Joshua said:
We are discussing the best Usenet newsgroup for this topic. Non-Usenet
fora are not relevant to such a discussion.
Your claim was that my post was off-charter for cljp, despite its
obviously being within the topic bounds. That can only be true if there
is another newsgroup that is a better topic fit.
Even then, I notice that although there is a a lot of
AWT or Swing related stuff gets posted here and there is no hue and cry
that such posts are off-charter.
I think you are just grasping for an excuse why my post was
inappropriate, for the simple reason that a) it was NOT inappropriate
and b) you, personally, didn't like it. Oh, and c) apparently you can't
think up a simple, logical objection, so you're forced to make something
up. If that last item weren't true I'd have expected you to post a
simple, logical objection instead of browbeating me and making vague
assertions that my post was not in the appropriate newsgroup. Especially
once a logical explanation for your objection was requested.
Mailing lists are where the real action happens
Fine, then feel free to unsubscribe and go
bother one of these exalted mailing lists.
However I see no badge of authority by which you can order me to do so.
If you prefer mailing lists to newsgroups, that's your own personal
choice, and there is an appropriate way to act on it (go there yourself)
and an inappropriate way (try to force your preferences upon others).
Are you hard of hearing? I just said "I'm not a Sun engineer or bigwig
...." and it's quoted right there above. I should think that I know more
than you do about whether or not I'm a Sun engineer!
And now you reach rock bottom: silly expressions of desires to commit
acts of physical violence.
Perhaps you should stop typing this stuff here and start typing it into
Eliza.class* -- I think she may be able to help you more than I can.
(* Transparent and pathetic attempt to get back on topic.)
Nor am I interested in personally acquiring that expertise. I have lots
of other fish to fry right now, some of which are actually urgent. If
the stuff at the URL won't help me make my deadlines or directly and
quickly earn me some money, then I don't have time for it at the moment.
I barely have time to defend myself against your latest round of public
insinuations about me.
From my discussions with actual spec writers,
Your discussions with spec writers are not relevant here. Try
alt.writing.fiction or similar.
So will you stop harassing me now?
Good programmers can learn by example.
Good TEAM programmers delegate some jobs instead of trying to do
everything and be everything themselves.
I just asked my roommate. He agrees with me.
Then he's as thick-skinned (and rude) a person as you are. Perhaps
that's a birds-of-a-feather thing -- or simply because nobody else could
stand having you for a roommate.
In terms of personality aspects, it seems you're in the minority here.
I find that unlikely. My personality is, in a nutshell, "civilized".
Yours appears to be "rude American, probably from New York or somewhere
similar". Either because that's your actual ancestry, or because that's
the sort of role model you emulated when learning social skills. At my
count, I estimate that there are four or so other people with social
skills as shoddy as yours or worse here: Lew (as shoddy), Arne (a lot
worse), RedGrittyBrick (as bad; hasn't locked horns with me, but I've
read some of his recent posts here in reply to other people), and Peter
Duniho (worse, but not as bad as Arne; ditto). There're probably one or
two others. A quick grep shows around* 117 unique names in this
newsgroup for the past month or so.
You're in a 4-5% minority, by those numbers.
(* Mileage may vary depending on newsserver -- retention policy, spam
filtering, and so forth -- and your local filtering. If you're not
filtering that guy that keeps screaming about feedback loops, you'll
probably see more. If you're actually successfully filtering that very
persistent shoe salesman, you'll probably see fewer. If you're using
Goggle Gropes, you'll definitely see more, none of the added ones good.
If you're using any server that actually employs CleanFeed, you'll see