another shot from the side on this:
a swarm/collection of Ru'ids could be partially of as:
a set of pre-trained "scanners", EACH of which has a set of simple web-
online-authored mission specific instructions.
there is something with "broadcasting" going on here.
there is something with "shadow casting" going on here - debriefing -
"xray images"
there is a strong hint of distributed - the expert is in Milwaukee,
the Ru'id weblet he's communicating with while authoring - is in
Berlin - and that's JUST the start - it would be distributed from
there - after vetting - or as a young candidate in waiting - to
regional hospitals in Israel and Boston and so on - immediately - no
hands touching anything - no special excel programs - no crystal
reports - nothing like that.
So bottom.line the Ru'id was generated upon seeing an EVENT of
significance to an EXPERT in Milwaukee, and 10 minutes or so later,
somebody "interested" / prepared to respond to that same lesson /
event could be NOTIFIED (via email / text message) per his settings on
His /its "personally tuned SwarmReader".
and yes this is done with RSS or whatever, i know, but then so are
reports - maybe the "key-key-key" is the ease and compactness and
automatic-ness of it all?
whew. I'm not going to even re-read than for a couple of hours.
Every distributed to center would have to have a "SwarmReader".
Alarms could go off, or an icon could go from green to yellow in a
dashboard like manner.
All this stuff together is like 4,000 lines before you start adding
the Ru'ids.
and that, seems "distributed", to the author, now that he thinks about
the "docking" with the Helper_class gives the ru'id his window to the
world - the ru'id just gives the system a set of scripted instructions
(DSL) to follow in his 0.00005 (or so) sec on the stage. (so far
ru'ids have made only 2-5 assertions)
the ru'id might have learn, for example that the CPU and the
Motherboard in the customers "shopping basket" are not compatible.
this little "factoid" has no particular meaning unless the entire
contents of a shopping basket has been determined to be a single
system. if the customer has 3 systems in there, and for example, no
CPU matches with any Motherboard then.... but that's there passively
at the first level.
The "swarm_reader" could make sense of this and look up the shopping
habits of the customer, consult the statistical universe of all
shoppers, call the client, send the client a email with or without a
WTF? subject title depending on his age, and humor threshold.
a swarm/collection of Ru'ids could be partially of as:
a set of pre-trained "scanners", EACH of which has a set of simple web-
online-authored mission specific instructions.
there is something with "broadcasting" going on here.
there is something with "shadow casting" going on here - debriefing -
"xray images"
there is a strong hint of distributed - the expert is in Milwaukee,
the Ru'id weblet he's communicating with while authoring - is in
Berlin - and that's JUST the start - it would be distributed from
there - after vetting - or as a young candidate in waiting - to
regional hospitals in Israel and Boston and so on - immediately - no
hands touching anything - no special excel programs - no crystal
reports - nothing like that.
So bottom.line the Ru'id was generated upon seeing an EVENT of
significance to an EXPERT in Milwaukee, and 10 minutes or so later,
somebody "interested" / prepared to respond to that same lesson /
event could be NOTIFIED (via email / text message) per his settings on
His /its "personally tuned SwarmReader".
and yes this is done with RSS or whatever, i know, but then so are
reports - maybe the "key-key-key" is the ease and compactness and
automatic-ness of it all?
whew. I'm not going to even re-read than for a couple of hours.
Every distributed to center would have to have a "SwarmReader".
Alarms could go off, or an icon could go from green to yellow in a
dashboard like manner.
All this stuff together is like 4,000 lines before you start adding
the Ru'ids.
and that, seems "distributed", to the author, now that he thinks about
the "docking" with the Helper_class gives the ru'id his window to the
world - the ru'id just gives the system a set of scripted instructions
(DSL) to follow in his 0.00005 (or so) sec on the stage. (so far
ru'ids have made only 2-5 assertions)
the ru'id might have learn, for example that the CPU and the
Motherboard in the customers "shopping basket" are not compatible.
this little "factoid" has no particular meaning unless the entire
contents of a shopping basket has been determined to be a single
system. if the customer has 3 systems in there, and for example, no
CPU matches with any Motherboard then.... but that's there passively
at the first level.
The "swarm_reader" could make sense of this and look up the shopping
habits of the customer, consult the statistical universe of all
shoppers, call the client, send the client a email with or without a
WTF? subject title depending on his age, and humor threshold.