Beginner needs help with script :)


Uri Guttman

P> No I pay my isp for the privilege of being able to access these
P> groups.

and how do they pay me my slice? i help out here and have never gotten
any money from your isp. i think i will sue them and you for back pay.

in the meantime, spend your money on buying a clue.



Player wrote:
HOWEVER what has happened since that first post, is nothing short of
systematic group attempt at trying to humiliate and belittle me in front of
thousand of other readers.

Dude, when I saw your first reply I just shook my head and thought, oh
man what an idiot. I have not been checking out these groups for too
long either. The first time I thought I needed some help with setting up
my .vimrc file, I went to comp.editors I did no research on my own prior
to posting, I did pretty much everything I could have done wrong. And
then I met Sven Guckes, he gave me a mild butt toasting of a flame and I
fired back, not as much as an idiot as you did mind you, but I was not
happy with his flaming me. He came back and roasted me and I was fuming!

But he also posted a link to what you should know before posting...
(I can't find the link right now, sorry. Perhaps some will post a good one)

I read it, it explained ALLOT to me and I went back and posted an
apology. He was SO nice to me after that, and when I ACTUALLY need help.
He and the others there are happy to help. Remember these people own you
NOTHING!!! If you just read this forum for a few weeks you'll see others
like yourself do what you did and perhaps you become enlighten. (or not
- I.E.: krakle)

Remember, no one owes you jack'.
Google it first, look in a book, do your homework, DON'T WHINE when
someone who knows a TON more than you do about what ever group your
looking for answers in tells you your being a dink.

Have you ever had a programmer for a manager? The folks at this group
are as sweet as your grandma compared to that. Programmers don't mess
around blowing sunshine up your butt. Try some humility and learn from
these folks. Or... shut up and step off. I mean that in the most
constructive way. :)

- NN

Tad McClellan

What I classed as being rude, was and is what any normal person would
class,as, 'being rude' in an everyday situation.

This is not an everyday situation!

This is Usenet.

Tad McClellan

Player said:
At first, yes you're quite correct, But unfortunately I didn't see it at
that time, and thought the person was being crass and bullish. I said I have
realised that now.

HOWEVER what has happened since that first post, is nothing short of
systematic group attempt at trying to humiliate and belittle me in front of
thousand of other readers.

That was all in response to your subsequent followups.

You reap what you sow.

Alan J. Flavell

That's of course not what Alan meant.

Indeed. Newcomers are entirely welcome, but, as with any community,
it's helpful if they acquaint themselves with the local customs first.

Or, as the usenet saying has it, "lurk before you leap".
He objected to the subject line,
which indisputably is useless as a description of the nature of your
problem. The posting guidelines for this newsgroup

Just so. But subsequent developments have vindicated my initial
hunch, I think it's fair to say.

Usenet helps those who give some impression that they're willing to
make a bit of an effort themselves. It's often helped me, and I'm
keen to repay that debt. But I'm no fan of leeches.

Matt Garrish

Player said:
Obviously not, do not speak down to me like I am a child sir, because I am
far from that, and if nothing else I will not have you trying to play school
headmaster with me.

Oh please, spare the BS. Your writing is terrible and you're pouting like a
child. High school may seem grown up to you, but you're not fooling anyone.
Now do the sensible thing and stop whining about your wounded "pride" before
you're killfiled by everyone in the newsgroup. You acted like a twit and got
treated like one. Live with it!


Grammar tip of the day: "to know" is a verb; "to no" is not.


"> > What I classed as being rude, was and is what any normal person would
This is not an everyday situation!

This is Usenet.

Yes I am aware of that, and Usenet is fast becoming something I didn't think
existed in anything associated with the modern western world.



So what? So does the fast majority of Usenet users.
Do you really believe this gives you any right to (mis-)behave like you

Luckily there is no need to read you.
Welcome to the kill file.


Yes well you have a very warped view of what, as you laughably spell it,
(mis-)behave, is.

What I am doing here is nothing other than defending myself from a bunch of
bullies who have gotten their way for far to long, and are not used to
someone giving them far better than what they dish out to others.
Which is THE CLASSIC MODEL of what is commonly referred to as A BULLY.
Grow up please!



Paying your ISP does not give you the right to be rude to other people or
ignore conventions.

I never said it did, I was doing what every other normal person learning a
new computer language does when faced with a problem, go searching for
Unfortunately I stumbled ac ross something that I was informed was a great
place to go looking for those answers, but in reality it is nothing more
than a palce for bullies to do what they do best, anonymously.

While no one can deny you the right to post here, you cannot compel
anyone to help you. People will only help you if you respect the free
help they provide you. Whether you would like to get help or just hear
the echos of your own posts as they fall to the bottom of the bit bucket
is up to you.

Don't be rude.

I haven't been RUDE to anyone who hasn't been RUDE to me first, with the
exception of the original answerer to my 1st post, which I have said time
and time again, I managed to interpret wrongly.



Uri Guttman said:
P> No I pay my isp for the privilege of being able to access these
P> groups.

and how do they pay me my slice? i help out here and have never gotten
any money from your isp. i think i will sue them and you for back pay.

I never said said that you or anyone else who makes use of this news group,
gets paid, in any way shape or fame.
in the meantime, spend your money on buying a clue.

Yes some advice that you should clearly make use of yourself.



Tad McClellan said:
Then be rude to your ISP, not to us.

Who would I be rude to my isp? they haven't bullied in front of thousands of
other news group users.
I have certainly not said anything to anyone, in a rude manner, who didn't
deserve for past ac tions directed at me.




Dude, when I saw your first reply I just shook my head and thought, oh
man what an idiot. I have not been checking out these groups for too
long either. The first time I thought I needed some help with setting up
my .vimrc file, I went to comp.editors I did no research on my own prior
to posting, I did pretty much everything I could have done wrong. And
then I met Sven Guckes, he gave me a mild butt toasting of a flame and I
fired back, not as much as an idiot as you did mind you, but I was not
happy with his flaming me. He came back and roasted me and I was fuming!

The original person who 1st replied to my post, has by way of this news
group, had multiple oportunities to read that I have admitted that I was
wrong in my 1st assumption as to the meaning of his reply.
However I don't no were you come from but were I come from we don;t take to
kindly to bullies period.
And I don't care even if someone is trying to be just a tad nice while being
obnoxious in the process and calling me 'whatever', for instace like you
calling me an, 'idiot'
I wont sit back and take it because it's the done thing round here, because
in the real world, even the virtual real world, human being are sensitive
and when pushed we stick up for ourselves.
I don't no about you but I am human.


A. Sinan Unur


Yes well you have a very warped view of what, as you laughably spell
it, (mis-)behave, is.

Looking at your other posts, I must admit you have a lot of courage saying
anything about anybody's spelling, especially since Jurgen's spelling is
proper for the meaning he meant to convey. As for you:
What I classed as being rude, was and is what any normal person would
class,as, 'being rude' in an everyday situation.
would of been enough.
when those people are not in any position of authority were my
money heads to.

Check out,11116,169159,00.html


Tad McClellan said:
That was all in response to your subsequent followups.

You reap what you sow.

Exactly my sentiments, which is why I wont back down to the likes of you lot
trying to get away with the outlandish group mentality type behaviour that
your expressing my way.
It reminds of a history lecture I once went to, in which the lecturer was
detailing the behaviour of were the yobbish group mentality originated.
Peoples bevaiour in this news group mimic it to a T


A. Sinan Unur

I haven't been RUDE to anyone who hasn't been RUDE to me first, with
the exception of the original answerer to my 1st post, which I have
said time and time again, I managed to interpret wrongly.

Your statement about paying money to be here was rude and offensive to
anyone who participates in this group, experts and beginners alike.

You do know best what to do with your money.

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