[ANN] ThunkGen released!



another shot from the side on this:

a swarm/collection of Ru'ids could be partially of as:

a set of pre-trained "scanners", EACH of which has a set of simple web-
online-authored mission specific instructions.

there is something with "broadcasting" going on here.
there is something with "shadow casting" going on here - debriefing -
"xray images"

there is a strong hint of distributed - the expert is in Milwaukee,
the Ru'id weblet he's communicating with while authoring - is in
Berlin - and that's JUST the start - it would be distributed from
there - after vetting - or as a young candidate in waiting - to
regional hospitals in Israel and Boston and so on - immediately - no
hands touching anything - no special excel programs - no crystal
reports - nothing like that.

So bottom.line the Ru'id was generated upon seeing an EVENT of
significance to an EXPERT in Milwaukee, and 10 minutes or so later,
somebody "interested" / prepared to respond to that same lesson /
event could be NOTIFIED (via email / text message) per his settings on
His /its "personally tuned SwarmReader".

and yes this is done with RSS or whatever, i know, but then so are
reports - maybe the "key-key-key" is the ease and compactness and
automatic-ness of it all?

whew. I'm not going to even re-read than for a couple of hours.

Every distributed to center would have to have a "SwarmReader".
Alarms could go off, or an icon could go from green to yellow in a
dashboard like manner.

All this stuff together is like 4,000 lines before you start adding
the Ru'ids.

and that, seems "distributed", to the author, now that he thinks about
it :)

the "docking" with the Helper_class gives the ru'id his window to the
world - the ru'id just gives the system a set of scripted instructions
(DSL) to follow in his 0.00005 (or so) sec on the stage. (so far
ru'ids have made only 2-5 assertions)

the ru'id might have learn, for example that the CPU and the
Motherboard in the customers "shopping basket" are not compatible.
this little "factoid" has no particular meaning unless the entire
contents of a shopping basket has been determined to be a single
system. if the customer has 3 systems in there, and for example, no
CPU matches with any Motherboard then.... but that's there passively
at the first level.

The "swarm_reader" could make sense of this and look up the shopping
habits of the customer, consult the statistical universe of all
shoppers, call the client, send the client a email with or without a
WTF? subject title depending on his age, and humor threshold.


Thunk just finished this new analogy, it seems to him to hit home....

it probably can use a lot of tweaking, but the idea IS IN THERE, and
really, for the first time thunk thinks he "could not miss".

It starts with

imagining a kid with 10,000 "nurfs" (firing 2000/sec)

it ends with imaging

and seems to clarify the whole thing to a point beyond his own recent
understanding (his project is not using much of this, yet)



Chuck Remes

Thunk just finished this new analogy, it seems to him to hit home....

it probably can use a lot of tweaking, but the idea IS IN THERE, and
really, for the first time thunk thinks he "could not miss".

It starts with

imagining a kid with 10,000 "nurfs" (firing 2000/sec)

it ends with imaging

and seems to clarify the whole thing to a point beyond his own recent
understanding (his project is not using much of this, yet)



I get a 404 Not Found error when trying to bring up that URL. Please check to make sure that page exists.


Aldric Giacomoni

thunk said:
Thunk just finished this new analogy, it seems to him to hit home....

You guys see this horse? It's dead. You guys see this stick? STOP

Chuck Remes

You guys see this horse? It's dead. You guys see this stick? STOP


you are free to ignore this thread.

I have chatted with Mr. thunk off-list a few times and think there may be some life left in this horse.




GitHub had it up, then it was down, I resent one (had a copy) then
they both were up, then they both disappeared.

Just read the N.Korea is selling an open source os and spying on us,
um, i'm like wondering.... those people SPY on folks, nothing like
that happens, nah, but anyway I have copies and GitHub is in the
BackUp boniness, right?

It features 100,000 or so Nurfs building an image by the simple
expediency of calling into a helper_library::assertion_method when
they strike something.
In "Image" can be built of what folks are wearing, their temperature,
the hardness and stuff like that - each successive wave of "nurfs"
helps build the image by being fired in a raster scan like pattern
(anybody still remember how cathode based TVs used to work?? :) )

Seemed like a killer idea.

Warning: Don't let a US Marine "take your image" - it won't hurt for
long. a friend sends me links of long range sni p e r shots (1 mile)
that go through walls - the image there is not as clear because on
shot seems to do it.

Aldric Giacomoni

Ryan said:
and you are free to stay off list with thunk.

I think that means you may be just as insane (or drunk) as thunk. You
sound like this guy:



I have a suggestion: all of us, including thunk, stop talking about that
particular project until it comes to fruition and/or we have some actual
code we can look at.

It's of course welcomed to hear thunk's Ruby-related questions on this
forum. Ruby on Rails questions should go to the RoR forum.

Does that sound good?



This won't go on. I have no more interest in writing to a black-hole,
than you guys have to read stuff from one. OK?

This IS a ruby 'issue" in so far as it probably only possible in Ruby
in such a tight little pack. OK from what others have told me about
Python and so (functions vs methods) that would not have been

I would be HAPPY to forget about communicating, really, it is eating
up too much of my time too. However, "what ever this is" that was
created to "blast folks" shopping baskets is bigger than that. If I
wasn't as experienced I would not have confidence to say things about
100,000 ru'ids when I only have 200 or so.
OK? The question of to "framework or not to framework" IS NOT really
the question I have - as much as "How could this contribute to the
'greatest good'. You can believe ol' thunk or not on that, but if ol'
thunk was motivated by money.

ol' thunk just learned that the least imaginative, slowest witted\,
most political creation in his bevy of programmers to be is not in
charge of all things quality for Mititoyo. The Hong-kong PHD he had
working on the project went to MS and is doing something out
there.... he went off to sail and program in Smalltalk. Ruby rather
is.... you know... has done it right.

The world does strange things to people, I did ceramics and ran with
artists - and in that world being called "normal" would be like you
guys calling me BatShit crazy. They are different worlds but some of
us have never been anything but artists to start with... go figure.

I can SEE worksheets being produced by 2 swarms of these things. I
have this (Meise) - lowly / route to a few dollars route planned out
that is 90% and a lot of work. I see much much much more powerful
things to be done, and I am 100% prepared to share 100% but I am not
willing to put the code up on a github and have people ask me why it
doesn't run on JRuby2.3x on his Linux dkjfkd os after he did this..
how incredibly unrewarding would that be?

BUT ol thunk has picked up a lot, the "actor" thing (which he
remembers evaluating for McGraw-hill way back in some early
manifestation??) fits fairly well. But from recording "Events" in
factories for years - like Toyota (??) in England, John Deere plants,
HP, and such as those he can see somethings - and let ol' thunk tellya
they ain't "reports" - read the Nurf thing if gitHub coughs it back up
- but (we) all think that makes it much clearer than anything written
before, once you see it, it will be obvious, there's a ahha thing that
seems to happen. But the weather is clear and beautiful and sky is
BLUE on the other side of that moment.

the gang


and further complicating the factors is that ol'thunk is not a natural
guru type - he doesn't see himself writing books, chatting, or any
such thing.

then, he'd also dearly love to around some ruff dogs that know about
the whole big picture whereas ol'thunk only loves to program.

so some university, some trusted entity would be welcome.

there is a certain amazing ramazian fellow that ol'thunk would trust
in a heartbeat on this - he would be such a "3rd party". he's young,
he's interesting, he knows this stuff and he'd make an excellent
gitHub guy, he does that already. last ol'thunk heard he's busy as
heck, however.




ol' thunk can type too fast for his brain, and the spelling checker
says ok - he goes on and so things like inexperienced can become
experienced zB and since he's sorta already got multiple sources for
words saying "send me" it all gets confusing - and if ol thunk slows
down and makes it all proper it takes hours and ends up not being what
he wanted to say anyway.... but being faster than these spelling
checked text fields is rather a thing to be proud of in one way?

sorry about all that..................



Rather the best thing that could happen is that this "thing" gets
planted in a Heruko garden and becomes a LIVING CLONE of the latest
evolving version while an earlier release or such could be the public

THAT WOULD give more without a penny being spent until such time as it
is time to chat business and would be what it is - BUT the engine for
a viable on going effort, books, the right folks doing the right

heruko? there is no telephone # and how much chance would ol' thunk
have to speak to the right people??

but in one heartbeat - a done deal - ol' thunk would be pedaling his
flying pigeon 50# double bar pig carrying capable bike in LA for as
long as it takes.


about the "demo system" that is sitting there to be done in not too
much time....
I'm talking a week or two?

1. The RUBY programmer would have a Module to put his

2. the RUBY programmer would have an online manual to follow certain
conventions like the '?' at the end of Assertion methods and such as
that (not too tough, not too many - the UrHelperClass keeps it going)

3. that is how the RUBY programmer would program (and that could be
evolved but let's keep this simple to start with)

4. now the RUBY programmer OR anybody anywhere anytime with a
browser (or a Handy) could cause "Ru'ids" to be created into that same
cloud space garden thingy - pond? -

5. Now anybody with a standard "SwarmReader" module (almost trivial
at the basic level) could get pinged by any Ru'id that get's its
little flag in a twist!

that would be one way to put the pieces together, anyway....



you go to great effort to help a novice programmer, right?

so you have this 32+ plus year programmer that has seen a few things,
helped grown a new industry (first bitmapped, first DB'd, first new
class of product) and he IS NOT ABOUT selling anything.....

and you don't know how to deal with an "outlier", but how else would
you explain this, huh?


and ol' thunk is not ashamed of this

or should he be?


Josh, guys,

Try this on?

Ol thunk was doing "inter-Corporation" to factories in the 80's & 90's
what you guys are rather "doing to the world". We had DOS which was
solid enough and the job got done. Along came windoz and thunk walked
off, but he didn't die... he did Smalltalk, and kept himself
entertained doing micro-spits on ceramic substrates and such at places
like Alfred University Innovation Center and such..

THEN ol'thunk is looking over books at a Barnes & Noble and it is
about "Ruby" and he is rather - re-incarnated so to say. He goes off
and works and plays with some ruff-dogs in CO and gets some idea of
how the new world is shaped (Thank you Alcott) and he does some
Craigslist, finds some people in Berlin (his secret world capital) and
runs 3 official packages past a interesting couple people and he
senses ho-hum (he does this kinda thing - he was in business 15 - 30
years) and wings on a #4 which is this "shopping basket" idea.

He pushes a lot of code around even in his advancing years, goes
through the nights and piece by piece a puzzle emerges - all kinds of
things about "Systems" - recognizing one, diagnosing one, BUT his DSL
trick of Old blows up into a complex monster despite his very best
efforts, and despite that fact that Wisconsin hands him lot of cold,
windy nights to just do what he does.

A NEW approach, like 180 degrees opposite occurs to him using some
rules, well he outlines maybe 10 things that would have to happen to
make that come together, AND RUBY DOES THAT AND GOES ON TO SAY "hey, I
can do this too" - like those Simpleton Methods - wow -and a real guru
or two (amazing ramazians mostly) helps him along and a critique his
code and tell him - if you feel an urge to do a switch statement ol
timer - call me - those are tot/dead (they all seem to be germans) and
so the whole thing goes on - this is 3 years - and there is pressure
and there isn't - up here a good job ain't that good - there was a
consulting gig for a big yacht company and CNNs stuff for the British
owners - not without just changing the whole way they build their
boats - but the software they could use didn't fit with anything
except CinCom and.... but I digress.

So, saying this is not about RUBY doesn't fly

And saying this is about SALES - or BOOKS (mr ryan) would not be true

And saying this is just a waste of time, will be true if a connection
can't be made - but ol'thunk could headbutt with the Terminator. and
win. but he's really not into repeating himself to people that glaze
over, and you dear people do not strike me as that type, but maybe
this is the new world...and the old world is listening??

Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]


you go to great effort to help a novice programmer, right?

so you have this 32+ plus year programmer that has seen a few things,
helped grown a new industry (first bitmapped, first DB'd, first new
class of product) and he IS NOT ABOUT selling anything.....

and you don't know how to deal with an "outlier", but how else would
you explain this, huh?


and ol' thunk is not ashamed of this

or should he be?
I don't know what you're talking about, my point is that you are spamming.


[Note:  parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

you go to great effort to help a novice programmer, right?
so you have this 32+ plus year programmer that has seen a few things,
helped grown a new industry (first bitmapped, first DB'd, first new
class of product) and he IS NOT ABOUT selling anything.....
and you don't know how to deal with an "outlier", but how else would
you explain this, huh?

and ol' thunk is not ashamed of this
or should he be?

I don't know what you're talking about, my point is that you are spamming..


Rimantas Liubertas


There is no idea, just spam.


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