Soviet Russia sometimes get lumped in with religion for this purpose.
I don't happen to agree but the overly strong application of an
ideology can look very like a religion.
Surely. Marxism-Leninism _was actually a dogmatic religion_ in the USSR - with punisheable heresies, official clergy (called "phylosophers" in the USSR) and so on.
And once again - this was God-less religion, based on the belief of "the human race is omnipotent itself, if we are speaking about long-term and the whole human history". Not only the idea of God, but actually _anything transcendent was cursed by the Soviet ideology_.
For instance, the Soviet system took some effort (in book writing and publishing) to discredit all kind of "urban myths" beliefs like "if the black cat have crossed your road - wait for a mischief".
More modern beliefs like the UFOs, magical powers of the pyramids, magical healers etc were also put under discredit by the Soviet official system (and flourished to huge sizes immediately after the USSR downfall).
As you can understand, there cannot be much _governemental_, "etatistic" interest in such. This is religios dogmatism, plain and simple.
Even the capitalist economy was actually cursed by the Soviets _partly_ due to the belief that it slowers the mankind, lessens its progressive powers and hinders the progress of the mankind to being gods for themselves.
Some bits of National Socialism looked *very* like religion
They hardly have anything like the Soviet Marxism-Leninism "official phylosophers", neither any punishment of the heretics (which the early USSR had plenty).
Mind you, some people still believe Saving Private Ryan is historically
Well, Guadalcanal battle is a historical fact.