Why is C++ so popular


Jan G

Robert Wessel wrote:

Why do I expect more from you than what you wrote? I expect you to prune
quotes, in order to make the context of YOUR post clear. (Yes, I know, some
people use that as creative canvas or "avenue" to do other things.) You are
in a PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE group, so consider acting (at least) as if you had
a f'n clue about the knowledge area, OK?


Jan G said:
Prove it. The poster you responded to "had a feeling" that, well what he
said, but you COUNTERED with "yes but that's just a feeling".

YOU, Mr., are on THIN ice. Not to be timid, I am of course saying: Put up or
shut up.

Jan G.
How about replying to the topic and not judging other people.

Jan G

Paavo said:
It isn't.

Oh, isn't that a "curious" response.'
Some other languages like C, Java and Objective-C are more
popular. See

There is "popularity", then there is, would you date her? Are you
categorizing C++ as "the old bitch"?
In principle,

What is "principle"? I mean, if one tried to live "a principled life", and
his "only friend" threw that back at his face, because of some measure of
success,. What is "principle"?
one should choose

"one" often does that. Historically, at great peril.
the language according to the problem

Shush your mouth and cleanse your mind. Are you going to run? .... What is
what one is trying to resolve.

Reprogramming now to Problem Solution. Please wait, while I connect your
call... Please wait.. Please wait...
If one is planning

Do you know someone who is? You run, the Sandman will get you.
to do a
multi-million line complex and fast system, C++ is a good candidate
(along with Ada and some others). OTOH, a hundred line program can be
written in anything.

Take another swig.

Jan G

Ian said:
Most software (excluding Web applications) today doesn't use buttons
on forms, nor does it run on windows.

OK, that may be true or not. Is it important? Were you just trying to
EXHIBIT your level of skill?

Jan G

Brian said:
In that case what is Visual Basic useful for?


I remember, "coming out of industry (manufacturing)", "planting" myself
(surely) (read "I'm a fucking idiot") into the hands of a broker:

Broker to me: "But why do you think that VB is not going anywrhere?"
Me: "".

Did that bitch try to get consulting for free? It's a lotto gang out there
in the wild. Nevermind the newsreels. "Brokers of the mind". The "the" in
that phrase is, complacent?

Jan G

Brian said:
Jan G.
How about replying to the topic and not judging other people.

How about you stop feigning a topic and calling me names? "The topic"?. Make
me. Bitch.

Bo Persson

(e-mail address removed) skrev 2012-09-28 18:24:
On Dice
I found six hundred and some jobs when searching
for Cobol. There were over six thousand jobs when
searching for C++.

That's because Cobol programmers are often older guys that don't move
between jobs that often. It doesn't mean that the jobs aren't there.
I used to know of some using Cobol, but today
I can't think of anyone who uses it.

I work for a bank, we use a lot of Cobol. About 400 developers working
on the code base.

Bo Persson

Bo Persson

Jan G skrev 2012-09-30 08:16:
As if you were not an "armchair quarterback".

The real quarterback just *HATES* C++ (and incompetent C++ programmers).

That has a huge effect on the choice of language.

Bo Persson

Bo Persson

Brian skrev 2012-09-30 02:59:
Thanks everyone for your replies.

Some have said that C++ is portable to other platforms. I am wondering how.
if you wrote a program for a desktop computer and wanted the same program
to work on a mobile phone then would you load the existing code into a
compiler that creates programs for the mobile phone or would you use the
compiler that you used to create the program for the desktop computer and
somehow tell the compiler to compile the code for a mobile phone. I suspect
you would need to modify the code to allow for a smaller screen size that
the mobile phone has.

You can write code that is portable, but some code is inherently
non-portable anyway.

I write code that runs on a mainframe. Even if it could be recompiled
for a phone, it wouldn't run anyway because the backing databases
wouldn't fit. And you can't connect 10.000 terminals to your phone.

Similarly, if you write a nice game for the phone, there is no reason to
compile that for the mainframe, because it doesn't have a display.

Bo Persson


Jan G said:
How about you stop feigning a topic and calling me names? "The topic"?. Make
me. Bitch.

That's easy to do. I and everyone else don't reply to you. Then you find
yourself talking to yourself which can be very boring.
This is my last reply to you.

Nick Keighley

Robert Wessel wrote:

Why do I expect more from you than what you wrote? I expect you to prune
quotes, in order to make the context of YOUR post clear. (Yes, I know, some
people use that as creative canvas  or "avenue" to do other things.) You are
in a PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE group, so consider acting (at least) as if you had
a f'n clue about the knowledge area, OK?

please leave some context in your posts

Nick Keighley

in all, the language itself wasn't all that bad.

it was sort of like C++, but mostly lacking a few things like
multiple-inheritance and similar (not a big deal personally).

agreed C# looked a pretty good language. And I wouldn't miss multiple
inheritance much. Though I'd need some sort of Java-like interface
(I've no idea if C# has such a thing). I quite liked the safe/unsafe
(or whatever the name was) code concept (not all code needs to nasty
things with pointers).
it is at least much more preferable than Java, where the core language
is pretty stripped-down and awkward, and most things that had been
done to expand on it have been via nasty kludges (with Sun/Oracle
leaving the internals hanging out).

main issues with C# were:
its ability to interface with C and C++ code was a little weak (but at
least, nowhere near as bad as Java);
it is built on top of .NET, which being a MS product,

actually C# being a Microsoft product put me off. they don't have a
good track record (and I program for Windows)
is only
well-supported (on Linux, there is Mono, but it isn't nearly as good > orwell-integrated with the OS, 1).

also, .NET typically gets worse performance than native code on
benchmarks (including some other JITs, there are benchmarks where it > isbeing outperformed by the likes of Lua, Python, and Perl).

good grief. Though I'd expect some sort slowdown for a VM like .NET
at least as-of a few years ago, it didn't have eval or ability to load
program-code from source-code form, ... however, since then both MS and
Mono have added (different) mechanisms to deal with this (in MS's case,
this is the Roslyn API).

1: on Windows, a person can just compile some code as C++/CLI, and have
fairly direct access both to C# land and to C and C++ land, and also
APIs exposed via C++/CLI code can be directly seen by C#.

similarly, LoadLibrary and similar can do a lot more magic (no real need
to worry about native-vs-managed libraries, ...).

on Mono, C++/CLI code doesn't work, leaving the only major (portable)
cross-language interface as P/Invoke (requires writing any structs or
function-prototypes in C#, and doesn't deal with the entire C type-system).

going the other way, requires linking against the Mono libraries, and
making use of a lot of Mono-specific API calls.

this wouldn't be as bad, except that Mono is a pain to get built on
Windows, and this would mean having to go through the hassle of having
two different sets of C# <-> C interfaces (one for MS's .NET, and
another for Mono).

I wouldn't mind things as much otherwise, and have written a few small
apps before using C#, but for my main projects, it is a problem, as I
basically have a large amount of code mostly written in C.

so, it was easier for me just to continue using/expanding my own
scripting language / VM

<snip stuff about BGB's own language>

Nick Keighley

Prove it.

I think it's up to the original claimant to backup his statement.
The poster you responded to "had a feeling" that, well what he
said, but you COUNTERED with "yes but that's just a feeling".

it was hint that he should come up with something more than "just a
feeling". Come up with some hard evidence. I've evidence that Ruby,
Python and Perl are used in major applications.
YOU, Mr., are on THIN ice.

:) I love it when people threaten me an the internet. What are you
going to do?
Not to be timid, I am of course saying: Put up or
shut up.

I think its up to the original poster to do that. It's his *feeling*.
What are your feeling on the matter?

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