I've no doubt about the Zero being invented by our ancestors.
Indians developed not only the zero, they also found the positional decimal
number system, the decimal point, algebra, arithmetic, most of the astronomy,
and many other scientific systems and sub-systems. It's a pity that most of
the westerners are not aware of India's early development of science, or maybe
they purposelt deny it. Talk about ego problems!
Please use "you", not "u." "U" is a letter of the alphabet, but not an
English word.
I agree with you. Oh c'mon! we're programmers not pirates.

But then, I'm forced to think of C.
C is an alphabet, not a word. What does it mean, by the way?
I remember a friend telling me that 'C' stood for 'Compiler' or 'Compiled'.
I had a hard time making him understand that it was a mere hack. That it came
after B. Now the million dollar question is, why isn't someone asking the C
committee to explain what C stands for? LISP, Fortran, APL, PL/1, BCPL and even
the pitiful BASIC ...are all abbreviations. Ada, Pascal, Python, Java etc. are
names. I mean, someone should explain the choice of 'hackish' names like B, C
and C++.
If Dennis Ritchie is allowed to go to an extent such as to choose a name like C,
then why some are accused of being lame and backwards. What should I think of
it? Double standards? Well, I personally don't care. I don't care about the
name of the language. I can even forgive Dennis for his 'hackness'. I'm not a
purist and therefore can disregard the stupidity of C and it's hacking syntax.
I really hate it when I see someon using 'u'. Yes, that's true.
I like to write in proper English. Pardon a few grammatical and spelling
mistakes. English is not my mother tongue. Well, I was telling that I like
writing neat English. I like to see descriptive posts. I like to check for
any syntax and semantic errors, and complain instantly when someone uses 'u'.
I told you how I hated 'u'(no pun intended).
But the problem is that I've been using C forever. History has it that C was
liked for it's compactness and hackish nature. It was liked and promoted for
it's obfuscated syntax. It was made to distribute source code in shrouded form.
Shamefully, I must admit that I like C for the same features explained above.
I love to post on usenet and I do it elaborately. But, when it comes to C
programming, something strange takes place inside me. I don't know it's some
curse or witchcraft (pardon the pun). I like detailed posts, but I never write
comments in my C code. I use many of the tricks to save a few words here and
a few symbols there. Yes, I do know about Andrew Koenig (sp?) but never had the
chance to read him.
Really, I HATE it when some Indian uses 'u'. I don't care about others. But, why
the *Indians* are using 'u' in place of the more elaborate 'you'. What if they
come from a non-English background. It's no excuse. They are trying to become
hackish. They are inventing 'letter words' and using it. I can't tolerate that.
This 1337 h4ckn355 belongs to us. We should even have the 'hackness' get
patented by one of us. Now the point is, why *every single* Indian is using it.
Do they even have a formal education system there? Oh my! how cheap our hackness
has become. Once upon a time, only 'cool' guys from MIT used them. Now even
the Indians are using it! Damnit!
Oh! I get a bit carried away when it comes to *Indians and u*. Let's get back
to my programming habits. As I said earlier, I like things in their fullness.
You may call me a purist. Unfortunately, because of my hackish C experience, I
regret it when my senior traces through my code and asks to let more comments
go in between the functions. Lately, I've been thinking about this strange
behaviour. I've been thinking about moving to COBOL. It's a real match for me.
We're made for each other. I like elaborated paragraphs; COBOL loves it. What
if only a few COBOL jobs are out in the wild, at least I'll save myself from
this double life and *Indian C Programmers and u*. Hah!
Please post an advice or a suggesstion. And don't write 'u'. Argghhh!
The zero was invented by the Babylonians. And the Mayans. And the
Hindus. The Babylonians were probably first.
Don't know much about the history of Zero, or its usage in Babylon.
But, I'm sure that most of the western historians believed too much in Bible
and it's false comments about the origin of the world. In fact, the date of
the origin of Indian civilzation was modified by westerners to suit the Bible's
claim of the world's origin in 4004 B.C. That's pathetic.
I urge the people of the Indian Republic to develop their very own systems of
history and science. Relying too much on foreign sources has caused this mess.
I urge my people to revive the past to make a better and brighter future. The
science of ancient India was meant to bring peace everywhere. Unfortunately,
it's western avatar is bringing the curse of destruction and ultimate chaos.
Ah! sure it doesn't; as long as you believe so.
Moral of the story : As some poster in this thread said, quit copying foreigners
altogether. Look at your glorious past. Long before there was any western
civilization, Indians had developed Sanskrit, Mathematics and other sciences.
Arabs and europeans stole it from us and claimed it as their own. They don't
seem to regret for it, then why should you for your hackness? When the
Christians and Mohammadens were slaying others (it's still happening), Indians
were bringing peace to other parts of the world. They were teaching others the
benefits of Yoga. They were leaving India for Japan, China, Egypt etc. to teach
and preach Hinduism and Buddism. We are proud that not a single head was ripped
in the name of Hinduism or Buddhism at that time. Dare you westerners claim it?
Talk about 'civilization' and 'nobility'.
Manish Singh