notifying particular thread to wake up.



[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

[death threat deleted]

I do not take kindly to being threatened. Any more death threats from
you will be forwarded to (e-mail address removed).


On Nov 12, 5:56 am, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

Andreas Leitgeb

[says I'm "not a nice guy"]
Not towards assholes I'm not. I'm a mirror. If you're an asshole
towards me you'll find an asshole reflected in the mirror. If you're
friendly, you'll find a nice guy reflected.

This mirror is unfortunately broken, because if someone arguing with
reasonable arguments looks into it, an asshole looks back throwing
canned phrases, rather than a reasonable guy answering to logical

Lars Enderin

(e-mail address removed) skrev:
[insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
You *have* to be crazy to believe that your content-free responses will
have any beneficial effects whatsoever. At best they are laughable.

Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 12, 5:56 am, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
What, that you can't get a date? You said "of course" so I thought it
fair to assume ...


Wildemar Wildenburger

But this isn't an argument. It's a mutual namecalling fest. :p
So you don't want to convince, just stroke your ego? Well not even
trying is of course much easier, so I see your point.


What you percieve and what I intend need not overlap.

You don't notice or don't want to admit. Fine, nothing really depends on it.

Unbelievable bullshit!!!
You don't need to tell me that you can't believe such an argument. That
is quite obvious. Sooner or later (probably later) this will stop, no
doubt. But let me tell you this: My mother's cat had an unfailing way to
open doors in our house. It would simply sit there for as long as it
took, staring at the door. Sooner or later that door would invariably
open --- be opened by some human going about her business that is. But
I'm pretty sure the cat was convinced that staring at the door was the
actual mechanism which caused the door to open.

If you don't get why I tell this story, you may safely assume I'm
mentally ill and don't know what I'm talking about. I posted it not so
much for you as for everybody else following this thread. You have
convinced me that mocking you is the only way to deal with you (except
leaving you alone, which is no fun.)

I just want the
threatening figures with knives to go away, and until they do so I
will simply parry each jab.
While you privide lots of fun in your way, I am deeply worried about
you. You certainly are a very fearful person.

else. Doing anything else just makes a bigger target for replies,
while there isn't much that any of you can say in response to "None of
the nasty things..." without quickly running out of novel responses to
that. :p
Who needs novel responses?

Unfortunately, I can't do that.
Yeah, I've noticed.

If it were an argument over something inconsequential you might have a
point. But what people will in the future believe about me is hardly
inconsequential to me, so I must make sure that "my side of the story"
is told and that it is told at least equally loudly.
Who are you? As far as most people are concerned: Nobody.

And if your identity ever *does* come out, well ... most people are
pretty forgiving once you can admit that you did wrong and behaved like
an ass. And change.

Your behavior says otherwise. If you genuinely want this to stop, just
shut up and it will stop that much sooner. If you continue to post I
will take that as evidence that you do not genuinely want this to
Note (everbody else, Twisted will certainly not realize this) how the
quoted part is about destroying someone, while Twisted talks like
someone had said that they wanted this to stop.

To make that clear: I do not want to destroy you, at all. I do not want
to convince you of anything, although it would be nice if I could. And
lastly, I do not want you this to stop. I feel entertained. Sadist me.

Well, you might have a tough time of that: I'm not interested and the
other guy's apparently dead.
Not the Paul that people claim you are. Stop clutching at that staw,
it's too brittle and you're already embarrassing yourself with your
failure to realize this (I could imply that in fact you are lying here,
but I won't. Wait, I just did. Sorry.)

Actually, Non-sequitur! would have been more appropriate there.
Why? It followed up on a paragraph where you doubted the mental
soundness of pretty much everyone (you said "all of you").


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 5:46 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


Wildemar Wildenburger

[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

[death threat deleted]

I do not take kindly to being threatened. Any more death threats from
you will be forwarded to (e-mail address removed).
See? Like a clockwork. :)


Andreas Leitgeb

Wildemar Wildenburger said:

I'm not sure if the german phrase "Und wie!" can really be literally
translated. The nearest english phrase I can currently think of
is "You can bet on that it is (true, in this context)".

Wildemar Wildenburger

No such "fact" is in evidence. A single-digit number of people show
some signs of not believing that. Either they genuinely don't and are
therefore delusional, or they actually do and are therefore liars, and
attack me anyway and are therefore evil.

Delusional or evil ... take your pick.

As for the other six and a half billion or so people, well, none of
them have said anything either way.
Well, so the bunch of us (including you, by definition) are a lot dumber
than the rest, who are smart enough to stay out of irrelevant flame
wars. What's your point? People not participating in idiocy proves very
little about you and all the more about them.


Sherman Pendley

Yes. And besides, it's the fourth -- you've forgotten about
(e-mail address removed)

Keep in mind, folks, that establishing an account for fraudulent purposes
is expressly forbidden by Google Groups' terms of service. Doing so for
the specific purpose of avoiding the daily posting limit (which Paul has
openly admitted to) is certainly fraudulent.

If enough people complain to <[email protected]>, then maybe we can
get rid of the pest and return to talking about Java.


Wildemar Wildenburger

No, it is not a non-sequiteur, whatever that may be, or even a non-
sequitur; it is an analogy. Learn the differences among the three. :p

Mocking a typo again ---> You're a smartass and a jerk.


Not knowing what an analogy is and not being modest about it ---> You're
an idiot.

Unless you can explain why that was an anlogy. Then I will gladly take
that back and formally apologize to you.


Wildemar Wildenburger

It's quite simple: you're attacking me. This indicates that your
mental model of the world is way out of balance with reality, to such
an extent that someone who in real life is the good guy (me) is in
your mental model the bad guy.
I keep telling you: I don't think you're a bad guy, I think you're a
jerk and an idiot.

That's either a serious psychiatric
problem or some seriously illegal shit you've been smoking; I'm not
really qualified to determine which. :p
No, YOU are ... ahw forget it.

[snip a bunch of irrelevant drivel]
So your mental model of "irrelevant drivel" is such that it is "a piece
of logic that shows you have performed suboptimally".

Good to know. I must learn the vocabulary you use, so there a not so
many misunderstandings.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 6:22 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger

Your behavior says otherwise. Or are you claiming that wrecking my
life and turning other people against me will just be a side-effect
instead of being your main goal?

Though I doubt that it will destroy your life. We will see.

It does not matter.

So we agree on that. That's a start.
It means that you *should*, asswipe.
No, it does not.

Unacceptable. If you don't like something about me you can email me or
you can mind your own effing business; it's your choice. But launching
a public smear campaign is totally unjustifiable.
Didn't start it, joined it.

I'm not interested in playing any sort of game with you, asshole.
Yet you do. That's all I need.

I am
only interested in rebutting the nasty claims you keep making about me
in public, and in finding out a way to make you shut up WITHOUT
granting your wish of having the last word. :p
I don't want the last word. Eventually you will get it. Not just now though.

The only way that you can possibly improve is for you to leave. You
Just like a hundred years ago, the only way to solve a differential
equation was with pen, paper and a brain.

For a sociopath like you, I'm sure they'll make an exception.

No, they won't. Want to bet?


Wildemar Wildenburger

[says I'm "not a nice guy"]

Not towards assholes I'm not. I'm a mirror. If you're an asshole
towards me you'll find an asshole reflected in the mirror. If you're
friendly, you'll find a nice guy reflected. Starting to make sense to
you yet?
No, can you please elaborate?


Wildemar Wildenburger

Actually, the account name is because it's purely for the purpose of
being a twerp-terminator. In other words I created it to use against
you twerps and for no other purpose. :p
Problem is, that doesn't come accross very well. But it's OK, we all
make mistakes. And now that you've clarified that, on to new business.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 6:42 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
So I guess you can not.

(I'm pretending you hadn't snipped the context here.)

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