notifying particular thread to wake up.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 4:51 pm, Daniel Pitts
[insults deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
However the nasty things you imply about yourself can be trusted a lot
more, comming directly from the source.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 4:40 pm, Daniel Pitts
[insults deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
You didn't even read the post, did you?


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 4:51 pm, Daniel Pitts
[insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
You denied the same post twice? Losing track? Maybe not snipping context
might help.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 4:51 pm, Daniel Pitts
[insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
Thrice actually.



On Nov 9, 6:22 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
No, I keep saying: I'm not trying to destroy you. I'm just not.

Your behavior says otherwise. Or are you claiming that wrecking my
life and turning other people against me will just be a side-effect
instead of being your main goal? It does not matter. You are at
minimum acting with callous disregard and I will therefore continue to
oppose you.
You see, just because I have nothing against you, doesn't mean I must
respect you.

It means that you *should*, asswipe.
I if you behave in a way that makes me lose respect for you, I will
make fun of you as I see fit.

Unacceptable. If you don't like something about me you can email me or
you can mind your own effing business; it's your choice. But launching
a public smear campaign is totally unjustifiable.
And I grant everyone the same liberty. I think that is possibly the
main difference between you and me.

Yes -- apparently you think it's perfectly ok to harass and insult
people you "don't have anything against", to destroy peoples' lives
with damaging smear campaigns, and generally to do as you please
without regard for the consequences to others, whereas I do not.

In other words, you are a sociopath. Exactly what I already suspected.
Well, i said "play with" and you think it means "play against".

You are attacking me. That is adversarial behavior. You are treating
me as an object for your amusement instead of as a human being. That
is sociopathic behavior. You belong behind bars, or perhaps six feet
under the earth. May you find your way to one of those places really
soon. :p
Many people think like that. Pitty. You play the game just as much as
I do, otherwise there'd be no point for me to play it.

I'm not interested in playing any sort of game with you, asshole. I am
only interested in rebutting the nasty claims you keep making about me
in public, and in finding out a way to make you shut up WITHOUT
granting your wish of having the last word. :p
That's an insult, not an earnest advice.

Actually it's both. Your every post just further confirms the
diagnosis. See above.
I said improve, not leave.

The only way that you can possibly improve is for you to leave. You
are clearly incapable of being civil, incapable of treating human
beings as anything other than objects for you to do with as you
please, and incapable of sticking to a newsgroup's charter. Therefore
you don't belong on the net and should have your access revoked.
Better yet, **** off and die. I don't know what kind of unpleasantness
you perpetrate offline but I don't doubt that it can get pretty nasty,
and revoking your internet access wouldn't do a thing to stop whatever
else you do besides online harassment would it?

[insults and lies deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
2. We don't have the death penalty in Germany.

For a sociopath like you, I'm sure they'll make an exception.

[snip remainder of drivel]




On Nov 9, 6:40 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[snip various insults]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

[says I'm "not a nice guy"]

Not towards assholes I'm not. I'm a mirror. If you're an asshole
towards me you'll find an asshole reflected in the mirror. If you're
friendly, you'll find a nice guy reflected. Starting to make sense to
you yet?
That may be true, and you may know it for a fact, but everyone else
doesn't. Proofs can help that.

I'm sorry, but you've apparently forgotten ONCE AGAIN that the burden
of proof is on the prosecution to prove the defendant guilty, not on
the defendant to prove himself innocent. I merely assert my innocence
of the bogus charges; you find proof or rather, since there is none,
you shut up. Capisce?

[snip demands, whiney maundering, insults, and general nonsense]
And another hint towards mental illness.

Good, good; admitting you have a problem is the first step. Now the
next is to phone your doctor and get a referral to the appropriate
sort of specialist.

[snip remainder of bullshit]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


On Nov 9, 6:42 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


On Nov 9, 6:42 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


I hope to finally understand why your
previous behavior was not wrong.

That's quite simple: I didn't throw the first punch. I was walking
along minding my own business when a bunch of cyber-thugs jumped me.
Walking along minding my own business is not wrong. Neither is self-
defense. Please shut up now.


May I sum up your point thusly: Nothing you do with your best of
intentions can be categorized as wrong.

With good intentions and due diligence to consider the possible
unintended consequences as well, yes. Failure to consider potential
unintended consequences leads to bad outcomes, usually stated as "the
road to hell is paved with good intentions".

However, nobody can possibly be reasonably expected to go further than
to a) not have malicious intentions and b) consider possible
unintended consequences as well as the intended ones before acting.
Nobody who adheres to this can reasonably be held to blame or
subjected to nastiness or punishment. It follows that the attacks on
me here are unjustifiable and must cease immediately.
But I know there are lots of things that I now think I should (and, from
my present judgement, could) have done differently. These I would call
"my mistakes". You never have such regrets?

I don't consider an unavoidable accidental occurrence, that happened
despite due diligence and good intentions, to be my fault, so I guess
the answer is no. Occasionally something happens that with hindsight
could have been avoided, but which could not have been predicted at
the time with the information available at the time. That is not,
however, anything other than plain old bad luck. If a similar
situation recurs, the observations of the first occurrence may allow
the engineering of a better outcome the second time, but then again,
they may not; it depends. Regardless, no such event is a valid reason
for attacking me. In fact the only thing I'd have done differently to
avoid you lot is to never have posted to this newsgroup in the first
place, but at the time I had no way of knowing that a) there were a
bunch of vicious sociopaths there and b) you'd fixate on me for some
reason only you and your psychiatrist are likely to even be able to
guess at. :p

So no. I did nothing wrong. I refuse to submit to your attempt to
imply otherwise. None of the nasty things that you have said or
implied about me are at all true.


But it is fun!

That is not a justification for harassment, slander, and general all-
around viciousness. You should be put down like a rabid dog before you
do more grievous harm to someone out there.

[implied insults and other nonsense deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


I didn't see an attack in there, so I quoted it for context. That was
the whole point of the post.

No, the whole point of the post was to attack me. **** off.

[snip a bunch of irrelevant stuff about, of all things, Star Trek]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


Your "**** you, liar" was a response to the phrase "Words are cheap".

No, it was a response to the entire post, and more generally to the
entire goddamn attack campaign all of you are participating in. And as
such, it bears repeating: **** you, liar.

[insults deleted, including calling me a liar, and some unintelligible
blather and nonsense]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
PS: Congrats with your third GG account - do you mind if we abbreviate
it to twerpie ?

Yes. And besides, it's the fourth -- you've forgotten about
(e-mail address removed), the one you hacked so it auto-logs-out shortly
after login, rendering it unusable (except that, curiously, it still
works for POPping mail, not that there's much point when all it gets
is spam).


[insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.


The fact that no one seems to share that belief does not make
you wonder ?

No such "fact" is in evidence. A single-digit number of people show
some signs of not believing that. Either they genuinely don't and are
therefore delusional, or they actually do and are therefore liars, and
attack me anyway and are therefore evil.

Delusional or evil ... take your pick.

As for the other six and a half billion or so people, well, none of
them have said anything either way.

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