OrderedDict( (1, 11), (2, 12), 3, 13) )
d1[1:] ==> OrderedDict( (2, 12), 3, 13) )
d1[0] + d1[2] ==> OrderedDict( (1, 11), (3, 13) )
d1.reverse() ==> OrderedDict( (3, 13), (2, 12), 1, 11) )
d1.insert(1, (4, 14))
==> OrderedDict( (1, 11), (4, 14), (2, 12), 3, 13) )
But no other way to directly manipulate the keys should be provided.
>>> from odictb import OrderedDict
>>> d1 = OrderedDict([(1, 11), (2, 12), (3, 13)])
>>> d1 {1: 11, 2: 12, 3: 13}
>>> d1[1:] {2: 12, 3: 13}
>>> d1[0:1] + d1[2:3] {1: 11, 3: 13}
>>> d1.reverse()
>>> d1 {3: 13, 2: 12, 1: 11}
>>> d1.insert(1, (4,14))
>>> d1 {3: 13, 4: 14, 2: 12, 1: 11}
>>> d1.items() [(3, 13), (4, 14), (2, 12), (1, 11)]
>>> d1.keys() [3, 4, 2, 1]
>>> d1.values() [13, 14, 12, 11]
>>> d1[1:2] {4: 14}
>>> d1[-1:]