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Sherm Pendley

John said:
I understand your point.

I don't think you do.
I understand you didn't like my disclaimer, and I
accept that. I made a request. You didn't like it, most others didn't like
it, fine I accept that

But you haven't accepted it - you're still whining about it.

The way I read your little "disclaimer" was, "Okay, I've read some of the
messages here and I think you're all a bunch of a**holes. Drop the attitude
when you're talking to me, because I'm special." No, you didn't use those
words, but the meaning was clear - you asked everyone to be nice, because
you clearly assumed they wouldn't be.

In short, you copped an attitude. You got slapped for it, and now you're
whining about getting slapped. Grow up.



Could all of you folks please take your non-Perl related dispute to
another forum. You're wasting bandwidth for those of use that don't
care. Thank you.

John ©

Sherm Pendley said:
In short, you copped an attitude. You got slapped for it, and now you're
whining about getting slapped. Grow up.


C'mon sherm, the disclaimer was to some other person that didn't help at
all. And yes, I 'copped an attitude' to it. I don't have a right to? If you
posted a question and people wrote nothing that helped but only bad mouthed
you, you would just take it? And who got slapped? Maybe the guy was trying
to be helpful, but when you see him attempting to make fun of my use of PERL
(Instead of Perl), it tends to spoil the rest of his post in which he was
called a 'bully'.

And I did accept it, but people keep posting to it, so I am posting back.

The whiners are people WHINING about what I wrote... it's funny how I can't
complain, but I can have post after post after post after post (from a
handful) complaining... but then I am the whiner. Looks like there are a lot
more whiners here than me.

Look at the top of the thread. The post was made, the question was answered,
and we moved on. Yet others feel the need to put their two cents in....
fine, but don't expect me not to give my two cents back. You are so
hypocritical... I am just supposed to sit her and let you say whatever you
want without expressing my opinion. You are 'righteous' and I am a whiner?
C'mon... who really needs to grow up. I am supposed to grow up and let it
go, but yet that doesn't apply to you or the others.

Don't you realize that you are whining about whining? So silly.


John Bokma

bxb7668 said:
Could all of you folks please take your non-Perl related dispute to
another forum. You're wasting bandwidth for those of use that don't
care. Thank you.

Kill threads.

Andre Wisniewski

Kill threads.

What a hurrid discussion. Stop talking about Hitler, Gestapo and Nazis.

I'm sure you don't really know what they mean. You would not use
these words so frivolous otherwise.

Remember, this is a Perl Group.

Thanks in advance

John Bokma

Andre said:
What a hurrid discussion. Stop talking about Hitler, Gestapo and Nazis.

You reply to my post, can you elaborate where I used those names?
I'm sure you don't really know what they mean.

Since I am Dutch I am more than aware about those names.
You would not use
these words so frivolous otherwise.

Remember, this is a Perl Group.

Remember, this is Usenet, it has some nice way to see who is writing
what, so you can react on the writing. It was lost at you :-(.

Andre Wisniewski

You reply to my post, can you elaborate where I used those names?

Right, you didn't use these names. I did not send the reply correctly.
My mistake.
Since I am Dutch I am more than aware about those names.

I am german.
Remember, this is Usenet, it has some nice way to see who is writing
what, so you can react on the writing. It was lost at you :-(.

See above. Sometimes my mouse behaves like a donkey. ;-)

John Bokma

Andre said:
Right, you didn't use these names. I did not send the reply correctly.
My mistake.

No problem. I was thinking "kill thread" was misleading, I ment, with
most readers you can kill entire threads. The headers are not that much

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