Stephen Kellett
Luc Heinrich said:So yes,
Macs come with a one button mouse, here's your fact.
Thank you. You were denying this yesterday. Who is spreading FUD?
To open a context menu with a one button mouse you need to two hands
(one on the mouse, one to press the key on the keyboard that makes the
context menu work, wow, thats good UI design), with a two button mouse
you need one finger.
Not white (fully opensource), but also *very* far from being black, as
your "fact" would suggest.
No. I can't get Mac OS X from another vendor, like I could say Red Hat
(albeit with another name, recently sued by Red Hat to remove Red Hat's
name from their practically identical distro).
Apple's hardware is so proprietary and opaque, how is it possible that
you can run and install half a dozen Linux distros and/or BSD variants
on it ?
I never said anything about opaque. If I want to run Mac OS X on a
different brand G5 board I can't (I base this on the decision that Linus
purchased a Mac then reformatted it to use Linux - why pay the Apple tax
if you don't have to?). That keeps the prices for the hardware higher
than it needs to be. Intel (when it dominated the x86 arena completely)
claimed it didn't keep the prices high. Funny that as soon as AMD made
any significant inroads, prices fell dramatically.
If I want to run Linux/Windows I can choose any number of hardware
platforms, for many different chip types and chipsets.
The x86 platform is so open that Intel has various competitors including
one that has recently taken the lead in the 64 bit x86 arena.
got enough insults by email after this (you know who you are) to at
Funny, I haven't had one complaint. Anyway, thanks for answering my
points and actually proving the point I was making was correct. I won't
bother any more. If you hadn't started by insulting my statement of my
personal preference (I wasn't for a minute stating you shouldn't use a
Mac), none of this would have happened.
You could have replied by email. That would have been fine.