Respect and Disappointment


Bill Atkins

I think DHH simply phrased his blog-entry a bit slopily, or perhaps
didn't actually manage to say what he was intending to say, that about
choosing your tools well. Let's face it, discussing platforms is so

I don't think it had much to do with sloppiness. A lot of David's
posts (and even, unfortunately, some of those on the official Rails
weblog) have that same edge to them. This is not the first time he's
had to close comments on a post; there have been articles about the
superiority of Rails over Java (for example, the infamous "It's
incredible how much vile bile that lies within the Java community")
that were written in a similar tone and got a lot of the same kind of
feedback in the comments.

Bill Atkins

Stephen Kellett

Curt Hibbs <[email protected]> said:
I've finally started a blog. I really didn't want to go public with it
until I was sure I keep it up, but DHH posted a entry to his blog that
I feel compelled to comment on.

I shouldn't worry about it. Having gone out of my way to read his blog
entry I can only assume that if this is the current state of "Loud
Thinking" I now know why I don't bother reading it. What utter drivel.

It could just be possible, couldn't it that some people have a different
perspective on things than DHH, and actually, shock, like Windows?
Frankly, I hate Macs, because they are overpriced, proprietary, still
only have one mouse button, etc...


Stephen Kellett

Bill Atkins said:
I don't think it had much to do with sloppiness. A lot of David's
posts (and even, unfortunately, some of those on the official Rails
weblog) have that same edge to them. This is not the first time he's
had to close comments on a post; there have been articles about the
superiority of Rails over Java (for example, the infamous "It's
incredible how much vile bile that lies within the Java community")
that were written in a similar tone and got a lot of the same kind of
feedback in the comments.

So you think he writes this way to get notoriety?

Austin Ziegler


+ To say that you have "run all but dry of understanding for
programmers that willfully pick Windows as their platform of choice" to
me seems to imply a complete disinterest in understanding how other
people make such decisions in the first place. For one thing, I know
plenty of people who have never made the switch out of
cost-consciousness, and I live in New York, not a very cost-conscious
place to begin with.

Interestingly, the last time I bought a computer was two years ago. At
the time, I was looking for a lightweight laptop computer (under four
pounds) that was still powerful enough for my needs -- and fit within
my budget. The Mac that had the power I wanted was far too expensive,
IIRC (this would have included a RAM and hard-drive upgrade, I think),
and definitely too heavy.

It is only *now* that I look at Mac hardware that I think that the
prices are approaching reasonable for the power/weight balance.

My criteria limited me to Wintel machines. I won't use Linux -- it's
not ready for primetime. I despise Gnome and dislike KDE. There is a
striking inconsistency in the usability of Linux GUI applications,
mostly toward the "how can you use this stinking pile of..." sort of
comment. (Interestingly, with my most recent system recovery, I was
looking at doing a dual-boot to the machine I'm talking about; no
Linux out there supported my hardware properly. I would have been
looking at a 70% functionality limit.)

I bought a Tablet PC. It was lightweight (4 pounds with keyboard
attached, 3 pounds without) and powerful enough. I have also upgraded
its memory and its disk space. There's NO regrets here, and I resent
the implication that because I chose bleeding edge hardware that's
*different*, I'm a lesser developer.


James Britt

Austin said:
...and I resent
the implication that because I chose bleeding edge hardware that's
*different*, I'm a lesser developer.

Think different, but not different from me.


Dick Davies

* Stephen Kellett said:
Frankly, I hate Macs, because they are overpriced, proprietary, still
only have one mouse button, etc...

You have an opinion which differs from mine! I will fill up a mailing
list for two days arguing the toss about it!

Come on now, guys, if you want to have a 'my OS is leetier than thou'
argument, there are other places to do it.

James Britt

Stephen said:
So you think he writes this way to get notoriety?

Nah; might just be a spell of blogorrhea.

However, PC users responding to requests for help with Rails might want
to admit to their transgression when posting, so that the recipient
knows to view the response with adequate suspicion.


James Britt

Dick said:
Come on now, guys, if you want to have a 'my OS is leetier than thou'
argument, there are other places to do it.

0r 47 |3457 p057 1n l33t5p34k.


Luc Heinrich

Stephen Kellett said:
Frankly, I hate Macs, because they are overpriced, proprietary, still
only have one mouse button, etc...

Utter bullshit. Please grow up.

Steven Jenkins

Dick said:
You have an opinion which differs from mine! I will fill up a mailing
list for two days arguing the toss about it!

Come on now, guys, if you want to have a 'my OS is leetier than thou'
argument, there are other places to do it.


Anybody else like OS/8 or RT-11?


Curt Hibbs

Luc said:
Utter bullshit. Please grow up.

Let's not get personal, this was I was complaining about in my original
post that started this thread.

We all make our choices based on considerations that are important to
us. Stephen can hate the Mac and you can love the Mac. It is what it is,
and no growing up is required.

Jim Burton


Anybody else like OS/8 or RT-11?


It's got to be Plan 9! There's always room in my partition table for
Glenda the aloof bunny (now there's a mascot) and when I meet
developers who don't use it, well, I leave the room.

Stephen Kellett

James Britt said:
Nah; might just be a spell of blogorrhea.

However, PC users responding to requests for help with Rails might want
to admit to their transgression when posting, so that the recipient
knows to view the response with adequate suspicion.

I'd have thought he should welcome Rails uptake on Windows. More proof
he has a good solution. Telling your potential customers they are
somehow lesser for using a platform he doesn't personally like is, well,
it strikes me as that he has an attitude problem.

Look up "Ed Esber" on Google. Look at what company he ran and why it


Stephen Kellett

Dick Davies said:
Come on now, guys, if you want to have a 'my OS is leetier than thou'
argument, there are other places to do it.

I'm having that argument. I was stating my reasons for disliking Macs.

Nowhere did I say that Linux/Windows/whatever was better than OS X. I'm
quite happy if you want to pay more for your hardware (after all many
people drive more expensive cars than I do and I don't get upset about
that) and use a different OS.


Stephen Kellett

Luc Heinrich said:
Utter bullshit. Please grow up.

Identify the statement that isn't true. Overpriced: Lots of others have
given examples. The other two statements are facts.

If you like your Mac that is fine with me. Apparently me not liking Macs
is not fine with you. Who has the more mature attitude? The tolerant
person, or the intolerant?


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