Respect and Disappointment


Lyndon Samson

I think we can see where this is going. I'm not a pre-eventualist (yet)
but I see it all materializing like thick cake smearing over my
eyelids. I think if Ashley Raymond were here, he would say something
utterly incomprehensible, just to avoid joining culture.

It all reminds me of the ancient confounding of the tongues, but caused
by a society which is wider than it is tall. Maybe we will live in
cities which are six or seven level deep. Each level with its own
nomenclatures and systems. I honest grip tightly the precept that we
will safely passage between realms. However, in my most morose hours, I
can't resist accepting the inevitability of evolving retinas which will
shield us from each other, so that perhaps we will see a ghost or only a
cape or maybe only just a few loose stitches hovering there stubbornly.

Why? Do you allways sit on the fence...

Stephen Kellett

Paul Battley said:
Now, maybe IHBT, and I know that the one-button mouse is something of
a shibboleth for Mac-haters but, seriously, if RSI is an issue, why on
earth would you be using a mouse?

Well, RSI comes in many flavours and affects different people in
different ways. You recommend me using two hands to get my second mouse
button effect. That is worse for me than having two mouse buttons. I've
been living and working with RSI since 1994. I know what works for me.
tablet. Granted, neither of these are appropriate for FPS gaming, but
if you are using a computer for any length of time - and intend to do
so into the future - you owe it to your musculoskeletal system to
invest in decent input devices. Since I stopped using a mouse, my
previous hand/wrist problems have gone away.

Frankly FPS gaming is one of the worst things you could do if you have
RSI, given the stressed and tensions people put into their arms and
hands whilst playing. Regarding the other bits - its mainly typing that
kills me, so I have to be careful, split keyboard is must - Microsoft
score well there - the best I've found so far as the MS keyboards.
Compare the Windows task tray: some icons need a left click, others a
right click; some respond to both, but to each differently.

Of course they respond to each button differently. The left button does
what a left click would do and the right one posts a context menu. That
is entirely consistent with the way Windows works (left does a click,
which selects or activates a command, and right does the context menu
thing). Just because that isn't consistent with the way the Mac works
doesn't mean its broken. When you get in a car and wash the windscreen
by mistake when you meant to flash the headlights does that mean the car
is broken because its different to the one you normally drive?
than a few, and it's all down to the software design. If the software
doesn't need a right click, then the mouse doesn't need a right

That is my point entirely. Just about every software package I use does
provide context menus and I want them with a right click. So do my
customers. They don't want to have to use two hands to do something that
should be trivially done with one finger.


Douglas Livingstone

Of course they respond to each button differently. The left button does
what a left click would do and the right one posts a context menu.

Not quite as simple as that. The network connection icon acts as you
describe, while the Safley Remove Hardware icon has context menus for
left and right button, but *different* context menus, the volume icon
gives a context menu for right, a mini volume for left, and full
options for a *double* click. Other icons have the same context menu
for each button, others change whether an application is active or not
using a left click (icon changes), some do nothing unless double


Martin DeMello

Christian Neukirchen said:
James F. Hranicky said:


ri instance_eval

LOL! Worth wading through the thread for the odd laugh :)


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