Motivation of software professionals

  • Thread starter Stefan Kiryazov
  • Start date

James Kanze

And within the available budget.
and tell you how reliable that is.
Anyone can build a bridge that stands up. It takes an engineer
to build on that barely stands up.

Or to tell you exactly what it will stand up to, or how much it
will cost before you start building it.

And of course, that's exactly what we do every day when we
develop software. Customers won't give us the contract unless
we can provide concrete guarantees with regards to downtime,
etc., and unless we can specify a guaranteed fixed cost in

James Kanze

Arved Sandstrom wrote :
This is the equivalent of building a bridge, then driving over
it. If it does not collapse, then proper engineering was used.
If it does collapses, well then we just re-build it and try


That's the way things were in software thirty or fourty years
ago. But it's true that some people have relabeled the
procedure, and are trying to sell it today. (See TDD.)

James Kanze

On Feb 10, 12:03 pm, Malcolm McLean <[email protected]>
wrote:> On Feb 10, 1:02 am, John Koy <[email protected]>
wrote:> Arved Sandstrom wrote:
Nobody knows how to build earthquake-immune buildings, yet
engineers give certain guarantees. When those are failed to be
met, (s)he is held liable. Maybe it's about time some
"software engineers" were held liable for their unreliable
code in the same way.

They are. That's why independent contractors have liability

James Kanze

Do you have any evidence to suggest that this kind of
liability is actually reasonable, justified, and/or necessary?

Reasonable, justified or necessary, I don't know. But it's a
fact of life. If you deliver software, and it fails, you're
liable for it. Most of the time, the liability is spelled out
in the contract, but that still doesn't exclude any legal
guarantees the buyer may have.

Arved Sandstrom

John said:
Exactly. Engineering is about measurable outcomes, quantification.
What's the equivalent of "this building can withstand a quake of
magnitude 7.5 for 30 seconds" in software? Can any of us state "this
software will stand all virus attacks for 12 months" or "this software
will not crash for 2 years, and if it does your loss won't exceed 20% of
all digital assets managed by it" ?

We can't even guarantee that it won't crash tomorrow, why? Well, for me,
because the underlying platform (OS/JRE/CLR/VM/etc) does not give me any
guarantees. I cannot build any engineering product on top of that, no
matter what process I employ.

Engineering is not about "during", it's about "after": accountability,
liability, warranties, hence insurability. And these shape how the
process of "during" must be. Without them, it's just some monkey
business, hence SD.
[ SNIP ]

Car and computer and TV manufacturers don't guarantee that their
products are 100% absolutely going to work either - why should we have
to? The point being that with existing and understood software
development methodologies, if those are assiduously applied then we can
safely state that for a given population of application deployments that
such and such a percentage of them will fail badly, another fraction
will encounter serious problems that require dedicated support under
warranty, another fraction will encounter minor problems, and so forth.

It's precisely this kind of statistical knowledge that lets you provide
consumers with certain protections - warranties, support offers, and so
forth. We're already doing it with major applications - we could do this
with the majority if we just bothered to write quality software in the
first place.

Seriously, though, why the insistence on perfection? We don't get
perfection from engineers (or other professionals) either, nor from
manufacturers of tangible goods and structures. Transportation
infrastructure crumbles before its time. We are resigned to consumer
goods that must be regarded as disposable (and not all are _designed_ to
be disposable). We accept that not so long after buying a new car that
we will be regularly repairing it. Sick buildings are common. Tens of
thousands of surgical mistakes are made every year just in North
America. Manufacturers of electronics and electrical equipment make a
mint off people who can't be bothered to return broken stuff, and buy
new replacements instead.

A software engineering profession would not require perfect software any
more than traditional engineers are expected to design perfect equipment
or machinery or structures. All I'm saying is that we can do
considerably better, and we can do that to the extent that we can
provide the same protection to consumers for software as we already for
cars or vacuum cleaners.


Arved Sandstrom

Seebs said:

Do you have any evidence to suggest that this kind of liability is actually
reasonable, justified, and/or necessary?

I agree. I just don't think that rants about liability or certification
are going to do anything. Neither of those has a thing to do with learning
to write more reliable software.

Well, yeah, it does. Unless you believe that most software developers
and their employers are going to spend the extra time and money to do
all these things out of the goodness of their hearts. We already know
that the market will not force software quality to improve - it hasn't
happened yet.



Basically no one knows how to build 100% bug-free anything.
Witness Toyota.  Globally, in fact, you can probably do better
with software than with most other things.  And I've never
worked on a project where there have been liability exclusions
(which probably aren't legal anyway).

Software from Ebenezer Enterprises is free. I think only
an idiot would attempt to sue us for a problem they find
in the software. I think the same things goes for Boost.
I don't think they've ever been sued for defects.

Brian Wood
(651) 251-9384


Reasonable, justified or necessary, I don't know. But it's a
fact of life. If you deliver software, and it fails, you're
liable for it. Most of the time, the liability is spelled out
in the contract, but that still doesn't exclude any legal
guarantees the buyer may have.

Ahh, there was some context lost in quoting. I was asking why such terms
should be necessary to call something "engineering". Obviously, there
are markets and/or projects where they are a practical reality, and others
where they aren't.

Since most of my work is in the free software world, I see a whole lot of
software distributed without any kind of warranty whatsoever.



Well, yeah, it does. Unless you believe that most software developers
and their employers are going to spend the extra time and money to do
all these things out of the goodness of their hearts. We already know
that the market will not force software quality to improve - it hasn't
happened yet.

Not in general, but:
1. Some people will do these things because they believe it is important
to do their work to the best of their ability.
2. Some people with contracts and such in place will still produce shoddy

In short, while there's certainly a correlation, liability and certification
are neither necessary nor sufficient to produce reliable software. Insisting
on them strikes me as missing the point; they're a proxy value at best for
the actual goal.




Can any locksmith or
burglar alarm maker guarantee that a building will withstand all attacks
for 12 months?  _That_ is the equivalent of withstanding all virus
attacks for 12 months - and it's on a far simpler system.

Maybe not the locksmith itself, but there are insurance companies
which calculate how high the risk is, and they take that liability.

For locks, cars, even airplanes, insurance companies do that all the
time. But there are only a few cases where this is done for software.

Arved Sandstrom

Seebs said:
Not in general, but:
1. Some people will do these things because they believe it is important
to do their work to the best of their ability.
2. Some people with contracts and such in place will still produce shoddy

In short, while there's certainly a correlation, liability and certification
are neither necessary nor sufficient to produce reliable software. Insisting
on them strikes me as missing the point; they're a proxy value at best for
the actual goal.


I agree with your specific statements. It's impossible not to - I see
evidence often enough of software developers who have no relevant formal
education, have no certifications, and have only OJT, who nonetheless
have applied themselves in their own time to study their field. These
are the people who read the formal language and API specifications, own
copies of books on concurrency and software testing and software design,
regularly read the better programming website articles, and subscribe
to good articles. In fact, in some cases people who follow programming
NGs on Usenet. :)

Generally speaking the majority of programmers who do these things do
have some relevant formal education, and often certifications, but since
currently a CS degree rarely prepares a person to be a good software
developer it's not an important factor: what counts is the other stuff I

For sake of argument the fraction of such software developers may be 1
in 10. I doubt it's more, because in my 25 years or so in the field,
spread out over nearly 35 years, I've encountered hundreds of developers
in many different employment settings as co-workers and colleagues, and
I've seen no evidence that it's higher than that.

Here's the thing: the main reason for having the codes of conduct,
required education and certifications, professional associations,
regulated professional development, legal guarantees and so forth, is to
prove to the consumer (employer of software developers, purchaser of
computer software etc) with a reasonable degree of assurance that they
are getting a known, reliable quantity, whether that be an employee or a
product. All that stuff is there is to help regulate the market in
software professionals and software itself, so that the consumer is not
flying in the dark when it comes to choosing services and products.

It's not a be-all and end-all by any means. It simply raises the bar,
just as it does in existing professions. It's defining the minimums, and
currently we truly have none.

Such a system also protects the true software development professionals.
As it is employers have a tough time selecting good people, and
consumers have very little idea of what they are getting. Shoddy
programmers can last a long time (and God knows they do), and while
they're at it they damage or destroy the credibility of people who are
really trying to do a proper job. Employers become accustomed to having
mediocre employees, and customers get used to shabby software. When an
employer gets an employee who really knows what they are doing they are
lauded as superstars - well, they're not, they're just doing their job.
And when customers get a reliable piece of software it gets 5 stars just
for being good software, which is also pretty sad.

The system should not be so hit and miss. And it does not have to be.

You're quite right in a narrow sense. If you are talking about the 10%
of developers who try, and the 10% of software shops that get it, and
the 10% of software that is truly quality stuff, they don't need the
extra push or the regulations. But the other 90% do.


Arved Sandstrom

Brian said:
Software from Ebenezer Enterprises is free. I think only
an idiot would attempt to sue us for a problem they find
in the software. I think the same things goes for Boost.
I don't think they've ever been sued for defects.

Brian Wood
(651) 251-9384

Free (as in beer) software brings up an interesting set of arguments. If
I understand your point as being, if a product is free how can one
possibly sue the maker of it for flaws in the product? Correct me if I'm

I have my own thoughts on this topic but I simply want to make sure what
we're discussing.


Dancing Fingers

For me, a non-pro, it's like solving a crossword puzzle. You're
trying but can't quite figure it out. But when you finally do it's a
huge rush and you can't wait for more.

OMG I'm addicted to programming -- my wife was right.


Nick Keighley

Software management is not so stupid.

sometimes it is. Sometimes quality is seen as being too expensive. The
cost of a pissed off customer isn't always factored in.

If adequate procedures were
available that could ensure bug-free software, at reasonable cost and
time, they they would have been adopted.

they are available, they do have reasonable cost (in many fields) and
they have been adopted.

Telecommunication systems mostly invisibly work. There's a good reason
for this.

Except in a few areas
customers would soon shy away from 'no warrantry including the implied
warrantry of suitability for any particular purpose' products.

we've pretty well brain washed the consumer to accept this as

The fact is that many many formal methods are in existence. Some of
them might work, to some extent, and in some circumstances. But none
have really proved themselves when it comes to the acid test of
developing real software for non-trivial projects.

talk to the telcommunications people, talk to the military, talk to
avionics and space, talk to automotive (ok, bad example!).

Michael Foukarakis


Do you have any evidence to suggest that this kind of liability is actually
reasonable, justified, and/or necessary?

I am not an expert at law, so I cannot reason about justification or
necessity. However, I do recall quite a few "mishaps" and software
bugs that cost both money and lives.
Let's see: a) Mariner I, b) 1982, an F-117 crashed, can't recall if
the pilot made it, c) the NIST has estimated that software bugs cost
the US economy $59 billion annually, d) 1997, radar software
malfunction led to a Korean jet crash and 225 deaths, e) 1995, a
flight-management system presents conflicting information to the
pilots of an American Airlines jet, who got lost, crashed into a
mountain, leading to the deaths of 159 people, f) the crash of Mars
Polar Lander, etc. Common sense tells me that certain people bear
responsibility over those accidents.

How can anybody ignore this? Do more people have to die for us to
start educating software engineers about responsibility, liability,
consequences? Right now, CS students learn that an error in their
program is easily solved by adding carefully placed printf()'s or
running inside a debugger, and that the worst consequence if the TA
discovers a bug in their project solution is maybe 1/10 lesson

I was exposed to the same mentality, but it's totally fucked up.
I agree.  I just don't think that rants about liability or certification
are going to do anything.  Neither of those has a thing to do with learning
to write more reliable software.

So what? We already know how to write more reliable software, it's
just that we don't care.

Phil Carmody

James Kanze said:
They are. That's why independent contractors have liability

In that case they're *not* liable for their unreliable code.



Here's the thing: the main reason for having the codes of conduct,
required education and certifications, professional associations,
regulated professional development, legal guarantees and so forth, is to
prove to the consumer (employer of software developers, purchaser of
computer software etc) with a reasonable degree of assurance that they
are getting a known, reliable quantity, whether that be an employee or a
product. All that stuff is there is to help regulate the market in
software professionals and software itself, so that the consumer is not
flying in the dark when it comes to choosing services and products.

I don't believe that they can do this, because the key measures of quality
are sufficiently orthogonal to anything we know how to test that it simply
doesn't work out that way. I'd almost certainly fail any coherently-specified
certification, because my memory's like a sieve, so any check as to whether
I know even basic things will discover that, well, no, I don't.

It's very hard to develop a test you can administer for "knows how to look
things up" or "knows whether or not he knows something".

Furthermore, I very much dislike the notion of the software industry becoming
afflicted with the kind of thing that many engineering professions, or the
legal profession, have, where certification becomes a way for groups doing
certification to make a ton of money preventing people from doing work unless
they pay the group a ton of money.

Right now, any old person can try to put software up on the internet. I would
not want to see that change, but I do not have any confidence that a
"professional organization" would be willing or able to refrain from doing so
over time. It is the nature of such organizations (like any other human
institution) to seek ever-broader power and influence.
Such a system also protects the true software development professionals.

Some, but it may protect other people from getting the experience they would
need to *become* true software development professionals.

Had I needed a certification to start doing stuff, I would never have made
You're quite right in a narrow sense. If you are talking about the 10%
of developers who try, and the 10% of software shops that get it, and
the 10% of software that is truly quality stuff, they don't need the
extra push or the regulations. But the other 90% do.

I think the harm they'd do in the boundary cases is pretty severe, though,
and essentially irreparable, while we've found somewhat survivable ways for
employers who care about quality to obtain it if they want it.



Michael said:
How can anybody ignore this? Do more people have to die for us to
start educating software engineers about responsibility, liability,
consequences? Right now, CS students learn that an error in their
program is easily solved by adding carefully placed printf()'s or
running inside a debugger, and that the worst consequence if the TA
discovers a bug in their project solution is maybe 1/10 lesson

You say that like the developers were at fault. I cannot tell you how many
times I've seen management overrule developers who wanted to make things
right. It's been the overwhelming majority, though. I recall a manager in
1982 refusing to let a team fix the Y2K bug in the project. Many good
developers have grown resigned to the policies and have given up pushing for
quality. Many more use stealth quality - they simply don't tell management
they're doing things in an unauthorized way that's better than the official
process. Only rarely in the last thirty years have I encountered
management alignment with known best practices.

Nearly all projects I've worked on involved many programmers, dozens even.
Parts are written independently of each other, often over a period of years.
Often each part test perfectly in isolation and only reveal bugs emergently
under production conditions.

Many of those projects had large test teams. Products have passed all the
tests, yet still failed to meet spec in production.

Sometimes the provided test environment differed significantly from the
production environment.

Before you make the developer liable, you'd better darn well be certain the
developer is actually the one at fault.


Lew said:

Andy said:
In 1982 the manager may well have been right to stop them wasting their
time fixing a problem that wasn't going to be a problem for another 18
years or so. The software was probably out of use long before that.

Sure, that's why so many programs had to be re-written in 1999.

Where do you get your conclusions?

James Kanze

James Kanze <[email protected]> writes:

In that case they're *not* liable for their unreliable code.

It depends. For large projects, it's unlikely that the
contractor did the work alone, and it's the prime contractor,
who gave him the job, who's liable. But I've also worked on
smaller projects, where I was responsible, and liable, for all
of the software in the project.

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