[ANN] ThunkGen released!



In statistics, an outlier[1] is an observation that is numerically
distant from the rest of the data. Grubbs[2] defined an outlier as:

An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to
deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs.

Outliers can occur by chance in any distribution, but they are often
indicative either of **MEASUREMENT ERROR** or that the population has
a heavy-tailed distribution. In the former case one wishes to discard
them or use statistics that are robust to outliers, while in the
latter case they indicate that the distribution has high kurtosis and
that one should be very cautious in using tool or intuitions that
assume a normal distribution. A frequent cause of outliers is a
mixture of two distributions, which may be two distinct sub-
populations, or may indicate 'correct trial' versus 'measurement
error'; this is modeled by a mixture mod


Mario Antonetti

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]


Yes. All communication is representations of an idea, so all spam is idea


[Note:  parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Yes.  All communication is representations of an idea, so all spam isidea


Yes. All communication is representations of an idea, so all spam is


and does it follows somehow, that all ideas/concepts are spam?

then some of you guys are safe enough
but a couple of us may not agree

Ryan Davis

Yes. All communication is representations of an idea, so all spam is = idea

Please stop responding to thunk, he is crazy. If you stop talking to =
him, he will go away.

Even if he isn't crazy, he's incredibly off-topic and ruining our =
beloved signal-to-noise ratio. Either he needs to be on-topic, or we =
need to shun him.

Again, this man is insane, so please, please, please refrain from =
replying to his posts, or in threads he starts.

If you would, please join us is fighting this problem. Copy this mail =
into your email signatures and use it either on-list or in a private =
reply to others to help stem the tide.

Thank You


Dear Mr. Davis,

Check out the names: Drs Robert and Marilyn Hart

They will verify that he is nuts.

Dr. Robert Hart (look HIM up in Who's Who, sir)

will also laugh, probably, and ask you who you are.

Do you know what an Outlier is??

or is your book on Testing, or whatever in some more confined niche
and you don't want to know?

and if you know, then, why are you being such a butthead?


Tony Arcieri

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Does thunk remind anyone else of Louis Savain?


<http://www.rebelscience.org/Cosas/COSA.htm>Everyone, put down your text
editors because graphical reactive dataflow programming is the future!
Sure, it may take a few months to figure out how to write quicksort, but
once you do, it will run in parallel! Unfortunately, today's computers
aren't designed to execute COSA programs, so we'll need all new CPUs
optimized for COSA. Once we get everyone to switch to graphical COSA
programming and using COSA-optimized CPUs, everything can run in a parallel
and fault-tolerant manner!

Unfortunately, Boids and Ru'ids sold separately.

Tony Arcieri

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Whoops, uhh... yeah DNFT is a good idea. Signing off.


Yes :)

Sadly, and here it comes!


aaahem, well, nothing is being sold, NOTHING N-A-D-A

the "goal" such as it has been, and it is easy to misinterpret was and

to UNDERSTAND - with you guys being peers not buttheads and like
that. read the postings ( i would not either :) ) but there is
nothing but a honest, basic, heads on desire to know "what are these
thing" Boids?,, no..... usw

THEN there were the well, what does it do??

and I said that it does "worksheets" and the colors of a Control would
change (should I go back to not console) and NOTHING MORE -


but really, one future scenario COULD be this.....

Thunk does peer to peer with a peer (that would help)

we both flash our credential and stare at each other (or do hot baths
as in PRC, go drink beer as in.... you get it)

if it still makes sense thunk bicycles to where-ever with his desktop
on his back (or that gets discussed for a more logical manner)

THEN something about DEMOS of all this - against a you-fail-you-lose
(thunk) kind of arrangement (but some you-pass-you-gain(thunk) to
balance said 1st part

Thunk has a vision of Ru'ids zinging around all distributed and free
in a Heroko garden.

and RUBY programmers able to author and build Helper_Classes

and Experts able to Author Ru'ids

and nobody making anything - but sharing the opportunity to do what I
thought this forum was about - sharing concepts - and the rest,
theoretically, would just follow.



ol' thunk is in a rather solid "core" of long time experience with the
thingy's that zing around. Mitutoyo MeasurLink, DataMyte, .....(his
1995 efforts was MeasurLink under contract to use MS c++) CMMs ,
calibers, micrometers, and you name it... and not just numbers but
notes about those numbers.

ol' thunk can hold his own, he thinks, in any kinds of anything that
did or does those things.

ol' thunk IS NOT A WEB guy, he has only been able to really deal on
top of Rack (functional but ugly) and with _WEE_ as something he can

so this is what it is, the author spent some serious years doing some
serious work and something have not changed - MeasurLink is a good
basic design on shitty ms -perpetually and forever whatever.

Remember, please that thunk spent years working with, listening to,
and thinking about new products for his little company to stay ahead
of the much bigger - ahh, we can did that too (3 years later) kinda

thunk is humble, thunk is a real program walker, and a program talker
only reluctantly! (ya, go ahead - smirk)

and that seems like (another) appropriate moment to just try get back
to work here.....

with one last.last.bottom.bottom.line:

A FREE RUBY DEMO for RUBY programmers.... that would be a nice
thing imho



I want to ask you a few questions. Humor me for a moment.

1) On what planet in our solar system can you best breathe?

2) What is the following word:
____ ___ ____ ___ _
/ ___/ _ \| __ ) / _ \| |
| | | | | | _ \| | | | |
| |__| |_| | |_) | |_| | |___
\____\___/|____/ \___/|_____|

3) What letter is next in this sequence?

J F M A M J J A S O N __



I want to ask you a few questions. Humor me for a moment.

1) On what planet in our solar system can you best breathe?

2) What is the following word:
  ____ ___  ____   ___  _
 / ___/ _ \| __ ) / _ \| |
| |  | | | |  _ \| | | | |
| |__| |_| | |_) | |_| | |___
 \____\___/|____/ \___/|_____|

3) What letter is next in this sequence?

  J F M A M J J A S O N __

HP calculators - wow!?! well it is portable
benton harbor basic (H8) self built
MS Basic
General .... Business basic
c++ ????????!!!!! yeee
Smalltalk :) :)
Java (it worked)

RUBY!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

sometimes there are last words, and this is mine to you sir:



HP =A0calculators - wow!?! =A0 well it is portable
benton harbor basic (H8) self built
MS Basic
General .... =A0Business basic
c++ =A0 ????????!!!!! yeee
Smalltalk =A0 :) :)
Java =A0 =A0 (it worked)

RUBY!!!!!!!!! =A0 =A0:) :) :) :)

How is that an answer in any way shape or form?
sometimes there are last words, and this is mine to you sir:


Oh, such a subtle insult.

I have my doubts you are even a real person. Or perhaps you are a
human-assisted bot (Ru'id?). In either case I wanted to try to verify
before making a decision --to see if there was any hope of reasoning
with you. I do not control the main mailing list but I do control the
google group archive of this list --I have never banned anyone before,
but I think I am going to do so in your case b/c you are not actually
having conversations. You are just filling space with nonsense.


How is that an answer in any way shape or form?

It was intended as the LastLink as the lastWord is rather dull...

The word has so many meanings... it may not mean what you may assume
it only means. There is something in there about making oneself
bigger by trying to make others smaller.

What does COBOL imply my dear fellow?

It implies that I am dated to most anybody here, whether you are aware
of that or not.

NOBODY else has said anything like that - it has been FUN and fun it
should have remained. The COBOL thing, imho, was a kick below the
belt of a man that sees himself as trying to share something, whether
it is shareable or not.

Last night JOSH was great - on line - then off - he TOOK time to
explain that while all sorts of AMAZING things happen on Heroku - it
is only with some tricks that it is possible to "save a file".

The whole "AI" thing was NOT intended. I see these things as
"scripts" - that is how I name them internally. But "scripts" can be
a 3 line "program" or a 100,000 line program in the Ruby world - with
all the modules.

I tried the term "BOID" because it was the best FIT I could find.

I really think a lot of you guys catch a posting here, catch a posting
there and get pieces of it all, well I have really wanted to determine
if what I HAVE WORKING - has a fit into where things are for you folks
that know this stuff and live it.

My background includes authoring/designing software for my company and
the two largest precision tool companies of that time. We did a lot
of useful things and everything I am saying can be backed up. You
guys have not invented software - and I still am not convinced that
what I have working - which is NOT AI - but still has implications
could not be useful.

I TRIED to make these points but in retrospect, I suspect you guys
have a lot of "real cranks" to deal with in the snake-oil division of
AI Corp. I can understand that BUT what these humble Ru'ids can do
NOW is very interesting.

also over many years, I have noticed that when I prove something to
myself without doubt - but the 100's of hours of project work still
wait, I go through a period of self-examination / doubt / rethinking
where I like to "chat" and think about the next more mundane steps and
where it all fits.

to answer your question as directly as I can think -

that was a sequence of languages from top (earliest) to bottom
you did a sequence with me
i did a sequence back

seemed fair.

but I still do not know if I can save a file as text and load it as a
executable class and do on Heroku what I can do on my box here. and
as Mr Ryan Davis has pointed out clearly enough for me, the spit ball
stuff is noise and there is a ratio to be watched. I'd like to
CONTRIBUTE rather than stupid stuff like this. (but hey, who butts
head with a guy named thunk anyway??) :)


It was intended as the LastLink as the lastWord is rather dull...

The word has so many meanings... it may not mean what you may assume
it only means. =A0There is something in there about making oneself
bigger by trying to make others smaller.

What does COBOL imply my dear fellow?

It wasn't meant to imply anything. It was a figlet generated word
picked practically at random to see if you were a real person. (I am
going to assume that you are, though you have still not answered two
of three questions.)

You just ramble on and on. You need to focus and stick to a topic and
reply succinctly and directly. Believe me, I of all people am
sympathetic to non-conformity. But there is big difference between
being edgy and different, and being out right "spambastic". I feel bad
for you, but if you can't reign it in and stop posting non-sense
ramblings, I will be forced to black list you.

andrew mcelroy

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

It wasn't meant to imply anything. It was a figlet generated word
picked practically at random to see if you were a real person. (I am
going to assume that you are, though you have still not answered two
of three questions.)

I can assure you that he is a real person. I have talked to him on the
phone several times.
If he isn't then it was the greatest text to speech engine I have ever
heard. The author of such a system is surely due a Turing Award.

You just ramble on and on. You need to focus and stick to a topic and
reply succinctly and directly. Believe me, I of all people am
sympathetic to non-conformity. But there is big difference between
being edgy and different, and being out right "spambastic". I feel bad
for you, but if you can't reign it in and stop posting non-sense
ramblings, I will be forced to black list you.

It is probably genuinely a psychological problem. He is exactly the same way
on the phone.


I have communicated regularly in art related forums where the group
leader never uses capitals or punctuation. With some younger folks I
feel "verklemmt" / inhibited. I have lived in/with several languages
including the forgotten dialect of several people I loved most

It is clear that there are certain "norms" and I did not take the time
to research 100's of postings. My intent usually to get a posting
done without spending 30 minutes wondering where the darned commas
should go (I sure do miss having people to make sure that was right -
but most of my adult life I have had somebody to do this for me.

There is a REAL question, it was in the title, strange and out of the
ordinary that it may have seemed to you rather sober people:

It was something like "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, No ummmm, its a
Boid" or something like this. I gave that some thought and figured
it would grab a little more attention (good), and 5-10 postings I
could go back to work knowing that there is something like this being
done, probably not in Ruby, and that my months of intensive work would
not be of interest.

Most strangely, that did not happen here. Knowing what I know now I
can understand that you have a tight group of "solvers" that know each
other, and a stream of "newbies" or regular folks and you come from
your perspectives and try and help, end up taking some shots at each
other on this that or the other - the "satz" thing reveals that.

BUT, please think, whatever I am SEEING is not that simple, BUT I am
seeing it and being told I am "batShit Crazy" rather causes me to want
to get the job done even faster - and so it spun out of control - such
as this is - it is text and nobody is getting hurt. And there are
real thoughts in there.

I'd REALLY like to start a new thread. I like the new name Ru'id as a
tribute to Ru_by and a hint of "OIDE" - and I am not about to go
around on Boid again - that is taken - that argument I give you

I'm really not sure what to call it, but I'd like your permission to
start it fresh and I will promise to re-read my postings at least
once. And I would like permission to use links to my wiki pages
which I am working to make more sober also. (I do NOT drink, touch
drugs, or smoke... but I am used to communicating with people on a
casual basis. Many of these people make me look "proper".)

The focus is not solid onto what it would take to build a MINIMUM
RU'ID DEMO - free for everybody if possible - for testing. The idea
would be to allow Ruby programmers to "Clone" and build up the
"system" - and talk about what it does, how, and such as that. It is
a fascinating idea to me, but not my major immediate goal. I don't
know how much help it would take, because many of the issues are
unresolved - but seem like they should be resolvable somehow.

I have a link but I won't post it. Give me permission and I will.
The documentation is getting better - There is example output and I
will send you the output for 1000 patients or whatever if you want to
test this. It is real and so am I.



The focus is not solid onto what it

not should have been NOW

The focus is Solid on this concept of a (free) DEMO program


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