The original Thunkatron "problem space" was the "Is this a 'system'"
and if so, then what can we tell the shopping basket person?
That "problem space" seems to be totally untapped but the thunk
appreciates the problem much better - real expertise is needed.
Real expertise and experience is floating around out there. There are
likely 1000 computer junkies plugged into a forum this moment doing
their geeky things and slinging bloblets of text at each other.
One of the most particular ways that these things ru'ids seem
interesting is this:
The thunk cannot see why a "Knowledge Farm" could not be built
parallel to any technical forum about anything that resembles a
Read that carefully? This is a favorite "gedankengang" - (??) -
thought path for the author, NOT his field of major interest, not his
expertise, not his paygrade. But something the old thunker keeps
going to, to push and pull ideas around and play "what if", "why not",
"wtf - why haven't those very bright guys with all their very bright
tools, started doing this yet"
OK? Its a question I have, it is not crystal clear, crystal clear
is for past tense. Like the war in Afganistan - the president of
thunkastan did not threaten to join the enemy today - his problem
domain is much simpler
Take a gedankengang with the author??
Instead of 20 postings zinging right and left, and often at each
other, lets visualize that the people here could "author a ru'id" by
simply doing not too much more than a click, and then answering a
series of multiple choices. And when he is done, in LESS time than is
spent composing many postings - instead of another bloblet of text -
there is in "problem space" - SOMEWHERE - a new ru'id that does
basically no more, and no less than the Ru'ids the author is playing
Now - the next time a posting is made on such a thing as:
all the Ruids of the Universe known play in this "problem space" get
"fired" at the subject. Nothing may happen, but one or one hundred
may "hit". The hits form a pattern (if there are a quantity of hits)
- now the question writer is presented with a table/dashboard of the
hits with colors, and icons and that kind of stuff - (automatic).
This dashboard is PASSIVE, not in your face flashing and stupid
advertising or that sort of thing, it says basically that your
question has been "HIT" there is a pattern, if you would rather look
at the results, at any level of detail, than proceed with your
question then be our guest.
This is NOT the author's favorite Gedangengang, this is NOT the
author's direct field of expertise, IT IS ONLY SOMETHING HE CANNOT