Tad McClellan said:
That is an obsurd conclusion. How did you reach it?
Alan did not say anything about posting Perl questions, he said
something about the Subject header's contents.
With logic like that, you should consider some field other than
Yes what he was saying was that the subject matter in my subject line, told
him that I was in some way not me btohered with or that I was in some way
wrong or something similar.
And I put it to him and you that my subject line simplysays I am a beginner
who needs help, and you cant get more honest and humble than that in front
of millions of people.
So I concluded that he must think I am not supposed to ask questions in this
forum, because that is what that subject line does.
Yes I do say so.
But the Subject is not _for_ you, it is for the audience that you
are trying to reach.
Yes and asking for help because you are a beginner, in front of millions of
other readers, is very honest and humble I think. Considering I was entering
what I thought to be the realms of people who were genuises and could code
and understand a language that I couldn't, I would say I was being
forthright and brutaly honest with myself and those I wanted to meet and ask
questions of.
BOY was I wrong.
Everyone except you thinks that there is something wrong with it.
Well as I have said, I was being honest, you cant get MORE HUMAN than that.
Sorry my fault for being HUMAN i guess huh.
(namely, we cannot tell what your article is about from the Subject)
Yes you can, it says that a beginner needs help with a script.
If you don't understand that and couldn't read that and understand it in a
way that would automaticaly lead you to think, "right well elts have a look
at the script then"
Then you need to go back to school period.
Your question is not about being a beginner.
Your question is about how to mark the end-of-file in a Windows
command interpreter (it is not even a question about Perl).
Of course it is, that command is used in perl and it is were I first
experienced it, so naturaly BEING HUMAN I came to a place were I thought I
could get help with PERL.
D'OH stupid me, boy was I wrong.
If you were using Python or Java instead of Perl, you would mark
the eof the same way, it does not depend on your choice of
programming langauge.
How would I no this? hmmm?
I am a beginner.
So then your message is just like the other 200 that are posted here
each day. Your choice of Subject added no value whatsoever.
But the ones I showed as being similar to mine, got responses, none of them
got responses telling them to word their subject lines better, or in my case
more insulting words but meaning the same thing really, just made more
insulting to further belittle me.
Nobody reads all 200. They must "filter" them somehow (by seeing
what the Subject header says).
Probably so, I couldn't possibly say as I am new, but my point stands in
this sub point of many that have sprung up in this tirade of insults and
belittling being directed my way.
They didn't get told what I was told with regards to the subject title line.
Your Subject does not help potential answerers determine whether they
might be able to help with your subject, because they cannot tell
what your subject is.
So being human isn't enough in here is that what your saying?
Let me put it this way, apart from not being human in my atempts to
communicate with people in here, I should try and be all smart and technical
in my subject lines, even though I don't no the slightest damn thing about
the language yet. hrmm is that what your telling me?
So they will skip your article and go on to one who's author has
taken the trouble to accurately describe what it is that they
need help with.
'Taken the trouble' kinda forms the opinion that I in some way thought you
all complete slaves and idiots and that you would read my post no matter
what I put.
That is ludicrous, I was simply being human in a situation I was very
nervous about, as I don't and didn't want to fail in learning my 1st
computer language.
Do you _want_ people to ignore your questions?
Obviously not, do not speak down to me like I am a child sir, because I am
far from that, and if nothing else I will not have you trying to play school
headmaster with me.
Sure does seem like it...
Seem did a silly thing one day and never came back.
You did something socially unacceptable.
Well at the time I had no idea that it would be so.
You must expect some angst when you choose to be socially unacceptable,
that shouldn't be too hard to see, yet you cannot see it...
I can accept critism when I fully understand were the person is coming from
what I dont accept, is people trying to bully me, belittle me, and try to
humiliate me in front of thousand, just for laughs.
No, it is that you were being rude.
I was only being crass because i though the original reple was being so to
me, once I found out he wasn't, I understood.
However by then, half the population of the group thought it funny to join
in and try and humiliate and belittle me, not to mention dash any chances I
had of trying to get help.
Nice attitude to beginners you all have there, youa re to be commended on
your pure evilness.
Polite beginners get help with their problems here every day.
That is not my experience so far.
Nothing, but that is not what happened in this thread, so I wonder
why you bring it up.
I bring it up because of the multitude of other replies mixed in with yours,
that have been avalanshe dupon me in some insain atempt to try and get me to
back down abd be a good little obedient 'THING' and take the abuse like all
newcomers should.
Well not this guy, sorry.
You are not fooling anyone with that.
Well then thats alright then, because I wasn't trying to fool anyone,
everything I have said has been up front and honest.
On the contrary, you have displayed a remarkable _resistance_ to
finding out what was seen as rude in your original post.
I have admited 3 times now that I was mistaken in my understanding of the
original repliers post.
I have said that I was mistaken in thinking that what the original replyer
said, was a bulolish attitude, and that me coming fresh faced into the news
group leadme to be unprepared for certain things that everyone else takes
for granted.